Published at 16th of March 2022 12:52:55 PM

Chapter 1506: made great achievements

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Zhou Susu was surprised when she heard Ye Chen's words.

"What, how did you know?" Zhou Susu asked.

Ye Chen told the other party everything he had just seen in the room and his conjectures.

Zhou Susu nodded and said, "These are all your guesses. There is no evidence that the man is the robber."

"If you have to wait for evidence, it is estimated that the woman is finished."

Ye Chen frowned and said.

"If that's the case, then believe what you said."

After hearing Zhou Susu's words, Ye Chen said.

"You have to be dispatched immediately. The longer it takes, the more dangerous the woman will be. I sent the address to your mobile phone."

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Susu did not dare to delay in the slightest, and hurried to the room with his subordinates and rushed in.

When he saw so many police officers facing him, the man was dumbfounded.

He was pressing the woman to reveal the password of the bank card when the police entered the house.

The man was also a little stunned. The delivery boy didn't leave for a long time.

Then the police came.

When Zhou Susu confirmed that the man was really a robber, she was also a little surprised.

Originally, she was a little suspicious of what Ye Chen said.

Even prepared to get it wrong.

But everything in front of her was as Ye Chen said, this woman was being threatened by this robber.

Unexpectedly, Ye Chen provided her with such a good clue of meritorious service.

She couldn't help but feel that Ye Chen was really amazing.

The security in this area has always been very good, and cases like this kind of burglary have basically never occurred.

After Zhou Susu caught the robber, she really did a great job.

After catching the man to the police station, Zhou Susu called Ye Chen to hear how Ye Chen found out.

"Marven Ye, where are you, I want to meet you." Zhou Susu said.

Ye Chen laughed and said, "Why do you miss me?"

He didn't say a word about the matter, because Ye Chen had been staying downstairs, and he knew the process of the police arresting the robbers, so he didn't need to ask any more.

The key is that the woman is safe, and the police are not injured.

The rest of Ye Chen didn't care at all.

"Yes, come out and meet." Zhou Susu said.

"Okay, then let's go to the cafe." Ye Chen suggested.

Because at this time, there are fewer people in the cafe, and it is more convenient to chat.

Of course Ye Chen knew why Zhou Susu asked him out.

Sure enough, when the two met, Zhou Susu asked, "Ye Chen, how did you find out about the abnormal situation?"

"Didn't I tell you everything just now?" Ye Chen said with a blank look at Zhou Susu.

Zhou Susu knew that as a police officer, even she could not accurately judge that a woman's life was threatened in such a short period of time.

I just thought it was just a couple fighting.

After all, quarrels between husband and wife are common.

"Che, why are you so stingy, just tell me."

Zhou Susu suddenly said coquettishly.

"Officer Zhou Da, did you forget to take your medicine today? Why is it like this, I'm really not used to it." Ye Chen looked at the police flower in front of him with surprise.

"Che, I think you're just looking for a fight. You don't eat a toast and eat a fine drink." Zhou Susu suddenly changed her face.

"Well, Susu, I think you're still like this, I'm more comfortable with it." Ye Chen nodded and said.

He felt that Zhou Susu had always given him this very strong feeling.

She doesn't act like a spoiled child at all, and the appearance just now made Ye Chen a little uncomfortable.

Seeing that neither soft nor hard, Zhou Susu rolled her eyes and said.

"Ye Chen, let's change the place, how about I treat you to barbecue?" Zhou Susu looked at Ye Chen and said maliciously.

"Susu, what are you trying to do, why are you inviting me to dinner all of a sudden?" Ye Chen asked tentatively.

"It's not that you helped me make another contribution, and I have to say that I'm right."

Marven Ye felt that it was not so easy for Zhou Susu to invite him to dinner, but he did not refuse, but readily accepted.

"If so, I agree."

He wanted to see what tricks the girl would play.

Two people came to the barbecue stall and found a seat to sit down.

Zhou Susu called the waiter to order some skewers, and then asked for a dozen beers.

"Susu, what are you doing?" Ye Chen asked while looking at the beer on the table.

"How can eating skewers be without beer, don't you think?" Zhou Susu said with a smile.

Ye Chen felt that what this girl said was very reasonable.

Marven Ye usually seldom drinks, so seeing Zhou Susu ordering so much wine is a bit too big.

The two drank while eating skewers, initially from a cup.

Seeing that Ye Chen was not at all drunk, Zhou Susu hurriedly said, "It's really not enough to drink from a cup, let's drink it directly from a bottle."

"Susu, I think it's better to drink less, not to mention that the skewers are almost eaten. No, let's return the wine." Ye Chen glanced at the unopened beer bottles and said.

"Which way back, I haven't had enough." Zhou Susu said.

What's the matter with this girl today, she wants to drink so much.

Well, then I will give my life to accompany the gentleman.

Ye Chen thought to himself.

"Well, let's drink slowly." Ye Chen said helplessly.

"The boss will give me fifty more strings." Zhou Susu ignored Ye Chen's words and said to the boss.

After a while, the waiter came with fifty meat skewers.

"Come to Ye Chen, you have a bottle, I have a bottle, let's do it directly." Zhou Susu handed a bottle of beer to Ye Chen and said.

Hearing this, Ye Chen's mouth twitched, he didn't need to be so bold when he did something directly.

"Why don't you give me face, then forget these two bottles are mine." Zhou Susu pretended to be angry and said.

"No, it's just that you, Officer Zhou Da, feel a little bit wrong today." Ye Chen said the doubts in his heart.

"What's wrong, I can't be happy today." Zhou Susu said with a smile.

Ye Chen felt that this explanation was correct, after all, he did a good thing.

Not only Zhou Susu was happy, Ye Chen also felt very happy. If it wasn't for his own sake, the woman would have been robbed if he wanted to come.

And the man had already escaped.

In this way, Ye Chen avoided a vicious incident.

After Zhou Susu said this, Ye Chen also felt very comfortable, so he could not help but open the bottle cap and pour it directly in.

When he was drinking, he saw Zhou Susu's smirk from the corner of his eye.

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