Published at 16th of March 2022 12:52:53 PM

Chapter 1507: conspiracy

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Zhou Susu had a wicked smile on her face.

Sure enough, this girl has a conspiracy, Ye Chen thought to himself.

"What are you laughing at?" Ye Chen asked as he put down the bottle.

"No, where did I laugh?"

Zhou Susu flatly denied it.

"Marven Ye, I have to drink two bottles, you can't do it." Zhou Susu said while holding the second bottle of wine to his mouth.

Seeing the girl's actions, Ye Chen was speechless, if he drank like this, he would definitely get drunk.

Of course, what Ye Chen said about being drunk was not referring to himself, but to the other party.

He didn't want to get a bad name for getting the police flower drunk.

"Susu, drink slowly, it's easy to get drunk."

"Who said that there is no man who can compare to me drinking in the police station."

Zhou Susu is still very confident about her alcohol intake.

She was indeed able to drink in the police station, but in front of Ye Chen it would be worse.

Seeing that Zhou Susu could not be persuaded, Ye Chen stopped talking.

Picked up the skewer on the plate and ate it.

"Don't just eat skewers, drink."

Zhou Susu handed Ye Chen another bottle of beer.

She stared at Ye Chen with her beautiful eyes and said, "Drink."

Ye Chen frowned, took the wine bottle, raised his neck and drank it.

"That's right." Zhou Susu said with a smile.

At this moment, she also drank the second bottle.

Zhou Susu saw that Ye Chen was not drunk and was still sober.

She pushed another bottle of wine in front of Ye Chen and motioned for him to drink it.

"Susu, I really can't do it anymore." Ye Chen waved his hand and said.

He had never drank like this before.

This drink is a bit rushed.

Zhou Susu ignored Ye Chen, but poured down the third bottle of wine.

Seeing that all the girls were drinking, if Ye Chen didn't drink, it would seem a little unmanly.

Helpless, he drank again as soon as he raised his neck.

In this way, I drank a few bottles of wine after two or three.

Zhou Susu's head was already a little dizzy, but Ye Chen had nothing at all.

"Marven Ye, let's continue drinking." The girl said a little unclearly while holding the wine.

Seeing the girl's blushing pretty face, Ye Chen persuaded, "Susu, you've already drunk too much, we're almost done."

"No, where is this going?" Zhou Susu said with a wave of her hand.

"The point is, the point is..."

When Ye Chen heard what Zhou Susu had not finished, he hurriedly asked.

"Susu, what's the key?"

"The key is that we haven't gotten you drunk yet, let's continue drinking." Zhou Susu said, lying on the table.

Ye Chen knew that there was a problem with Zhou Susu inviting him to drink, and there was indeed a conspiracy.

"Silly girl, you can't get me drunk." Ye Chen stroked the head of the girl opposite and said with a smile.

"Ye Chen, why don't you drink." Zhou Susu suddenly raised her head and looked at Ye Chen and said.

The two had already drank many bottles of wine.

After Ye Chen knew Zhou Susu's thoughts, of course he had to make a fake show.

She looked at the opposite Ye Chen, who had already become two people, but Ye Chen still had nothing.

"Hey, why do I feel dizzy, it seems like he has nothing to do." Zhou Susu was also a little depressed.

Not only did she not speak out from Ye Chen, but she even got herself drunk.

"I drank, you should drink less." Ye Chen persuaded.

"Marven Ye, do you look down on me?" Zhou Susu suddenly said coquettishly.

This sentence shocked Ye Chen.

"I didn't, how could I look down on you, Officer Zhou Da."

"Then why don't you let me drink, I tell you I'm not drunk."

Zhou Susu said with a frown.

She said and drank another bottle of wine.

Marven Ye knew that if Zhou Susu continued to drink like this, it would definitely be very uncomfortable.

Doesn't the other party just want to get him drunk, then he just pretends to be drunk and it's settled.

Ye Chen took a bottle of wine and drank it, but when he was halfway through, he fell down on the table.

After Zhou Susu saw this, she was very open in her heart.

"Haha, Ye Chen, are you finally drunk?"

"Marven Ye, Marven Ye, how did you judge that the woman was kidnapped, hurry up and say."

Ye Chen squinted one eye and looked at the girl opposite, finally knowing why she was getting herself drunk.

It seems that he wants to learn from him.

Of course Ye Chen couldn't answer her.

Seeing that there was no response, Zhou Susu pushed Ye Chen's arm and found that Ye Chen was motionless in front of him.

"Bad, I shouldn't let him drink so much alcohol, now I can't ask anything." The expression on the girl's face was a little depressed.

Because Ye Chen didn't tell her about the things just now, Zhou Susu thought about getting Ye Chen drunk.

But I didn't expect to lay down Ye Chen directly, it seems that based on the current situation, I can't ask anything.

Zhou Susu also felt dizzy at the moment, and she also slowly lay on the table.

The boss also looked worried when he saw that the two of them had been drinking continuously.

Instead, I was worried that the two of them had drunk too much, but I was worried that no one would pay.

Seeing Ye Chen and Zhou Susu both lying on the table, the boss walked around frowning in front of them.

"Hey, I would have known to let them settle the bill first."

Ye Chen suddenly raised his head, startling the boss.

"Boss, pay the bill."

The boss looked at the empty wine bottles on the table, and then looked at the empty wine bottles on the table, with an unbelievable expression on his face.

After Ye Chen paid the payment, looking at Zhou Susu on the opposite side also had a headache.

Now that this girl is drunk, he can't leave her here, but he can't take her home either.

He picked up Zhou Susu's phone from the table and glanced at the address book.

Just dialed one of the numbers above.

"Captain Zhou?"

The girl in front of the computer, the police flower, called the phone and said to herself.

She got on the phone.

A man's voice came from the other side.

"Hurry up to Fatty's BBQ, the address is..."

When policewoman Hua heard the voice on the other end of the phone, her expression was a little puzzled. She didn't understand why it was a man's voice.

She seemed to think of something and suddenly her heart sank.

"What about our Zhou team, what did you do to the Zhou team?" the policewoman asked.

"Don't worry, your team is safe."

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

The policewoman Hua was about to ask, "Who are you?"

But he found that the other side had already hung up the phone.

After the policewoman Hua put down the phone, she didn't dare to delay in the slightest, and hurriedly called a car and drove towards the address that Ye Chen said.

Although Ye Chen had already notified Zhou Susu's colleagues, he did not leave, but watched.

After all, Zhou Susu is drunk now. If he leaves, the girl will not have the ability to resist any danger, which would be bad.

It was not until the policewoman Hua came and helped Zhou Susu into the car with the help of the clerk, Ye Chen left with confidence.

He thought Zhou Susu was a really interesting girl. He clearly wanted to get him drunk, but he didn't expect that she would be the first to get drunk.

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