Published at 16th of March 2022 12:52:51 PM

Chapter 1508: The clown turned out to be me

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Zhou Susu's matter has been resolved, and he can concentrate on delivering food again.

It happened that another order came, and Ye Chen took the order immediately.

I glanced at the other party and ordered milk tea, so I came to the door of the milk tea shop to pick it up.

It happened that he had nothing to do, so he had been waiting here.

After a while, a man came, also delivering food, but he was older than Ye Chen.

He just glanced at Ye Chen, then took the meal and left.

When the man came again, he saw Ye Chen standing there again.

Obviously, the milk tea that Ye Chen wanted to take has not yet been prepared.

"Brother, you're wasting your time by waiting like this. Why don't you wait for the milk tea to send a few more orders." The man kindly advised.

"No, it's fine for me to wait here. There is still a place to sit here, which is very comfortable." Ye Chen waved his hand and said.

The man also shook his head, expressing helplessness to Ye Chen.

Anyway, he needs to wait a few more minutes. Now that he sees it, he should remind him a few words.

This man's colleagues call him Big Brother Enthusiasm because he is a warmhearted man.

"Brother, you are younger than me, and I have to say something to you as a brother. You said that we deliver food to make money. It's hard work, but this is what we do, don't you think? "

"Yes, but I don't feel hard at all." Ye Chen retorted.

The man just saw Ye Chen's leisurely appearance, so he persuaded him.

"Brother, I can see that you are quite laid back, not like I'm busy like a spinning top every day, but you said that you work to earn money. You can only earn a few bucks a month by doing this."

"It's okay." Ye Chen didn't say how much money he made.

"Just tell me, I can earn 10,000 to 20,000 yuan a month, which I think is quite a lot."

The man thought that Marven Ye was a little embarrassed to hear him say this, and hurriedly said: "Actually, it's fine, when I first started working, I wasn't very good at arranging the time and distance reasonably, but I'll be fine with it. "

Ye Chen thought about how the milk tea was made so slowly. Originally, he wanted to rest here while waiting for the milk tea.

But I didn't expect to meet such a nagging big brother.

This can't help but remind Ye Chen of the Tang monk who was talking about the Westward Journey.

The eldest brother in front of him is even more than Tang Seng's nagging energy.

"Oh, thank you, I see." Ye Chen nodded and said, obviously impatient.

"Brother, it's not my brother who said you, you are young now and have not started a family. It can be said that one person has enough to eat and the whole family is not hungry, but if a person has no dreams, what is the difference between that and salted fish, do you think so?" The man spoke earnestly again. said.

When the eldest brother in front of him mentioned his dream, Ye Chen became a little curious, but he wanted to listen to what the eldest brother said about his lofty dreams.

"You're right, what is your dream?" Ye Chen asked.

"Actually, I have a place to live now. The house is a bit small, but it's enough for a family of three. My dream is not a house, a car, or a watch." The man's eyes lit up when he mentioned this.

Ye Chen could see that the other party must like it very much.

Like that man earns this amount of money a month, it is simply too easy for him to buy a watch of a general brand.

But it seems that the watch this big brother wants to buy should not be an ordinary brand.

"Then what brand of watch do you want to buy?" Ye Chen asked again.

The man was obviously a little embarrassed and said, "Patek Philippe."

This brand is a brand that only rich people can own, but this big brother has such vanity, and he also wants to own a piece through his own efforts.

After he has it, he must show it off to his colleagues and satisfy himself.

"Oh, are you talking about this brand?" Ye Chen said lightly, and then shook the watch on his wrist at the man.

When the man saw it, his eyes were about to pop out.

He knew that the watch that Ye Chen was wearing was a limited edition.

The man just looked like an elder in front of Ye Chen. After seeing Ye Chen's watch, he shut up.

I didn't expect the takeaway brother in front of him to be so rich.

What men think of is the kind of watch that costs hundreds of thousands.

The watch in Ye Chen's hand can't be afforded even if he works for a lifetime.

At this moment, the man's look at Ye Chen was no longer that kind of sarcasm, but full of shock.

I just told people that if you don't have a dream, you're like a salted fish.

Why do people with so much money need to dream? According to this situation, the other party can satisfy everything they want.

The man also wanted to say something to Ye Chen.

At this time, the milk tea that Ye Chen wanted to take was ready.

"Brother, thank you for telling me so much, I will definitely work hard." Ye Chen said as he passed by him carrying the milk tea.

If he hadn't seen the watch on Ye Chen's wrist, the man would still feel very proud and help another young man.

But now it sounds like this sentence is so ironic.

There is only one thought in the man's mind at the moment: "The clown turns out to be me"

In fact, Ye Chen didn't attack the man on purpose just now.

It's just that the other party has the watch in advance, so he let the other party take a look at his limited edition.

After that, the other party didn't speak again, just stared at Ye Chen with a surprised expression.

If he had known this earlier, to avoid the man's broken thoughts, Ye Chen would have shown his watch to the man long ago.

Ye Chen hummed a little song and left.

Looking at the back of Ye Chen's departure, the man was stunned there.

It wasn't until the waiter called him that he came back to his senses.

The man was even a little suspicious of life. His hard work was less than 1/10,000th of Ye Chen's.

At such a young age, he already had a life he didn't even dare to imagine.

Before meeting Ye Chen, the man was still proud of earning so much money, but Ye Chen completely shattered his pride.

The man was also a little depressed when he thought that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't catch up with Ye Chen.

But he knew one thing in his heart, if he didn't work hard, he couldn't even afford that one hundred thousand watch.

"Forget it, let's keep working hard." The man said to himself, holding the milk tea bag.

The same is the takeaway, how can the gap be so big.

Although Ye Chen didn't have too many words today, he taught this man a lesson.

From then on, the man no longer dared to show a lesson when he saw the young deliveryman.

After all, there are people who are too foreign, and the person you meet is very likely to be a big guy who you can't stand up to, and you can't underestimate anyone.

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