Published at 27th of April 2021 12:46:26 PM

Chapter 151: 151

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Li Sulan has been lonely and can't sleep, and originally wanted to have an extramarital affair, but after listening to Ye Chen's popularization, she took a breath.

It's good for me to listen to Yelaoshr's Fa popularization, otherwise I would really hate it forever.

By the way, didn't Mr. Ye just now say that he made a beep?

How can you understand the law so thoroughly?

Li Sulan wanted to continue communicating with the nanny, so she asked: "The beauty opposite, are you still there?"

However, there was no voice on the other side, and I don't know if he was surrendering himself.

Li Sulan smiled awkwardly: "Thank you, Teacher Ye, for your interpretation of the law. Let me invite the next inmate."


The audience couldn't help laughing.

The next inmate, Zhang Geshen would catch several wanted criminals during his concert in the past few years. Does this show also have this attribute?

At this time, an audience member called into the phone, and everyone was happy as soon as they opened their mouths.

"Teacher Ye, do you think I still have a chance?"

Ye Chen smiled: "This listener, you haven't said anything, how can I give you a chance?"

This is a male audience he said nervously: "I bought a few turtles from the Internet a few days ago, but I checked on the Internet and it seems to be protecting animals."

"This should be fine, it shouldn't be illegal to raise it in your own home."

"Yes, this kind of thing is raised at home, and the police don't understand it."

"Brother, I also raise it, as long as you don't buy or sell it, it's okay."

Many netizens left messages one after another.

Ye Chen: "My buddy, hurry up and surrender yourself."

"Ah!" After hearing Ye Chen's words, the audience trembled.

"How many years will I be sentenced to this?" the listener said tremblingly.

Well, let me tell you another story.

When Ye Chen continued to tell the story, the audience regained their spirits.

"I have a friend named Zhang San."

"The audience laughed. Teacher Ye's friends Zhang San and Li Si all lived together."

"I guess this is another sad story."

"Zhang San is a college student. He returned to his hometown during the summer vacation. Suddenly he saw a bird's nest on the tree, and the birds in the bird's nest were very beautiful, so he climbed up the tree and took out all the birds and raised them at home... …Guess how many years he was sentenced?"

"Fuck, dig out the birds. Yesterday I even drew 16 birds from the tree for my son. Is this also sentenced?"

"Those who grew up in the countryside have played digging birds. There should be nothing wrong with this, right."

"That's right, how can this break the law?"

"I guess it will be detained for fifteen days."


Netizens left messages on the barrage one after another.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Ten years sentenced."


There was a dead silence at the scene.

It is too much to pay a ten-year sentence for a bird.

Yes, this sentence is too heavy.

The tortoise-raising buddy is about to cry.

"Teacher Ye, I should have this for a few years, should I surrender myself?"

Ye Chen said: "Article 341 of the Chinese Criminal Law clearly stipulates that in violation of wildlife protection regulations, the act of purchasing, transporting, and selling important and endangered wild animals and their products under national protection constitutes illegal purchase, transportation, and sale of precious and endangered wild animals. The crime of wild animals, precious and endangered wild animal products is subject to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years and not more than ten years."

"Fuck it is so serious."

"My buddy, you surrender yourself."

"That's right, don't ruin your future, you might be able to handle it leniently when you surrender.

There was no voice on the phone again, I don't know if the buddy turned himself in again.

In the past, several staff members basically took a nap to complete the live broadcast of French popularization programs.

But today is not only not sleepy at all, but also very energetic.

Mainly because of the long knowledge.

This is many times better than reading the law before.

At this time, the duty chief came to the monitoring room.

What is the top-ranked program today?

"It's "Midnight Fafa"!" the staff member said with a weird expression.

"Xiao Zhang, don't be joking." The director frowned and said.

The staff member said embarrassingly, "Really, I'm not kidding."

"The director Zhang Fuyou was stunned when he saw the monitoring data. How could 0.013 be possible? There is a problem with the data?"

"I have checked it carefully and the data is okay."

"how can that be!"

"Midnight Popularization" almost ranks first in data every day. How can there be such good data suddenly today?

Director Zhang listened to Ye Chen's program for a while, and was immediately attracted.

"Is this Yelaoshr the new host?"

"No, it's a guest."

"It's amazing. Both the voice and the control of the audience's emotions are almost perfect. This kind of talent must stay on our radio."

The last call Ye Chen answered was that of a green tea lady.

"Teacher Ye, I want to ask. When my boyfriend and I were in a relationship, my boyfriend gave me 100,000 yuan to buy a car, but now we broke up, he asked me to return it to him if I didn’t return it to him. Will you go to jail?"

Ye Chen frowned upon hearing this. This is a typical green tea lady again.

You have broken up with others, so don't you give them the money?

"If you have money, it is better for you to repay others." Ye Chen said.

"But I have no money, anyway, I have no money to pay him back." The woman said confidently.

Ye Chen smiled and said: "You have no money now, it does not mean that you will have no money in the future. It doesn't matter. The court can apply for enforcement. Your car and real estate can be the subject of enforcement, and you will be added to the list of untrustworthy in the future. You can’t get a loan when you buy a house or a car. The most important thing is that if you don’t pay the money, it’s the younger sister who has a late fee. Do you think it’s good to be a Lai?

After hearing Ye Chen's words, the girl was silent.

"Thank you, the host, I know, I will borrow money and pay back the money owed to my boyfriend."

"Everyone, it's time for the show. Let us thank Mrs. Ye and Lawyer Song for spreading the law."

Hearing that the show was about to end, the audience felt unfinished.

"Fuck, the show ended so soon?"

"After so many years, for the first time I have listened to the show, I feel unsatisfied."

"Anchor, will Mr. Ye come tomorrow? I'm already in love with his voice."

Ye Chen smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I'm just a guest today. Actually, I am a little brother Didi, and I only know a little bit about the law."

I wipe it, Didi brother can't.

Do you still have a little understanding of the law? Those law doctors are going home to grow sweet potatoes.


In fact, today's protagonist should be Song Ziqi, but she found that she couldn't even talk.

Ye Chen's understanding of law is not inferior to her master of law.

Li Sulan was also dumbfounded.

Didn’t you say that it’s a dick? How could it be so powerful.

As soon as Ye Chen walked out of the live broadcast room, Director Zhang greeted him.

"Mr. Ye, would you like to come to our radio station? We are a business unit, an iron rice bowl. As long as you are willing to come, I will immediately introduce you with special talents."

As an old radio host, Director Zhang heard Ye Chen's potential. As long as Ye Chen can join the radio station, giving him a program will definitely catch fire.

Ye Chen shook his head after hearing this, "Thank you, Director Zhang, for your love, I just want to be a little brother Didi!"

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