Published at 16th of March 2022 12:52:37 PM

Chapter 1520: Out of control

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Wu Tong looked at Lin Shiyin and roared.

"Shiyin, I really don't understand why you and Professor Zhang invited this food delivery guy to join the Calligraphy Association. He is not qualified at all."

Lin Shiyin said without hesitation.

"It's not up to you whether he's qualified or not."

This sentence also made Wu Tong very faceless.

Tonight, every time Wu Tong said a word, it would provoke Lin Shiyin's dissatisfaction.

Before meeting Ye Chen, such a thing had never happened.

Wu Tong also blamed all the faults on Ye Chen.

He pointed to Ye Chen and said.

"Just the rotten handwriting you wrote and the face to join the calligraphy association, who gave you the courage."

Then he looked at Lin Shiyin and said.

"Shiyin, no matter what you say, I want to express my attitude. I will never allow such a pretentious person to join the Calligraphy Association."

Lin Shiyin also had a temper, you must know that Wu Tong never refuted her.

As long as it is what she decides, Wu Tong will obey her regardless of whether she is happy or not.

But this time, the guy actually sang the opposite of himself.

"Wu Tong, do you think too highly of yourself, what right do you have to not allow Ye Chen to join the Calligraphy Association?"

The angry expression on Wu Tong's face subsided, and he also had a sneer on his face.

Lin Shiyin had a bad feeling in her heart, but she couldn't tell what was going on.

At this moment, Wu Tong sneered.

"Shiyin, you're right. I really don't have the right to stop Ye Chen from joining, but I can always choose my own."

Lin Shiyin's face was a little ugly when she heard the words.

"Wu Tong, what do you mean by that?"

"Shiyin, what I mean is, as long as Ye Chen joins the Calligraphy Association, then I can leave here. Out of sight is pure."

Wu Tong said.

Lin Shiyin did not expect Wu Tong to say such a thing. Of course, she knew that Wu Tong joined the Calligraphy Association because of her.

Wu Tong has been pursuing himself since his freshman year.

Because of Lin Shiyin's beauty, there were naturally many boys around her.

At this time, Wu Tong would stand up to drive those boys away and act as Lin Shiyin's messenger to protect the flowers.

Although Lin Shiyin didn't have that feeling of liking for Wu Tong, she was used to having him by her side.

Now hearing that Wu Tong actually chose to leave, Lin Shiyin felt a little disappointed for a while.

It is not because she is reluctant, but because Wu Tong's calligraphy level is indeed very high.

At that time, when I was a freshman, I had a high level of accomplishment in calligraphy, which made Professor Zhang, who has always been cherishing talents, highly valued. After all, he was invited to join the Calligraphy Association.

Originally, Professor Zhang thought that Wu Tong loved calligraphy, but he did not know that he practiced hard for the goddess in his heart.

Furthermore, Wu Tong's family is one of the best in the magic capital, and it can be said to be a giant.

Because Wu Tong has high attainments in calligraphy, he naturally has a great influence in the calligraphy circle of Magic Capital.

Lin Shiyin also knew that Wu Tong took this as a threat because he understood this.

She also knew that once Wu Tong was forced to leave the Calligraphy Association because of Ye Chen's affairs, it would definitely cause a great sensation.

This responsibility is not something that Lin Shiyin can shoulder alone.

Seeing the hesitation on Lin Shiyin's expression, Wu Tong knew that his plan had succeeded.

He said proudly.

"Shiyin, you know why I joined the Calligraphy Association in the first place, it was all because of you, but you broke my heart for this takeaway delivery man. It really broke my heart."

Originally, Ye Chen didn't want to pay attention to Wu Tong, but seeing him so shameless made him intolerable.

"Don't make yourself so noble that it makes me feel sick when I hear it."

Hearing this, Wu Tong's face became extremely ugly.

He has always felt that his love is very noble, and even moved himself.

But Ye Chen's words were obviously mocking him, how could Wu Tong bear this?

"Boy, what nonsense are you talking about, believe it or not I tore your mouth?"

Wu Tong looked at Ye Chen angrily.

"I'm sorry, I speak so straightforwardly. If you don't like listening to it, you can ignore it."

Ye Chen shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

Wu Tong did not expect that Ye Chen, a small deliveryman, would dare to speak so arrogantly in front of him.

This made it difficult for the eldest young master of the Wu family, who was used to listening to flattery words, to accept.

"Boy, what an idiot you are, you can write two poems and play the piano, so what? The Calligraphy Association requires people who are good at writing calligraphy to join. You can see that the character you wrote looks like a dog. Climbing, I advise you to get out of the way."

Wu Tong shouted.

Lin Shiyin knew that Wu Tong was going to be serious, and she was a little scared.

If Wu Tong and Ye Chen do it, she has no way to stop it.

"Wu Tong, don't be impulsive, let's talk about it when Professor Zhang arrives, shall we?"

Lin Shiyin already called Zhang Ming's phone.

If it was before, she could still control Wu Tong.

At least Wu Tong listened to her, but this time Lin Shiyin knew that Wu Tong was out of control.

It can be said that the angry man in front of him has already hated him out of love.

Lin Shiyin knew that she had no choice but to call Professor Zhang.

There was no trace of fear on Ye Chen's face, but instead said with a smile.

"Wu Tong, if you think you can write a few words, it's amazing. In my opinion, calligraphy is not difficult. I was too lazy to write well before."

Wu Tong didn't expect Ye Chen to say this, and there was a burst of sarcasm on his face.

"You feel pretty good about yourself, don't you? Even if you write well, it's a dog crawling. I think you are suitable for delivery. Calligraphy is such an elegant thing as you have nothing to do with it. I advise you to be more knowledgeable. Don't make yourself look too ugly."

Hearing Ye Chen's words just now, Wu Tong almost laughed out loud.

He had seen those two poems written by Ye Chen, and even the ones written by elementary school students would be many times better than Ye Chen.

Seeing that Ye Chen was still talking big here, Wu Tong was also contemptuous.

"Do you think so?"

Ye Chen asked with a smile.

Wu Tong didn't answer Ye Chen at all.

He thinks it's still useless to think that anyone with eyes can see it.

Ye Chen didn't speak anymore, but walked towards the table where the pen, ink, paper and inkstone were placed, and then dipped the brush with ink.

Wu Tong sneered in his heart when he saw the scene in front of him.

He felt that Ye Chen's courage was really too big, and who gave this guy the confidence to dare to write with a pen in front of him.

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