Published at 16th of March 2022 12:52:32 PM

Chapter 1524: Good teacher for students

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When Wang Jun saw Ye Chenfa's address, his eyes were about to pop out.

"Damn it, Brother Chen actually lives in Washington, it's a bit too arrogant."

he said to himself.

This is also a good thing for Wang Jun, that is, the richer Ye Chen is, the more hundreds of thousands he has lent to him, so he doesn't have to pay it back.

After Ye Chen hung up the phone, he continued to drive.

After returning home, he saw Su Wanyi's high-heeled shoes at the door and knew that this girl had returned.

These days, Ye Chen is also a little too busy, and there is little time to spend with this girl.

I have to visit the teacher again tomorrow, and I can't be at home.

Hearing the sound outside, Su Wanyi said.

"Husband, are you back?"

"um, yes."

Ye Chen replied.

"Have you eaten? If you haven't, warm up the dishes and rice I left for you."

Su Wanyi said.

Hearing this, Ye Chen was also a little moved. He didn't expect that Su Wanyi even cooked dinner for him.

Not to mention he was really hungry.

Ye Chen changed his shoes and hurriedly ran towards the kitchen, seeing the dishes on the table.

Although the appearance is not very good, this is also a piece of Su Wanyi's heart.

Most importantly, Su Wanyi cooked two spicy dishes.

Ye Chen knew that Su Wanyi did it specially for him.

This girl, Su Wanyi, seldom eats spicy food, and it is even more impossible to make both dishes spicy.

"Wanyi, have you eaten?"

Ye Chen walked into the study, looked at the busy Su Wanyi and asked.

"I drank some soup, and I wasn't hungry at all."

Su Wanyi raised her head and said with a smile.

He didn't even know that this girl was secretly learning how to cook these days.

"Then what's the matter, I'll make you a bowl of noodles."

Marven Ye knew that Su Wanyi must not be able to eat these spicy things, and thought that she liked to drink the noodle soup she made before.

"No, I'm losing weight now, so I won't eat so late."

Su Wanyi said quickly.

But it was too late for her words, and Ye Chen had already come to the kitchen to do it.

One of the reasons why Ye Chen did this was because he felt that it was a little inappropriate to have Su Wanyi watch by him, and secondly, because of some things these days, he couldn't spend more time with this girl, so it was a kind of compensation.

After a while, a scent drifted into the study.

Su Wanyi in front of the computer could no longer concentrate on her work.

The scent is just too tempting.

What depressed Su Wanyi the most was that her stomach actually growled a little unsatisfactorily.

Su Wanyi pouted and came to the restaurant, looking at Ye Chen complainingly.

"Marven Ye, you are too bad to tempt me. You are a stumbling block on my way to lose weight."

"I don't think you're fat, how can you lose weight?"

Ye Chen asked helplessly.

"Che, you will say something nice, and I won't believe you."

Su Wanyi rolled her eyes at Ye Chen and said.

Although she said so, she still picked up the chopsticks very honestly.

Ye Chen also expressed helplessness about this girl's misunderstanding.

"Wife, I have to tell you something."

Ye Chen suddenly put down his chopsticks and looked at Su Wanyi and said.

"What's the matter? Your expression is so serious."

Su Wanyi had never seen Ye Chen's expression like this before, and she also felt a little worried.

"Hey, my junior high school physics teacher is sick. The classmates collectively said they want to see him, and I have to take a plane to see the teacher early tomorrow morning."

"Ah, there is such a thing, is your teacher's condition serious?"

Su Wanyi hurriedly asked.

"I heard a classmate call me and tell me that the teacher had lung cancer."

When Ye Chen said this, it was like a deflated ball.

"How can this be? You must know that lung cancer has the highest mortality rate. As long as it is discovered, it is basically in the middle and late stages, and the disease will deteriorate very quickly."

Su Wanyi was also worried about the physics teacher.

"Yeah, I was also very uncomfortable when I heard the news. Teacher Fan was also very kind to me before. I really hope that the teacher can get better soon."

Ye Chen said with a lonely face.

"Don't do this, I believe Teacher Fan will be fine. Good people will live a hundred years."

Su Wanyi comforted.

"Okay, as soon as you see Teacher Fan tomorrow, it's okay. After all, it's just a preliminary diagnosis, and there may be a misdiagnosis. Maybe it's not as serious as your classmates said."

Although she comforted Ye Chen like this, she knew that the hospital should not misdiagnose such things.

After all, if the diagnosis is made, it will be a very big blow to tell the family.

If the diagnosis is wrong, the family will definitely go to the hospital.

"Well, I hope so."

Ye Chen picked up the chopsticks, turned grief into strength and ate all the dishes on the plate.

Su Wanyi also finished the bowl of noodle soup.

She comforted Ye Chen a few more words, and came to the study room to continue working as usual.

After Ye Chen cleaned up the dining table and kitchen, he came to the bedroom to lie down.

Today, he is really not in the mood. If he changed it, he would definitely tease Su Wanyi.

Thinking of the teacher's kindness to him before, his heart is very uncomfortable.

When Ye Chen was in junior high school, he was very naughty, like other naughty boys who didn't listen to lectures in class, often disrupting the classroom.

It makes teachers of various subjects very headache, and it can be said that it is often the object of parents.

Because both parents are workers in the factory, and they are very busy with work on weekdays, they naturally cannot find time to take care of him in life.

Only teacher Fan of Physics did not invite his parents, not only patiently reasoned with him, but also cared about him very much in life.

He was often brought home for dinner and homework, which made Teacher Fan's lover very angry.

You must know that Teacher Fan himself has children, and money is used everywhere.

With more of Ye Chen's mouth, there will naturally be an extra expense.

Teacher Fan ignored his lover's objection at all and insisted on taking Ye Chen home.

In this way, through Mr. Fan's patient teaching, Ye Chen changed from a child who made trouble in class and didn't like to study to a student who listened carefully in class and made great progress in grades.

This also surprised the teachers.

Ye Chen knew that it was Teacher Fan's caring and caring that gave him a reborn change.

He will be grateful to Teacher Fan all his life.

After hearing the news of Teacher Fan's illness, Ye Chen felt very uncomfortable.

He took out his mobile phone and opened the junior high school group.

At this moment, the content inside is also the news that Teacher Fan is sick.

From the words of the classmates, Ye Chen could see that Teacher Fan has a high position in everyone's heart.

Indeed, Mr. Fan helped more than just one student, Ye Chen.

Whenever a student encounters difficulties, Teacher Fan will lend a helping hand. ,

He once said that teachers should not only care about students' learning, but also care about their lives.

Teacher Fan not only said this, but also did it this way.

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