Published at 27th of April 2021 12:46:17 PM

Chapter 154: 154

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After hearing Ye Chen's warning, the expressions of Mother Chen and the Chen family changed.

Wu Yong, who had just been extremely arrogant, also took a breath.

Ye Chen pointed to Wu Yong and said coldly: "Do you not know what you are doing yourself? Do you want to go in and gather with your nephew?"

Wu Yong suddenly broke into cold sweat.

As a big bully, he has done too many bad things. Wu Yong has been hiding deeply, but Ye Chen seems to have mastered his expression.

Ye Chenyou looked at Mother Chen: "Wu Cuihua, right? You work as an accountant in the Wuhua factory, so you don't know what you have done."

After hearing Ye Chen's words, Wu Cuihua's face was pale.

Could it be that Ye Chen also knew about his own affairs.

Only now did Wu Cuihua understand Ye Chen's horror.

Ye Chen said coldly: "Your son is just teaching you a lesson. Who of your Chen family has done bad things? I am clear here. If you want to form a group to go to jail, I have no objection."


"Everyone in the Chen family took a breath."

"Second aunt, I suddenly remembered that there is still something to do in my house, so let's go!"

"Our kids are going to end school soon, I have to hurry home and cook."

"Mother Chen, I suddenly remembered that my friend invited me to drink full moon wine."

In the blink of an eye, the Chen family slipped away and only Mother Chen was left.

"You..." Maternal Chen's face was green.

Ye Chen said strongly: "Brother Li's gift money, the house and the car are not returned?"

Mother Chen gritted her teeth, it was millions, how could she be willing to pay it back.

"We are still." At this moment, a man beside Chen's mother suddenly opened his mouth.

"Old Chen, you..."

Chen Lu gritted his teeth and said: "You, you, I said you shouldn't be too greedy. You just didn't listen. This time it's okay. Didn't you see? They are people with backgrounds, and we ordinary people can fight. Other people? We still, as long as you don't make us anymore."

Ye Chen nodded: "Okay, it depends on my brother Li's affection in the past. As long as we pay back the money, we will count the two."

Chen's mother's family left, and Li Guang said to Ye Chen gratefully: "Xiaochen, thanks to you, otherwise my marriage really won't end."

Ye Chen smiled; "We are brothers. If we dare to bully my brother, it's just going to die."

Li Guang patted Ye Chen on the shoulder: "Thank you, brother."

At this moment, Li Guang's phone rang suddenly: "What? How can you do this? I have paid the deposit."

Hanging up the phone, Li Guangqi's face was green.

"What's the matter with Brother Guang?"

"I was engaged to the wedding car, but the car was rented out."

Ye Chen frowned, how could this be?

At this time, Li Guang’s phone rang again: "Li Guang, did you **** a woman on my head? You dare to **** my woman, tell you, I’m here, you don’t want to marry Wu Qian. Go through the door."

"Asshole, did you rent the wedding car?"

"How about me? I have already greeted all the weddings in this county. You don't want to rent a wedding car. If you don't have a wedding car, you can ride a bicycle to pick up your relatives." There was an arrogant cry from the other side.

Li Guang hung up the phone, his face pale.

"What's the matter?" Ye Chen asked.

"It's Ma Si, a gangster in our town. He has always liked Wu Qian, but Wu Qian didn't mean anything to him. He heard that I was going to marry Wu Qian, so he rented out all the wedding cars. There was no car. How to pick up the relatives."

Ye Chen frowned when he heard it, and he smiled faintly: "Brother Guang, don't worry, I promised you will have a beautiful wedding."

With that, Ye Chen drove Cullinan away.

"Ye Chen, where are you going?"

"Don't worry, I will take care of the car tomorrow for you."

Ye Chen called the Ferrari sales office directly: "Book me ten red Ferrari supercars."

The car sales lady on the other side was taken aback for a moment: "Ten?"

"Yes, it must be here today, and I will use it tomorrow morning."

The sales lady snorted coldly: "Sir, please don't be joking, OK? Do you know how much ten supercars cost? One will cost more than ten million, and ten will cost one hundred million. Do you think you are the richest man in China? ?"

The other party originally thought Ye Chen was harassing on the phone.

Buying ten Ferrari supercars is crazy!

Ye Chen was a little speechless, he said: "My name is Ye Chen, let your boss answer the phone."

"Sorry, our boss is not available."

Hanging up the phone, the sales lady looked disdainful.

At this time, a tall woman in an OL uniform came over.

"Xiao Yu, what's the matter?"

"Just now an idiot called and asked for ten Ferrari supercars. He thinks our Ferrari is a Chinese cabbage!"

"Ten supercars? Did the other party leave contact information?"

"No, he said his name is Ye Chen."

Ye Chen?

Li Shiyan was stunned when she heard the name.

This name is so familiar.

Suddenly her face changed, and she hurriedly came to the phone: "You girl is in trouble."

On the other end of the phone, Ye Chen was a little depressed holding the phone.

He understands that the other party regards himself as a harassment call, and obviously does not believe that he has bought ten supercars.

It seems that I can only call the boss of Ferrari's magic city.

Ye Chen, looking for the phone number, the phone rang.

"Hello, is it Mr. Ye?" There was a sweet voice on the phone.

"I am, who are you?"

"I am Li Shiyan, the manager of Ferrari's flagship store in Xicheng District of Magic City. Mr. Ye is very sorry that our staff just hung up your call."

"Oh, now you know who I am."

"I see, you are the majority shareholder of our Ferrari Group."

"I'm talking about buying ten Ferrari cars, and you can use them tomorrow morning."

"No problem, we can pick up the car from around Jiangsu and Zhejiang, but can you come to the store and choose a model?"

"Okay, I'll pass now."

Ye Chen and Li Guang greeted them and went directly to the Ferrari flagship store.

The store manager Li Shiyan had already been waiting at the door.

Li Shiyan is very beautiful, with a devil's figure, a delicate face, and a face value of more than 90 points. With an OL black uniform, she is extremely sexy.

"Mr. Ye welcome." Li Shiyan specially asked the head office for Ye Chen's photo, and seeing the real person confirmed that this is the major shareholder of Ferrari Group.

Ye Chen nodded: "Tell me about these models."

Li Shiyan said: “This Ferrari is a limited edition model with a price of 11.88 million. There are exactly ten of this model in our Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. If my husband wants it, I can call them all at once.”

Ye Chen took a look. The model of this car was very cool and very impressive.

"Well, just order this model!" Ye Chen nodded.

"Okay, Mr. Ye, because you are a shareholder of the company and enjoy the greatest discount. I have just contacted the head office. The cost of these ten vehicles is in accordance with the company's regulations. You do not need to pay, and will be directly deducted from your shares ."

Ye Chen nodded, ten Ferrari's own Lycan cars should be considered very grand.

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