Published at 27th of April 2021 12:46:15 PM

Chapter 155: 155

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Li Shiyan was fascinated the moment he saw Ye Chen.

Ye Chen is so handsome.

The most important Ye Chen is rich and background.

Buying ten Ferraris in one go, the major shareholder of Ferrari, is enough to make Li Shiyan fall for it.

Since ancient times, beautiful women love heroes, but now Ye Chen is handsome and gold, and he is the fifth best of diamonds in the eyes of women.

While introducing the car to Ye Chen, Li Shiyan wondered how he could strike up a conversation with the handsome guy.

Ye Chen asked after booking the car: "Beauty, where is the bathroom?"

After driving for more than two hours, Ye Chen never went to the toilet.

Li Shiyan's eyes lit up after hearing this.

"I'll take you there."

Ye Chen nodded, and followed Li Shiyan to the outside.

After walking for a full five minutes, I haven't reached the bathroom yet.

Ye Chen frowned and asked: "The bathroom is so far away?"

Li Shiyan smiled and said, "Quickly, we will be here soon."

It took another fifty meters to get to the bathroom.

Ye Chen entered the men's room.

He just finished letting the water out, suddenly someone behind him hugged him.

Ye Chen's eyes were cold, and he directly grabbed the opponent's wrist and pressed the person holding him against the wall.

"Ye is always me." Li Shiyan said Jiao.

"Mr. Ye, you hurt me."

Ye Chen was also stunned when he saw Li Shiyan.

"Why are you here?"

Li Shiyan blushed and said, "Mr. Ye, I have fallen in love with you since the first time I saw you. I want to be your woman."

Ye Chen: "..."

This woman is too strong.

Ye Chen said: "We only met once, do you know me?"

Li Shiyan smiled and said, "You are handsome and gold, that's enough, and I am willing to be your lover."

Ye Chen Tongtian Green Tea System checked.

Green tea is worth 10, worships money, has a cheerful personality, ambitious, level, and girly.

Girl, this made Ye Chen a little puzzled.

Such an open woman is still a girl.

Ye Chen doesn't like second-hand goods, so if Li Shiyan had been with others, Ye Chen wouldn't feel as beautiful as she was.

But if it is a girl!


"Are you sure?" Ye Chen looked at the charming goblin in front of him.

"of course."

Ye Chen looked outside, are you afraid of someone coming?

Li Shiyan smiled and said: "I have made the sign, no one will come in for toilet maintenance."

After half an hour, Ye Chen came out of the bathroom.

Sure enough, there was a sign at the door of the bathroom.

After checking that there was no one around, Ye Chen returned to the hall again.

A few minutes later, Li Shiyan also walked out from outside.

Her hair was a little messy, she tidyed it up in front of the mirror for a while before walking towards the hall.

Ye Chen looked at Li Shiyan who came by and sighed secretly, this woman is indeed a fairy.

She pretended to be nonchalant and said: "Mr. Ye, I have just contacted and the car will be in place tomorrow morning."

Ye Chen nodded: "Well, you have a driver here. My buddy gets married. I bought these ten cars to welcome my parents. It's okay."

Li Shiyan nodded: "Mr. Ye, don't worry, everything is left to me."

"By the way, go to the flower shop to decorate these ten cars and make them look like a welcoming car, and the money can be paid back to me."

Ye Chen turned around and left after arranging.

Li Shiyan followed Ye Chen: "How did the slave and maidservant just serve?"

Ye Chen glanced at the arrogant fairy next to him: "Very satisfied, when you look back, you can pick one of the ten cars."

Li Shiyan was stunned for a moment.

"She didn't expect Ye Chen to be so generous and directly give herself a car worth tens of millions."

Ye Chen smiled: "I never treat my woman wrongly."

Li Shiyan couldn't help but feel a little touched, it seems that I really made a bet today.

Some rich second generations, although they are rich, don't recognize people when they put on their pants. Ye Chen obviously does not belong to the former.

Ye Chen drove back to the small county town.

"Brother Guang, everything is done, and I will be here to pick up the car tomorrow morning."

"Thank you, I really lost you this time."

Ye Chen smiled and said: "What are you polite with me?"

Early the next morning, there was a harsh motor noise outside.

Everyone looked at the all-colored Ferrari and they were all stunned.

I rub, this is too arrogant, it turned out to be Ferrari.

Li Guang also looked silly.

"Tatsuko, how much does it cost you to rent a Ferrari."

Ye Chen smiled: "This is not rented, I bought it."

"Ah! I bought it?" Li Guang was even more dazed.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Go, let's pick up our relatives."

At this time the door of the first Ferrari opened and a beautiful lady with long legs came over.

"Mr. Ye, are you still satisfied?"

Today, Li Shiyan deliberately wore a red cheongsam to outline her devil's figure more vividly.

"What a fairy." Ye Chen sighed secretly.

"Very satisfied." Ye Chen nodded.

Li Shiyan sat directly in the passenger seat of Ye Chen's car.

She tilted her head and exhaled: "Let me also sit in the billion-dollar Lycan car, don't you have any comments."

"No comment!" Ye Chen smiled awkwardly.

One Lycan and ten Ferraris drove slowly and mightily on the road.

Where have so many luxury cars appeared in the small county.

In an instant, the street was full of people.

"I rub, which rich second generation is married."

"What rich second generation is Li Guang from the Li family."

"It's awesome. The leader is Lycan. It seems to be the car in "Fast and Furious". I just checked it on the Internet for more than 100 million."

"The Ferrari at the back is also a limited edition one with more than 10 million."


The car drove to Wu Qian's house mightily.

But the car stopped suddenly at an intersection.

There were a dozen BMW cars parked in front of them, and a group of people stood in front of them.

Ye Chen got out of the car and came to Li Guang's car and asked, "Do you know these people?"

Li Guang frowned: "Yes, it's Ma Si. He has always liked your sister-in-law. He rented the car I ordered yesterday."

After that, Li Guang got out of the car and walked over: "Ma Si, what do you mean?"

Ma Si snorted coldly: "What do you mean? Wu Qian is my woman, so you dare to **** it. My Ma Si said, you can't get married."

"Ma Si, don't go too far. Wu Qian doesn't like you at all. It's useless for you to make trouble."

"I just made trouble, do you have a temper?"

Li Guang looked at the time, and it was almost time to pick up the family.

Ye Chen walked over and said coldly, "Don't you let me go?"

Ma Si glanced at Ye Chen: "Boy, what are you special about? This is what you want to say? Go away."

Ye Chen walked directly to the second Ferrari and said to the driver, "Get out of the car and I will drive."

When the driver got out of the car, Ye Chen accelerated directly.


In the unbelievable eyes of everyone, the Ferrari car directly hit the BMW car.

Ma Si is stupid!

Li Guang is stupid!

The crowd onlookers and the drivers on both sides were all stupid.

I wiped it, and tens of millions of cars hit it directly. I'm crazy!

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