Published at 27th of April 2021 12:46:01 PM

Chapter 160: 160

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Ye Chen sent Su Xiaoya home.

After checking the time, Su Wanyi should be off work.

"Wan Yi, are you free? I invite you to dinner tonight."

"Okay, I'll come to the company to pick me up immediately after get off work." Su Wanyi said.

Ye Chen drove the Lycan and parked at the gate of Yashi Group.

Suddenly, this luxury car attracted the attention of many car fans.

"I'll rub, what kind of car is that cool?"

"I don't know it, this is Lycan. It is said that there are only three in the world."

"It's so awesome, I just checked more than one billion on the Internet."

"Stopping at the gate of the Yashi Group must be waiting for the beauty inside."

"Yashi Group has so many beautiful women."


At this time, under the attention of everyone, a beautiful beauty stepped out and got into the car.

Isn't this, Su Wanyi, the president of Yashi Group?

That's it, luxury cars match beautiful women.

Only President Su can be worthy of this luxury car.

Everyone was envious.

Ye Chen drove the car and asked with a smile, "Where does President Su want to go?"

Su Wanyi smiled faintly: "I want to exercise recently. You can accompany me to Adi to buy sportswear."

"Adi? No problem." Ye Chen nodded.

Adi is the favorite sports brand of many people who love sports.

Su Wanyi and Ye Chen came to the Adi store.

When the car stopped, Su Wanyi directly gave Ye Chen a five-star praise.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for receiving five-star praise, and activating the fifth praise star (55) to reward Adi with 20% of the shares. 】

Adi is a world-famous sports brand and one of the favorite sportswear series of young people.

With 20% of Adi’s shares, Ye Chen can also earn nearly tens of billions of gains every year.

Ye Chen and Su Wanyi walked into the Adi store, and Su Wanyi began to choose clothes.

"What do you think of this set?" Su Wanyi asked with a smile when she came out of the fitting room.

Su Wanyi wears a tight-fitting sportswear.

Her figure is already good, but she is even more **** under the wrapper of her sportswear.

"Very beautiful." Ye Chen gave a thumbs up.

At this moment, the door of the store was pushed open, and a dirty old man led a little boy in a patch to the store.

Seeing the dirty old man, the clerk clutched his nose and said: "Who let you in, leave quickly, it's too flavorful."

The grandfather said: "Little sister, my grandson wants a pair of Adi's sneakers. We will leave after we buy the shoes."

"Buy Adi sneakers, can you buy them? We have thousands of shoes."

The old man tremblingly took out a handkerchief with a lot of money in it.

"I have money. Today is my grandson's birthday. He wants a pair of Adi football shoes."

At this time, a male store manager came out, also holding his nose: "Quickly get out, how did you guys let the beggars come in."

The grandfather hurriedly said: "I'm here to buy sneakers for my grandson. His biggest dream is to have a pair of Adi's football shoes. We don't have to wait for the shoes to go away."

The store manager frowned: "If you don't sell it, you can't sell it. When you come to the store, there is a strange smell, which smokes away our customers."

"Little brother, we won't go in at the door of the store, can you help us get a pair?" Grandpa said pitifully.

"Don't sell, don't sell, go out soon." The store manager has already begun to push the grandfather and children out.

The little boy looked at a sneaker with tears in his eyes: "Grandpa, let's go, I won't buy it."

At this moment, Ye Chen took the shoes and came to the little boy: "Little friend, do you like these shoes?"

The little boy saw Ye Chen's shoes with joy in his eyes: "Yes, my grandpa said that I got 100 points in the science test, so he bought me shoes. This time, I got 100 points in math and language in the final exam. Today is my birthday. Grandpa rewarded me for buying shoes."

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Come and try to see if these shoes fit your feet."

Aside, the store manager stopped Ye Chen: "Sir, you can't let him try on shoes."

Ye Chen frowned and said, "Why can't you try?"

"His body smells so much, and his feet must smell too. If he doesn't buy the shoes after trying them, they will definitely not be sold." The store manager said.

Ye Chen snorted coldly: "You are all customers coming in. People come to you to buy shoes with money, but you have this attitude. Does Adi serve customers that way?"

"Boy, I am the store manager of Adi, I have the right to let some people who affect the shopping experience leave for the entire shopping environment of Adi, and this is also to provide better services to more people." The manager said confidently.

Ye Chen nodded: "Really? Then from this moment on, you are no longer the store manager of Adi, and you are fired."

"What? You fired me?" The store manager suddenly laughed.

"This gentleman, your joke is not funny at all. I hope you don't stop us from working, otherwise I will call the security guard." The shop manager said coldly.

Seeing that the two sides were in a stalemate, the old man said to Ye Chen quickly: "Sir, otherwise, let's forget it, we won't buy it."

With that, the grandfather was about to take the little boy's hand and walk away.

Ye Chen stopped the old man: "Grandpa, today is the child's birthday. He likes playing football, so these shoes must be given to him."

The store manager said impatiently: "Boy, you like to do good deeds. You can buy shoes and go out without affecting our business."

Ye Chen snorted coldly, and directly dialed the number of the headquarters of Adi Huaguo.

"Hello, I'll find Tian Wanqing, the person in charge of Adi Huaguo."

"Are you?" the other person asked.

"I am Ye Chen, one of Adi's shareholders."

At this time, Tian Wanqing was staring at a telegram from the headquarters in a daze.

The telegram shows that a mysterious tycoon in China acquired 20% of Adi's shares and became Adi's third largest shareholder.

Looking at Ye Chen's information, Tian Wanqing secretly sighed.

"Ye Chen, he is really a big man. He even owns 20% of Adi at such a young age. Since he is a Chinese, he must befriend him."

At this time, the secretary called: "Mr. Ye, Mr. Tian, ​​who claims to be a major shareholder of Adi, called and wanted you to answer the phone."

"Mr. Ye?"

Tian Wanqing's face changed slightly.

She quickly answered the phone: "Hello, Mr. Ye, this is Tian Wanqing, President of China Adi."

"I am Ye Chen. At your Adi store in Pudong Road, am I eligible to fire a store manager as a shareholder?"

Tian Wanqing was stunned for a moment: "Mr. Ye, of course you have this qualification as Adi's third largest shareholder."

Ye Chen nodded: "You come here now, I will exercise my right now and fire the manager."

Tian Wanqing's expression changed, and she quickly said, "Ye Dong, I'll come over right away."

Hearing Ye Chen's call, the store manager's expression also changed.

However, his face showed a playful expression: "Adi Mingming is a foreign company. I have never heard of Chinese people as shareholders."

"Boy, you really know how to act, Adi's major shareholder? Chinese people are qualified to be major shareholders. It's a big laugh." The store manager pointed to Ye Chen and laughed arrogantly.

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