Published at 27th of April 2021 12:45:54 PM

Chapter 161: 161

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Adi’s store door was pushed open, and a woman in an OL uniform and a few people in suits walked in.

The store manager was shocked when he saw the people who walked in, they turned out to be Adi's senior management.

"Ms. Tian, ​​why are you here?" The store manager's expression changed abruptly.

Tian Wanqing didn't even look at the store manager, and walked directly in front of Ye Chen.

"Director Ye, I'm Tian Wanqing, President of Adi Huaguo."

Ye Chen is now Adi’s third largest shareholder and a member of the board of directors, so there is nothing wrong with the title of Director Ye.

When the store manager heard Tian Wanqing's name for Ye Chen, his face paled in shock.

Director Ye?

Is what Ye Chen said true?

Ye Chen pointed to the grandfather and the little boy and said, "This grandpa wants to buy a pair of Adi’s shoes for his grandson’s birthday, isn’t it? It is stipulated that people who come to Adi must be people with status and status?"

Tian Wanqing frowned upon hearing this: "Ye Dong, I'm sorry, it was a mistake in our work."

Ye Chen said coldly: "Such a store manager, such a store clerk, there is no problem in expelling it."

After hearing Ye Chen's words, the expressions of the store manager and clerk who had just driven the old man and the child changed suddenly.

Tian Wanqing looked at the two and said coldly: "Manager Chen, you and your clerk have been fired, and your wages will be settled immediately."

Manager Chen's face changed suddenly. He didn't even dream that he would lose his job because the dog looked down on people.

After all, it took him five years to go from an employee to a store manager.

"Director Ye, I was wrong. I shouldn't be looking down on others. Forgive me." Manager Chen begged bitterly.

Ye Chen pointed to the slogan on the window: "Adi’s purpose is to go all out, so that everyone who likes sports has the right to exercise. You don’t even understand this minimum purpose. What are you doing as a store manager? Not worthy of being an employee of Adi at all."

With that said, Ye Chen picked a pair of football sneakers, a national football uniform and an Adi football: "Children, today is your birthday. This is a gift from your uncles and aunts. I hope you can one day Become a member of the national football team and win glory for the country."

The boy's eyes were full of tears: "Thank you, uncle, I will work hard."

Grandpa also took Ye Chen's hand: "Mr. Ye, thank you. My grandson has loved playing football since he was a child. He has never had football shoes. He will participate in the game tomorrow, and today is his birthday again. Thank you for being round. A child’s dream."

Seeing this scene, everyone was moved.

Even some onlookers burst into applause.

After sending away the old grandfather and the little boy, Tian Wanqing said nervously: "Director Ye, I am also responsible for today's affairs. I am willing to punish myself with a one-month bonus."

Ye Chen shook his head: "Punishment is secondary. I don't care about other companies. As long as our customers enter the door, Adi is God, regardless of whether the customer is rich, ordinary or poor."

"Yes Yes……"

An internet celebrity also happened to buy Adi's sportswear in the store and filmed this scene completely.

This video immediately became popular.

"Like this conscientious senior Adi."

"Adi did a great job in this matter, and I will be a big fan of Adi in the future."

"Let everyone who like sports have the right to exercise, I like it."

"That overbearing president is so handsome, I already love it."


Although Ye Chen usually lowers her charm value to the lowest level, she still fascinates many women.

Ye Chen and Su Wanyi left the Adi store.

Su Wanyi smiled and said, "Ye Chen, you are so caring. You looked so handsome just now."

"Haha, in general, I don't like people who discriminate against migrant workers and despise the bottom of the society. I don't know that people in this society who live on labor are worthy of respect."

Su Wanyi looked at Ye Chen and smiled: "Ye Chen, I think you are different from other rich people."

Ye Chen smiled: "Where is it different."

Su Wanyi said: "Many people feel that they are superior when they have money, and they feel that they are social elites with arrogance, but you always give people a very ordinary feeling."

Ye Chen had a proud expression: "Of course, I am a Didi driver."

At this time, two people passed by a western restaurant, Ye Chen said with a smile: "I heard that this is the most expensive western restaurant in the capital, let's have a good time."

Su Wanyi nodded: "Then I have to kill you well today."

Two people walked into the western restaurant. Just after ordering food, a young man walked over.

Seeing the young man, Su Wanyi frowned.

"Why this **** guy is here..."

Ye Chen knew without asking, the trouble was coming.

Su Wanyi said: "This person is Cao Le, the young master of the Cao family of the magic capital. Don't think he looks very gentle, but he is a very sinister villain. You should be careful when dealing with him..."

Before Cao Le arrived, Su Wanyi briefly introduced the origin of the other party.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Don't worry, people who want to cheat me are not born yet. I am very experienced in dealing with such dudes."

Su Wanyi smiled: "Really? Then I can watch a good show."

Cao Le frowned when he saw Ye Chen and Su Wanyi talking and laughing at the dinner table.

In Magic City, everyone knows that he likes Su Wanyi.

A few years ago, when he went to study abroad, he had less contact with Su Wanyi. Before that, he often pestered Su Wanyi.

Now that Su Wanyi is so close to a strange man, a touch of jealousy is already in his heart.

"Wanyi, what a coincidence, I just came back to China, and I was about to go to your house to find you, but I met here."

"Yes, have a casual meal with friends." Su Wanyi said lightly.

Cao Le looked at Ye Chen with a smile, without a trace of hostility on his face, and asked very gracefully: "Mad City Cao Le, don't you know the name of your husband?"

"Ye Chen, Su Wanyi's boyfriend."

Ye Chen said frankly.

Hearing Ye Chen's introduction, Cao Le was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect this guy to be quite straightforward.

"Wan Yi, it's not interesting to tell me if you have a boyfriend."

Cao Le was a little surprised and was more curious about Ye Chen.

Who the **** is this kid? It turned out to be able to make Su Wanyi, the Queen of Ice and Snow, fall in love with her.

You know, there were a lot of rich second generations who were chasing Su Wanyi at the beginning of the magic capital, but she didn't like them.

Among them is him.

Cao Le asked with a smile: "Brother is very face-to-face, I don't know where he got in?"

"I'm just a little brother Didi."

After all, Cao Le had been laughing with himself, although Ye Chen could feel the hostility of Dao Cao Le.

But the other side's city mansion was very deep, but there was no expression on his face. Therefore, Ye Chen also welcomed him with a smile.

With a knife hidden in his smile, Ye Chen knew that this kind of man was the most difficult to deal with!

I like to choose the president of the Yiwan Group for the opening, please collect it: ( Choose the president of the Yiwan Group for the fastest literary update.

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