Published at 27th of April 2021 12:45:52 PM

Chapter 162: 162

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Cao Le said with a smile: "Wan Yi is notoriously high-sighted in our circle. I don't know how big or small. The rich second generation wants to chase her and even look down on it. She can be recognized as her man. What about the dick, be careful when you talk nonsense, Wanyi gets angry and ignores you."

Ye Chen is indeed very handsome, but Cao Le understands that Su Wanyi is not the kind of silly white sweet who can buckle because of his beauty, so he guessed that Ye Chen must have something different.

"It's better to ignore me, I can just go out and cheer." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Cao Le smiled and looked at Su Wanyi who was aside.

Su Wanyi frowned her eyebrows slightly: "Okay, I want to go out and go, go, you go now."

With that, Su Wanyi's jade hand was screwed on Ye Chen's fat.

"Oh, it hurts, my wife is wrong, you see your friend is here, give me a face."

"I'm just kidding, how dare I go without your permission."

Ye Chen also put on an appearance that was afraid of his wife.

Originally, Ye Chen had god-level acting skills, and he had a girlfriend in the past. This kind of acting is familiar to him.

Su Wanyi snorted proudly: "Hmph, I'll spare you this time, and talk nonsense that you are dead."

At this time, Su Wanyi was completely like a little girl in love, as well as a powerful and domineering lady.

The performance of two people looks like a couple.

Cao Le couldn't help frowning. As Su Wanyi's old classmate and long-time suitor, he knew Su Wanyi's character.

Su Wanyi has always looked like an iceberg queen in front of boys, but she has never been so intimate with any boy.

In the magic capital circle, Su Wanyi owns hundreds of millions of companies, and she is beautiful and attractive. The most important thing is that she also has an identity that outsiders don’t know, the eldest daughter of Su Wen, the richest man in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, so Su Wanyi has always been the attention of those wealthy children in the circle. Focus.

Cao Le had already regarded Su Wanyi as a future marriage partner, but Ye Chen suddenly appeared.

The two of Su and Cao join forces, and the entire business district of Jiangsu and Zhejiang will be monopolized by them. Cao Le does not want to lose such a beautiful and capable beauty who is useful to him and is so beautiful and capable.

Therefore, no matter what Ye Chen's status is, he must take Su Wanyi back.

In fact, what surprised Cao Le was Ye Chen's identity, which was too mysterious.

Cao Le didn't believe in the little brother who opened didi.

However, in the rich second-generation circle of the magic city, there is no person named Ye Chen at all, and this guy seems to have suddenly appeared.

It is because of the mystery that Cao Le dare not act rashly.

In case Ye Chen is a child of a large family who has returned to China, or a child of a family from Kyoto, he cannot afford to offend him.

Of course, what Cao Le hopes more is another possibility. Ye Chen is a shield from Su Wanyi, just like Ye Chen said that he was originally a small person.

If that's the case, it's easy, he can directly choke Ye Chen to death.

Originally he wanted to test out something, but to Cao Le's disappointment, after the test just now, he didn't test out anything.

Ye Chen said that he was a didi driver, but how could a little driving didi driver have such an aura.

He didn't show any timidity in front of a demon capital like him, but he played freely, and he didn't look like an ordinary person at all.

Cao Le chatted for a few more words and left.

Ye Chen and Su Wanyi continued to eat Western food.

Su Wanyi said: "Ye Chen, this Cao Lecheng Mansion is very deep. He has been pursuing me before, but I don't like him. If I guess correctly, he will definitely deal with you. You have to be careful."

Ye Chen smiled and said: "Don't worry, he is fighting with me, I am afraid he is not worthy."

When the two of them finished their western food and were about to leave, Cao Le suddenly smiled and said, "Wanyi, I just drank some wine, can you drive me away?"

Su Wanyi said: "Our car is a supercar and can only take two people."

"It's okay, driving my car, mine is Land Rover, it's very spacious." Cao Le said.

Su Wanyi glanced at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen smiled: "It's okay, since Shao Cao has opened his mouth, we can't refuse."

Cao Le threw the key to Ye Chen, and Ye Chen took the key.

Ye Chen drove, Su Wanyi sat in the co-pilot, and Cao Le sat in the back.

The car starts.

[Ding, the didi selection system is activated, and every week you randomly encounter a passenger with a special attribute, complete the selection task, you will receive the ultimate reward, and the auxiliary host will become a global leader! 】

[Passenger occupation: President, rich second generation! 】

[Option 1: Give Su Wanyi to Cao Le, get the system bonus +10 for making girls skills, Haitian Nightclub Super Platinum VIP card. 】

[Option 2: Help Cao Le destroy the Su Group, get Cao Le’s 100 million RMB reward, and become Cao Le’s close dog. 】

[Option 3: Prevent Cao Le from destroying the Su Group, pursue Su Wanyi's plan, and acquire skills to spy on life resumes, 20% of Lehua Golf Group. 】

The first item, although the Haitian Nightclub Super Platinum Card is very fragrant, it is impossible for Ye Chen to let him give his woman to Cao Le.

As for helping Cao Le destroy the Su Clan, Ye Chen wouldn't do it. With the system, how could Ye Chen be someone else's dogleg.

The third option, prying into the life resume is too attractive to Ye Chen.

What does it mean to spy on a life resume?

You can know the future of others, and even some privacy matters.

This skill is really awesome.

Ye Chen chose option three without hesitation.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for acquiring the skill of spying on life resumes and acquiring 20% ​​of the shares of Lehua Golf Group. 】

Sitting in the back seat, Cao Le smiled and said: "Wan Yi, I just returned to China. Many friends have not seen you for a long time. I invited a few friends to dinner together. I wonder if you are interested?"

"Who is there?" Su Wanyi asked.

"Xu Bin, Yan Chuang, Song Yi..."

Cao Le exploded a few names casually, these few people are one of the few magic capitals, and they are also very famous figures in the circle.

Su Wanyi shook her head after hearing it, "Forget it, it's all boys. I can't play with you as a girl."

Cao Le listened to Ye Chen and looked at Ye Chen: "Wanyi is not free, I don't know if Mr. Ye is free?"

Su Wanyi frowned when she heard it. She knew that Cao Le had dug a hole for Ye Chen.

At first she thought Ye Chen would refuse, but she didn't expect Ye Chen to smile faintly: "Okay."

Su Wanyi didn't expect Ye Chen to agree, but since Ye Chen agreed, she couldn't refute it.

There is a reason why Ye Chen agreed. He just searched for Cao Le's resume.

This guy really has a lot of ambitions towards Su Wanyi.

She even wanted to swallow Su Wanyi's Ya Shi Group and her father's Su Group in one fell swoop.

But to stop, Ye Chen must approach Cao Le.

Cao Le asked Ye Chen to go there just to explore Ye Chen's futility and to clean up Ye Chen.

Ye Chen approached Cao Le because he wanted to stop Cao Le's plan.

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