Published at 27th of April 2021 12:45:45 PM

Chapter 164: 164

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Yan Chuang suddenly smiled when he heard Ye Chen's words: "Brother Ye really has the confidence, buddies like it."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "And I don't necessarily lose, right."

Yan Chuang smiled triumphantly after hearing what Ye Chen said.

Yan Chuang is a well-known little golf prince in the circle of the magic city, and his strength has been counted as the top level among amateur players.

Even opponents of the same age have never lost.

Yan Chuang smiled and nodded: "Okay, I'll learn about Brother Ye's strength."

With a hole of 500,000 yuan, Yan Chuang believed that he played well and won Ye Chen a hundred or so strokes without a problem.

You should know that the early decision is doubled, that is, a hole is likely to become 1 million.

In other words, if the strength gap between the two sides is relatively large, losing tens of millions is the same as playing.

It is true that Yan Chuang, a giant of more than 10 million yuan, has lost, but it is also a few months of pocket money, which makes me feel distressed.

Cao Le sneered on the side, he knew Yan Chuang's strength.

And Cao Le asked Ye Chen on the way, but he only fought two or three times.

What is the level of two or three times, and how does it compare with Yan Chuang.

It can be said that Ye Chen is clearly sending money.

"Brother Ye, you can think about it, this is about to lose, but it's a lot of money."

Ye Chen smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, I lost the money, isn't there still Wanyi? I'll lose."

After hearing Ye Chen's words, several men became even more angry.

So we didn't even have a chance to spend money to soak in Su Wanyi, so you can soak in soft rice.

Cao Le also raised his brows and his eyes rolled.

He smiled and said, "Why don't I join in the fun too."

Ye Chen smiled and said: "You want to play too, it's great, it's interesting if there are many people."

Cao Le waved his hand: "My level is not good, but I can raise, I can bet one of you two, win together and lose together and lose together."

While talking, Cao Le looked at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen nodded: "Old Cao, you really have vision. I know if you want to add my bet, that's okay."

Cao Le was speechless: "I add your bet? There is something wrong, how much money is burned?"

"Brother Ye, I want to add Brother Yan. Of course, if you are afraid of losing, then forget it."

After all, after the raise, the win is doubled, and the loss is doubled.

The corner of Ye Chen's mouth raised up. You guys are so cruel enough to cheat me. It's a pity that you made a wrong calculation.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's all trivial, I will lose if I lose twice."

Speaking, Ye Chen looked at Song Yi, who had been silent for a while.

"Brother Song, why don't you raise me a bet. I have good luck today and have a great chance of winning."

Song Yi had long seen the trickiness in it, but he didn't want to make a rash move before he knew Ye Chen's identity.

And golf is based on skill, luck once or twice, you can't get lucky again and again.

Song Yi waved his hand: "I'll leave it alone, just take a look, so I won't participate."

Ye Chen shook his head: "Hey, don't make money for nothing, don't regret it for a while."

See Ye Chen's meaning, as if he would really win.

In the eyes of Cao Le and Yan Chuang, Ye Chen looked like an idiot.

Want to beat Yan Chuang after playing a total of two or three times? What a joke, Yan Chuang spends almost every day on the golf course.

Game start.

Ye Chen and Yan Chuang each have their own venues.

Yan Chuang was full of confidence, and he also wanted to see Ye Chen's strength.

"Ye Shao's first shot, you come first."

Ye Chen nodded and did not hesitate to swing.

This shot Ye Chen deliberately played very well. Although Ye Chen's movements and direction were all right, he didn't master his strength well. The first shot was far from the hole.

Yan Chuang let out a sigh of relief when he saw Ye Chen's shot.

This kind of distance, if you want to enter the hole, at least you have to make up for four or five strokes.

This level is too amateurish, and I have a chance to win.

Several other people shook their heads when they saw Ye Chen's performance.

This level is not even as good as himself, Ye Chen will undoubtedly lose.

Even Cao Le was already looking forward to Ye Chen's distressed expression when he lost more than 20 million.

Let you pretend, deserve it.

Yan Chuang played very well on his first shot, and easily entered the hole in just two shots.

On the other side, Ye Chen was still aiming with a pole.

Looking at Ye Chen's appearance, Yan Chuang was amused for a while.

For such a long distance, even a professional player needs at least three strokes to get into the hole.

Finally, Ye Chen swings.

The white ball flew up, then landed, slowly rolling towards the hole.

I will wipe it, no way!

Everyone stared at the white ball closely.


The ball entered the hole without error.

"Bird, hole in two." The referee announced.

Yan Chuang was stunned.

Cao Le was stunned.

Song Yi was also stunned.

The caddies and referees on the two courts were also stunned.

This is so lucky.

Ye Chen was still thinking about entering the cave.

"Well, let me just say, I have good luck today."

Yan Chuang and Cao Le glanced at each other.

"Cao Le, that guy really said he only played twice?"

"Yes, I asked him specifically in the car."

Yan Chuang nodded: "This kid is so lucky."

"It just lost the first hole. The game has just begun." Cao Le also encouraged.

But Cao Le looked at Ye Chen thoughtfully, this guy wouldn't pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger.

Ye Chen looked at Cao Le provocatively and said: "Cao Shao, do you regret it? Let me just say, I'm lucky to buy me and you won't listen."

Cao Le smiled faintly: "Brother Ye is really amazing, I hope you can always be lucky."

Yan Chuang accidentally lost the first hole, he also stabilized his mind, and hit the second hole steadily, hitting a hole in four.

This result is already good for amateur players.

Ye Chen didn't birdie this time, but he still beat Yan Chuang by one shot.

Yan Chuang frowned. If he said that he was lucky the first time, would he still be lucky in the second hole?

This time, Yan Chuang had no bottom in his heart.

"This kid won't pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger." Yan Chuang frowned and asked Cao Le on the side.

Cao Le narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Ye Chen and said, "I don't know, this kid is a little bit wicked, please be careful, don't keep it."

Yan Chuang smiled bitterly, and kept it. I tried my best from the beginning, okay!

Cao Le always wanted to figure out Ye Chen's foundation, even if he lost money this time, it was worthwhile to be able to see Ye Chen's foundation clearly.

But Yan Chuang was upset. In the younger generation of Magic City, he had never lost golf before, and this time he lost money and lost again.

On the third hole, Yan Chuang continued to lose a goal.

On the fourth hole, Ye Chen no longer kept the birdie.

On the fifth hole, Ye Chen continued to birdie.


Ye Chen continued to birdie and Yan Chuang's mentality completely collapsed.

This is so special that amateur players, professional players are not so awesome, OK?

Under the stimulation of Ye Chen, Yan Chuang played very badly and made many mistakes.

In the end, Yan Chuang even slammed his shot in anger, and even the caddie who picked up the ball suffered a lot and was kicked several times by him for no reason.

Looking at Yan Chuang who was furious, Ye Chen was amused.

Want to cheat me? Are you worthy?

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