Published at 11th of June 2022 03:17:45 PM

Chapter 1647: I want to complain

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With a wave of Ye Chen's hand, a beam of light has already shot at the train.


In a golden light, the carriage where General Manager Jin was in was bombed into a convertible.

It turned out that Manager Jin, who was hiding in the toilet, was still alive, but there was no barrier around him.

Mr. Jin has not reacted yet, and has been swallowed by the swarming zombies.


Manager Kim's tragic voice sounded.

The scene at the back is very bloody.

Although Shang Hua and others had lingering fears when they saw this scene, they did not have any provident fund.

Just now, if it wasn't for Ye Chen, Manager Jin would have killed them all.

Therefore, this guy is also dead and deserves no sympathy.

They are even more sincere thanks to Ye Chen.

Without Ye Chen, I'm afraid they would all die in the mouths of zombies.

"Wow, Oppa is too good."

The cheerleading girls' eyes were shining, and they saw Ye Chen flying over their heads.

Seeing this scene, the baseball captain was also a little jealous.

But after all, Ye Chen is really outstanding, not only handsome but also capable, which also makes him hard to say anything.

Ye Chen didn't even have any feeling about the death of General Manager Jin.

After all, these people are a bunch of selfish bastards.

If they hadn't blocked the doors of the train, everyone might have been able to escape.

It's just a pity that they were too selfish, and in the end they were selfish and hurt themselves.

Soon, everyone came to the border of the garrison.

At this moment, the soldier in charge of monitoring looked at the front with a dazed expression.

They put down the guns in their hands and looked at Ye Chen flying in the sky.

I saw not far away, two luxury sports cars, followed by an Iron Man.

The guard rubbed his eyes, feeling as if he was dreaming.

It's all so weird.

"Sir, I saw Iron Man."

The soldier said with a strange expression.

The officer scolded: "Did you also let the zombies eat the brain, how could there be..."

He had just scolded halfway when he saw Iron Man flying in the sky.

This time even the chief was stupid.

It's also incredible.

In this world, there really is Iron Man.

At this time, a commander of the combat department asked: "Are we going to stop them?"

The officer said with an ugly face: "You have water in your head, stop it, what do we use to stop it, you didn't look at that Iron Man, and the zombies were smashed into **** with one shot?"

Although they were very afraid, the soldiers could only let Ye Chen and the others rush into the base.

After rigorous testing, several were eventually given military protection as well.

At this moment, several people have a feeling of the rest of their lives.

If they hadn't met Ye Chen.

I am afraid that they will also die in the mouth of the zombies like other people.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, after completing the system task, you can return to the main world. 】

The voice of the system also came from Ye Chen's mind.

"Everyone, I'm leaving, remember to give me a five-star review."

Ye Chen greeted a few people and rode an electric car into the wormhole.

Those people looked at the disappearing Ye Chen with dull eyes.

Oh my God, is this the one who was sent by God to save us?

At this moment, even everyone in the military took a deep breath when they saw this scene.

This is completely beyond their cognition.

The officer took a deep breath.

It seems that this person is probably using terrifying futuristic black technology.

"Everyone listen to me and swear to protect these people saved by Iron Man."

Shang Hua and the others glanced at each other, and their hearts were full of gratitude towards Ye Chen.

Ye Chen not only sent them to a safe place, but also found such a safe umbrella for them.

At this moment, they have regarded Ye Chen as their savior.

And Ye Chen's side has now returned to the real world.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the Myriad Realms takeaway order and getting the system reward zombie potion. 】

Any creature that uses zombie potion will become your puppet for you to drive.

Ye Chen took a deep breath when he saw this reward from the system.

This thing is kinda awesome.

Ye Chen started to deliver food.

The target, the Magic Capital Commercial Building.

Ye Chen came to the front of the building.

This is a towering office building.

There are 500 powerful companies here.

There is also a huge shopping mall downstairs.

Ye Chen took the takeaway bag and walked into the commercial building leisurely.

This turned out to be the headquarters of the LM Group.

Ye Chen came to an office and called, "Who is Chen Yang, your takeaway has arrived."

At this time, a middle-aged man in a suit came out.

"This takeaway is mine."

The man glanced at the other party's badge, and it was indeed Chen Yang.

With a professional smile on Ye Chen's face, he said, "I wish you a happy meal, and by the way, remember to give me a five-star review."

After speaking, Ye Chen turned around and prepared to leave.

"Wait a minute." Chen Yang stopped Ye Chen.

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment, looked at the other party and asked, "Do you have anything else to do?"

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Brother, why don't you go downstairs and buy me a pack of cigarettes, I'll give you twenty, and you'll only buy eighteen, and the remaining two yuan is your errand fee. "

After speaking, the other party took out twenty yuan in cash and gave it to Ye Chen.

Although he had a smile on his face, his expression was clearly indisputable.

Apparently this guy does this a lot.

Ye Chen frowned.

If he brought it along, Ye Chen wouldn't say anything.

You let me down now and come back.

The most important thing is that you give me two yuan to run errands, so what is this special for begging?

Ye Chen was speechless, and also said with a smile: "In this way, I will also give you twenty dollars. You go down and buy me a pack of cigarettes, and I will give you ten dollars for running errands, which is much more generous than you."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Chen Yang's face suddenly turned gloomy.

"What do you mean?"

Ye Chen said lightly: "No other meaning, it just feels like hitting people with money is really cool."

Chen Yang is very angry, he is the director of a famous big company.

You, a food delivery man, took money to humiliate me.

The supervisor said with a look of contempt, "Aren't you guys who deliver food just to run errands? What's wrong with letting you go down and buy a pack of cigarettes, do you have self-respect for low-level delivery guys like you?"

Ye Chen listened: "Aren't you also a part-time worker? I'm curious, who gave you the capital to be proud of?"

Hearing this, the supervisor said angrily, "Sure boy, just wait for me, and I'll complain to you right away."

When Ye Chen heard this, he immediately laughed.


What Marven Ye is most afraid of is complaining.

Marven Ye said, "Okay, if you don't give me a bad review or complain about me, you're a dog."

"You dare to call me a dog, wait, I have to complain to you."

Chen Yang was furious, took out his mobile phone and called the complaint number.

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