Published at 27th of April 2021 12:45:28 PM

Chapter 169: 169

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Ye Chen received a call from Su Wanyi when he came out of the nursing home.

"Ye Chen, where are you?"

"I just came out of the nursing home."

"My father said he would invite you to the house for a light meal at noon."

"Ah, so fast."

Ye Chen understood that Su Zheng had basically recognized his son-in-law by inviting him to the house.

Today, Ye Chen can be said to have saved the Su family.

If the Pudongxi District project cannot be taken down by the Su family, it will definitely cause the stock price to fall sharply, and even the Su family will be ruined due to this.

Ye Chen smiled: "Okay, I will pick you up."

"Brother Chen, don't forget the Marriott Hotel tonight. I'll wait for you to clean up those little rascals together." Yan Chuang smiled.

Ye Chen smiled and nodded: "Okay, see you tonight."

Driving Cullinan, Ye Chen first came to the Ya Shi Group, and then Su Wanyi was picked up.

"Ye Chen, thank you, my dad told me everything, you can say that you helped our Su family a lot."

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Thanks to me."

"By the way, you have been very close to Yan Chuang recently."

Ye Chen said: "Yes, that kid is my newly recognized kid."

"People like Yan Chuang will be your little brother? Ye Chen, you have to be careful with him." Su Wanyi worried.

"Don't worry, I have my own measures."

Ye Chen drove the car and came to Su's house.

Su Wanyi habitually gave Ye Chen a five-star praise.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the five-star praise, and activating the second praise star (25) to reward the technique of looking out. 】

(There is also a golf master in front. I forgot to write it. I have already added it, so it is the second good star.)

The Su family is located in a manor on the outskirts of the magic city.

Ye Chen walked into the manor and couldn't help but sigh secretly, he deserves to be the richest man in Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

In the manor, there are small bridges and flowing water, rockery and lakes, and even the size of the palace in Kyoto.

Ye Chen and Su Wanyi walked towards the villa.

Suddenly Ye Chen's footsteps sank, and his gaze turned to a rock standing by the pond.

The entire garden is green and lush, but there is no grass on the side of this stone.

Su Wanyi looked at Ye Chen staring at the stone in a daze, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Ye Chen used the technique of looking at the air, and the information of the stone appeared in front of his eyes.

Dongyue strange stones, unearthed in the tomb of King Lu, the stone has accumulated thousands of years of evil spirits, and it is a big evil thing.

Ye Chen frowned.

The Su family is the richest man in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. The things placed in their yard are very particular. How could there be such an unlucky stone?

Ye Chen asked, "Is this stone always in the yard?"

Su Wanyi also froze for a moment: "No, it used to be a rockery, it seems to have just been replaced."

At this time, a middle-aged man greeted him: "Xiao Chen, the stone you are talking about is from Dongyue Mountain, the vice president of our company. Why is there a problem?"

Ye Chen nodded: "Uncle, you have to be careful with this vice president, he may be dissatisfied with you."

"What?" Su Zheng was taken aback for a moment.

"Ye Chen, don't talk nonsense." Su Wanyi's expression changed.

Su's face was a little gloomy. The vice president, whose name was Chen Fusheng, was in the same army when they were young. They participated in the Great Patriotic War. Su Zheng saved Chen Fusheng's life. After they were demobilized, they founded the company together. brothers.

Now Ye Chen actually said that Chen Fusheng had different intentions, how could Su Zheng not be angry.

Ye Chen said: "Is my aunt recently suffering from a small illness, especially after midnight, she has been unable to sleep and feels chest tightness. Aunt should still have symptoms of body cold."

Su Zheng was stunned after hearing what Ye Chen said.

"Wan Yi told you?"

Su Wanyi shook her head: "Dad, Ye Chen and I have never mentioned you and mom."

Ye Chen faintly smiled: "Recently, my uncle's business is not going well, and my aunt's health problems are all because of this stone."

"This stone?" Su Zheng frowned.

Ye Chen nodded: "This stone is a town tombstone. It has been in the tomb for thousands of years. When thousands of craftsmen were buried alive in the tomb to build King Lu’s tomb, it turned into a thousand years of evil spirits and was absorbed by this stone. , The stone even spread the millennium evil spirit in the yard."

"What? There is such a thing?" Su Zheng was also taken aback after hearing Ye Chen's explanation.

Ye Chen continued: "Originally, our house is very good in terms of location and structure, but this stone has completely changed the layout of this house. You can see that there is no grass around this stone, and there are fish in the pond. It's almost dead."

Su Zheng took a breath after listening.

Recently, there have been fish dying in the pond. At first, Su Zheng thought it was a problem with fish food. He even asked someone to change the fish food. He didn't expect it to be because of this stone.

Su Zheng didn't take it seriously at first, but when Ye Chen finished speaking, he took a breath of cold air.

Ye Chen was right about almost everything, which made him have to believe.

Ye Chen continued: "Your vice president gave you stones, one is because you don't understand, the other is deliberate, if it's the latter, you have to be careful."

After listening to Ye Chen's words, Su Zheng said: "Okay, I'll have someone throw this stone away immediately."

"The stone cannot be thrown. Now the evil spirit has entered the yard. If you simply throw the stone, you can't solve the problem."

"It's not about throwing it, it's not about staying, what should I do?"

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Just bury the stone in the location I specified, and it's OK."

"That's great."

Su Zheng liked Ye Chen more and more.

Three people came to the house, and a pale, luxuriously dressed middle-aged woman walked out.

Women in their fifties still have some amazing looks between their eyebrows, but their complexion is pale and complexion is very bad.

Don't ask, this is Su Wanyi's mother.

"Auntie, hello." Ye Chen exclaimed very politely.

"You are Xiaochen, you are so handsome, my girl has vision."

"That's, how could my girl's vision be so bad, in terms of temperament and talent, the same as when I was young."

Ye Chen was speechless, the future father-in-law's face was so big that he didn't forget to praise himself while he praised his son-in-law.

Su Zheng suddenly asked Ye Chen to come. Su Wanyi was still very nervous at first, but she let go of her heart when she saw such a harmonious lift.

Ye Chen looked at Mother Su and said, "Auntie, your body is not feeling well recently, let me take a look for you."

"Do you still know medical skills?" Su's mother asked in surprise.

"Understand a little bit." Ye Chen smiled and said.

Su's mother said quickly: "Then help me take a look, I can't sleep every night, my chest is stuffy, it's really uncomfortable."

Ye Chen nodded, first helped Su Mu pulse.

Unsurprisingly, it was the stone that caused the disaster.

During this period of time, Mother Su had already accumulated a lot of evil spirits in her body because of her weakness, which led to the appearance of symptoms such as body cold, dreaminess, and chest tightness.

Knowing the cause, the treatment is very simple.

"Uncle, I need acupuncture needles and some Chinese medicine."

Ye Chen wrote the prescriptions and the necessary things on the paper, and the servants in the family prepared the things soon.

"Auntie, I need to give you acupuncture and moxibustion to force the cold out of the body."

"Yeah." Mother Su nodded and lay on the bed.

Ye Chen took out the silver needle and began to acupuncture Su Mu.

Seeing Ye Chen's movements, Su Zheng and Su Wanyi were very surprised.

Ye Chen is really omnipotent, proficient in business, hopefulness, and even Chinese medicine.

Su Zheng smiled and said: "Wan Yi, you really got me a golden turtle son-in-law!"

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