Published at 27th of April 2021 12:51:25 PM

Chapter 17: 17

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Lin Shanshan said to the side: "Ye Chen, have you listened to this song? It's so nice."

"Really? You like it too?"

"Of course, this song is arrogant. It entered the top ten as soon as it was on the chart. Now it is ranked third. It is estimated that it will not be long before it will become the number one on the chart."

"Finally made this decision, what other people say I don't care"


Lin Shanshan said, humming to the rhythm of the music.

"The songwriter of this song is really talented. When Jian Ruoshui hears this pen name, the author must be very handsome!"

Ye Chen smiled on the sidelines, she would never have thought that the handsome author would be sitting next to her.

The phone rang and Ye Chen switched on the Bluetooth headset.

"Ye Chen, thank you so much, this song of mine is hot."

Yang Mimi's excited voice came from the phone.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Congratulations, I said, as long as you can sing well, it's easy to get into the golden song chart."

"Well, um, I will invite you to dinner later, and I will be interviewed by the TV station."

When the phone hung up, Lin Shanshan on the side looked at Ye Chen in surprise.

"Do you know Yang Mimi?"

Ye Chen nodded: "Well, it's a acquaintance."

"Can you give me a signed photo of her, I am a fan of her."

Ye Chen nodded silently: "Well, I have a chance."

Ten minutes later, Ye Chen drove to the parking lot of Commercial Street.

The commercial street is too hot, and there are no more parking spaces in the parking lot.

Ye Chen glanced, saw a parking space not far away, Ye Chen drove to a stop.

The two had just got out of the car, and a red Ferrari drove over.

A beautiful woman in a red short skirt stopped the car and shouted at Ye Chen: "Hey, you are blind, did you park that parking space?"

Ye Chen frowned and looked at the Ferrari beauty.

The other party is in his early twenties, he looks pretty good, he wears a famous brand, and his outfit is even more gorgeous.

"The parking space was empty when I came, why can't it stop?" Ye Chen said coldly.

"It's empty because this is a parking space reserved for me and no one dared to park." The woman said arrogantly.

At this time, several security guards came over.

"Miss Chen, what's the matter?" The security captain said in a panic.

"This person's car occupies my parking space. What do you guys do for food? Not even one parking space is good."

The security captain also had a bit of displeasure on his face when he heard it.

After all, they are the security guards of the entire parking lot, who will look specifically at your parking space.

Moreover, that parking space is actually only a VIP parking space, which was occupied by her for a long time.

The woman in red pointed at Ye Chen: "Tell you, I will give you a minute to drive your car and get out."

If the other party talked carefully, Ye Chen might let out the parking space. Seeing that the other party was so unreasonable, Ye Chen's brows also wrinkled.

"What if I don't drive away?" Ye Chen said coldly.

"Don't drive away?" The woman in red sneered.

"Do you care?"

Several security guards looked at Ye Chen.

After all, Ye Chen drove Pagani, and he was also rich without asking. The gods fought, they were just a little security guard, no matter who offended them, they would have no good fruits to eat.

Seeing several security guards not speaking, the woman in red snorted coldly: "Well, since you don't care, don't blame me."

Then, the woman in red took out her mobile phone: "Ahao, this is Fengjiao. Someone took my parking space and not only did not leave, she was also very arrogant.

"What? Who dares to be so arrogant in Lao Tzu's site, you wait for me to tell someone to go over and smash his car."

The phone hung up, and the woman in red looked smug: "Smelly boy, don't leave if you have a seed!"

Ye Chen snorted coldly. Now he is the boss of Modu Commercial Street. Will he be afraid of playing sideways on his own site?

Lin Shanshan pulled Ye Chen and said, "Brother Ye, I think it's better to forget it, isn't it just a parking space? Let her."

Hearing what Lin Shanshan said, the lady in red became even more arrogant: "You see how sensible your girlfriend is. If you can't leave now, if someone waiting for me comes, your car will be smashed."

Ye Chen smiled frivolously: "Okay, I want to see how you smashed my car."

At this time, seven or eight men in black rushed out of a building, all holding sticks in their hands.

The woman in red saw these people's eyes light up: "Shun Zi, you guys smashed me, smashed his car to me."

After hearing this, Shunzi rolled up his sleeves: "Miss Chen, which one to drop?"

"It's the Pagani." The woman in red gritted her teeth.

"Huh, Pagani?" Shunzi was stunned.

"Miss Chen, this car is worth more than 30 million!" Shunzi said with fear.

"What's more than 30 million? A Hao asked you to help me out of my anger, and Master Lu will take care of it when something goes wrong."

Shunzi gritted his teeth and nodded: "Okay."

As he said, he said to the other men in black, "Smash it for me!"

A few black clothes are going to be raging.

But at this moment, suddenly a middle-aged man walked over quickly.

"Stop it!"

Seeing the middle-aged man, Shun Zi and a few people in black changed their expressions.

"Manager Zhang, why are you here."

Zhang Shan's face was gloomy, and he walked over quickly.

"What are you going to do?"

Chen Li arrogantly said: "Manager Zhang, this person is still unwilling to move my parking space. I will ask someone to teach him a lesson."

Seeing Ye Chen, Zhang Shan's expression changed slightly.

"You want to smash our boss's car?" Zhang Shan said coldly.

"Boss?" Chen Li was taken aback.

Zhang Shan said coldly: "Mr. Ye is the boss of our Financial Street. You are so courageous to let people smash his car."

"Ah!" Chen Li was stupid suddenly.

The boss of Financial Street?

Chen Li's body trembled slightly when she heard this name.

"Boss, how do you deal with this matter?" Zhang Shan said nervously.

Ye Chen said lightly: "My friend and I will go shopping first, you can figure out how to deal with it."

With that said, Ye Chen took Lin Shanshan and left.

Chen Li never thought that that person turned out to be the boss of Financial Street, and she looked at Zhang Shan.

"Brother Zhang, for the sake of our family's A Hao...or else just forget about it."

"Forget it?" Zhang Shan raised his brows and glanced at Ye Chen not far away.

He understands that if this matter is not handled properly, his property manager does not need to do it.

"Smash me! Smash her car into scrap metal." Zhang Shan said to the security guard.

The security captain looked at Chen Li displeased a long time ago, and when he heard Zhang Shan's words, he immediately led people into action.

"Boom boom!"

"My car? My new Ferrari."

Seeing her new car being smashed and smashed, Chen Li burst into tears.

Ye Chen heard the clanging of the car behind him, and the corners of his mouth raised.

It seems that this property manager is not bad!

Beside, Lin Shanshan was still a little confused.

"Ye Chen, that person just said that you are the boss of Financial Street?"

"Yeah, the whole street belongs to me. You can go shopping with me today!" Ye Chen smiled.

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