Published at 27th of April 2021 12:45:26 PM

Chapter 170: 170

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Ye Chen possesses intermediate medical skills.

The strength of acupuncture has reached a superb level.

He shoots like electricity, and his two hands are like phantoms.

Su Mu's palm and several acupuncture points were already filled with silver needles.

Seeing Ye Chen's technique of transporting needles, both the Su family and his daughter were extremely surprised.

They have also seen acupuncture and moxibustion in Chinese medicine, and Ye Chen's needle transport speed is definitely at the master level.

Even those old Chinese doctors couldn't reach Ye Chen's hand speed.

At first, the father and daughter were very worried, but when they saw that Su Mu's face gradually became bloody, they gradually became relieved.

After piercing a few more needles, Ye Chen stopped, and then Ye Chen said to Su Wanyi: "Wanyi, bring a cup over, and black blood will flow out after I pierced my aunt's finger. You must be careful to catch it. Don't touch your body."

With that, Ye Chen picked up a silver needle and gently pierced the belly of Su Mu's finger.

Puff, a burst of black blood spurted out.

Su Wanyi quickly caught the black blood with a cup.

Ye Chen breathed a sigh of relief when the black blood turned into red blood.

At this time, Su Mu's face had become ruddy, no different from normal people.

Mother Su sat up from the bed with surprise on her face: "Oh my god, I feel a lot more relaxed. I used to feel back pain all the time, but now my back doesn't hurt anymore."

Ye Chen said, "I just took the pulse for you and solved the minor problems in your kidney."

"Ah, I said why my waist doesn't hurt anymore. I haven't solved this problem after seeing many hospitals. Xiaoye, you are really a genius doctor."

Everyone looked at the black blood in Su Wanyi's cup.

"Is my problem all because of these black blood?" Su Mu asked.

Ye Chen nodded: "The black blood is because you have absorbed a lot of evil spirits during this period of time. Now the evil spirits have been driven out by me, so the problems on your body have naturally disappeared."

Taking the black blood from Su Wanyi's hand, Ye Chen directly sprinkled him on the stone.

In an instant, the black blood disappeared without a trace.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Ye Chen said: "Uncle, if you find someone, when you are a son, put the stone under the wall of the Ximen courtyard to resolve this pattern."

With that, Ye Chen picked up the prescription and said, "Auntie, although I have forced you out of the evil spirits, you still need to take Chinese medicine to replenish your body. After a month, you will be able to fully recover."

"Xiao Ye, thank you so much."

Su Wanyi smiled bitterly.

Originally, he was worried that his parents would embarrass Ye Chen.

It's okay now, the parents have been dealt with by Ye Chen so quickly.

At the dinner table, Ye Chen and Su Zheng had a good chat.

This time Ye Chen came to Su Wanyi's house very smoothly. Wanyi's parents were very satisfied with Ye Chen.

After dinner, because Su Wanyi had an important meeting in the afternoon, Ye Chen sent Su Wanyi back to the company.

Su Wanyi looked at Ye Chen gratefully: "Ye Chen is really grateful to you, if it weren't for you, our family might have been pitted to death by that stone."

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Don't worry if I will be there in the future, whoever dares to do anything to the Su family is just looking for death."

Su Wanyi felt warm in her heart after hearing what Ye Chen said.

At the Yashi Group, Su Wanyi habitually gave Ye Chen a five-star praise when she got off the bus.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the five-star praise, and activating the third praise star (35) to reward the skill 1000 cups of not drunk. 】

A thousand cups are not drunk, with this skill, it is easier to deal with those rich second generations.

Ye Chen ran a few more deals in the afternoon, but he didn't get a favorable star.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Ye Chen came to the Marriott Hotel.

He had just entered the door, and the security guard and the welcome lady bowed one after another.

Now both the security guard and the waiter have one item during the training. Look at Ye Chen's photo.

In order to prevent Ye Chen from coming to eat, the waiter did not have eyesight and offended Ye Chen.

Ye Chen just walked behind the hall and suddenly heard a voice: "Ye Chen, why are you here?"

Ye Chen was also stunned when he saw the person behind him. It turned out to be his junior high school classmate, Wu Bo.

Today is actually a gathering of their junior high school classmates.

This gathering was organized by Wu Bo and called many classmates, but Wu Bo deliberately did not call Ye Chen.

Ye Chen was not called because Ye Chen was too eye-catching.

In junior high school, as long as there is Ye Chen, the girls in the class don't pay attention to other boys at all, and they all go around Ye Chen.

"Ye Chen, who notified you of our party? I wanted to notify you, but I didn't have your contact information."

Ye Chen sneered after listening to Wu Bo's words.

You will not have my contact information. Some time ago, you took the initiative to add me to WeChat.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "I came here for dinner with a friend. No one notified me to attend the party. If you have a good time, I won't bother you."

With that, Ye Chen was about to leave.

At this time, a woman walked in, and she immediately let go of Ye Chen's arm about to carry Wu Bo.

"Ye Chen, why are you here? Oh my God, you are so handsome after so many years of not seeing you."

Seeing the excitement on Ye Chen's face, she grabbed Ye Chen's arm and completely threw Wu Bo aside.

The girl's name is Xu Wei, who is also Ye Chen's junior high school classmate. When she was in school, she didn't know how many love letters she wrote to Ye Chen, but she was rejected by Ye Chen.

I haven't seen each other for several years, Xu Wei found that Ye Chen is more handsome than before.

Wu Bo frowned suddenly.

Xu Wei is now his girlfriend, but seeing that Ye Chen is still a nympho, how can he not be jealous.

"Ye Chen, it was hard for you to come. Do you know that I have been thinking of you all these years. Can I go to the party together?" Xu Wei pleaded with Ye Chen.

"It's not necessary anymore, you gathered you, I still have friends here, so I won't go."

He didn't invite himself, he didn't like licking his face to lick other people's cold ass.

Xu Wei's attributes Ye Chen has already seen.

Green tea is worth 80. I don't know how many men have been with Ye Chen. Why would Ye Chen be interested.

"Ye Chen, can you leave me a phone call, I miss you, I can still call you."

Ye Chen just wanted to refuse, but Wu Bo couldn't bear it.


A loud slap hit Xu Wei's face.

"You bastard, I'm still here, you have to green me, right."

"Wu Bo, how dare you hit me? Are you crazy?"

"I'm crazy, what's so good about that little white face, isn't it just a beeping one? Are you licking like this? Tell you, do you think I don't know the bad things? In my eyes, you are a special It’s just a plaything, I’m just playing with you."

"You..." Xu Wei's tears filled her eyes.

The two quarreled, but Ye Chen didn't bother to care about them, after all, it was someone else's business.

But Ye Chen just walked out a few steps, and a cold voice sounded.

"Boy, how dare you seduce my wife, did I let you go?"

Ye Chen ignored the other party and continued to move forward.

"Hey, you are so deaf. I told you to stop. Didn't you hear?"

Seeing Ye Chen ignored him, Wu Bo rushed up and grabbed Ye Chen's shoulder.

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