Published at 27th of April 2021 12:45:16 PM

Chapter 174: 174

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Yan Ling took a deep breath: "Can you invite Ye Chen to our house, I want to see him."

Although the content of this note surprised Yan Ling, he still had some doubts about Ye Chen.

Will there really be such a wise man in the world?

The Yan family's development in recent years has offended many families, and now they are all waiting for the Yan family's absence to retaliate against them.

If Lao Yan is gone, the Yan family will not be able to resist the combined attack of these families.

Therefore, if Ye Chen could really save Yan Lao, it would be equivalent to saving Yan's family.

Yan Lao is in China and has many old comrades in arms. These old comrades in arms have a lot of energy. Without him, no one dared to do anything to the Yan family.

Just give the Yan family a few more years, and the Yan family will truly develop. Even if Yan Lao is gone, they can block the attacks of these families.

Time is too important for the Yan family.

Yan Chuang called Ye Chen, but Ye Chen's voice was heard outside the door.

"Haha, knowing that Uncle Yan is looking for me, I have already arrived."


Yan Ling took a breath.

"Brother Ye, you are really a clever calculation." Yan Chuang couldn't help sighing.

Ye Chen smiled and looked at Yan Ling: "Uncle Yan wants to ask if I can save the old man."

Yan Ling stared at Ye Chen and nodded: "Yes, can Mr. Ye really save the father's life?"

Ye Chen said: "The old man's illness is indeed very serious. After 11 days of normal treatment, the old man will return to the West, and the Yan family will also face the disaster. In fact, the tiger is a dagger that the other party placed in your Yan family. It was just pulled out by me in advance."

Yan Ling took a deep breath after hearing Ye Chen's analysis.

Ye Chen's calculation was too accurate.

Yan Ling's face was very ugly. If the old man had a lifespan of only eleven days as Ye Chen said, then the Yan family's fate might really be the same as Ye Chen said.

The doctor told them that the old man's time was one month, but Ye Chen said that it was only eleven days.

Yan Ling took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Ye, please save my father. As long as you can keep my father alive, the Yan family will agree to any conditions."

Originally, Yan Ling was a filial son, not to mention the future life and death of the Yan family, which made this family head lowered his head high in front of Ye Chen.

However, if Ye Chen can save the old man, what are these?

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Brother Yan and I are friends, and his grandfather is also my grandfather, not to mention that Mr. Yan used to bleed for the country, how can I stand by and watch."

Yan Ling and Yan Chuang were overjoyed.

Ye Chen said: "But I have a request. Since I am allowed to treat the old man, I don't want to be disturbed or questioned."

Yan Ling nodded without hesitation: "Mr. Ye, don't worry, there is nothing wrong with this."

Now Yan Ling has completely believed in Ye Chen, and has given all the hopes of the Yan family to Ye Chen.

Yan Lao had just been rescued. Although he saved his life, he was still unconscious with anger.

"Brother Ye, is my grandpa really saved?" Yan Chuang asked anxiously.

Ye Chen nodded: "Don't worry, although it's a bit tricky, I can save your grandfather."

If the old man's current situation before, Ye Chen would definitely be helpless.

But now it's different. Ye Chen possesses advanced medical skills, which gives him enough assurance.

Ye Chen said: "Everyone leaves the ward, no one can enter without my permission, understand?"

Yan Ling nodded, and said to the doctors and nurses in the ward: "You all go out."

The attending doctor frowned: "Yan Dong, the old man may be in danger at any time, if we go out..."

"I'll go out when I say it." Yan Ling said solemnly.

After all, they are family members, and the Yan family is very powerful. Although the doctor is dissatisfied, he can only leave in shock.

Only the Yan family father and son and Ye Chen remained in the ward.

Ye Chen asked Yan Chuang to get the silver needles and began to acupuncture Yan Lao.

His hands were fast, and Yan Lao had dozens of silver needles stuck in his head in the blink of an eye.

Seeing Ye Chen's movements, Yan Ling also took a breath.

He had seen acupuncture and moxibustion for his father by a national player before, but his hand speed was not comparable to Ye Chen.

Finally, Ye Chen took a breath and pulled out the silver needle from the old man's head. Then, he actually helped the old man to sit up.

Bang bang bang!

He hit a few punches directly on Old Man Yan.

Yan Ling couldn't help frowning at this scene.

These few punches are hit on normal people, and it is estimated that they will break bones and tendons, not to mention an endangered old man.

Yan Ling originally wanted to stop, but he still held back.

"Bring a basin."

Yan Chuang hurriedly brought a basin to the hospital bed.


Old Yan directly spit out a mouthful of black blood.

Later, Yan Lao fainted again.

However, unlike before, Yan Lao was still lifeless just now, and all the instruments were endangered.

But after the black blood was vomited, the old man's face returned to **** color, and even the various indicators were normal.

Seeing Ye Chen's methods, both father and son took a breath of air-conditioning.

This is simply a man of God!

When Yan Ling saw that Ye Chen had finished the treatment, he said, "Mr. Ye, my father..."

Ye Chen held his hands behind his back and looked at Yan Ling with a nervous face and smiled faintly: "Do not humiliate the mission, the old man should be able to wake up after five minutes after he is fine."

"Can my father wake up?"

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Yan Ling's excitement burst into tears.

According to the doctor, Yan Lao was in a vegetative state even if he couldn't die, so he couldn't be sober at all.

If it is said that Yan Ling had some doubts about Ye Chen just now, now he fully believes in Ye Chen's ability to reach the sky.

Five minutes, although very short, but Yan Ling and Yan Chuang father and son feel that every minute is almost as difficult as a year.

At this moment, Yan Chuang suddenly exclaimed in excitement, "Grandpa is awake."

Seeing this scene, Yan Ling also ran to the hospital bed.

Ye Chen smiled faintly, turned and left the ward.

But when he just came to the door, he felt a punch attack.

Ye Chen frowned, and dodged his fists.

"Asshole, you liar, dare to harm my grandfather." A woman in her early twenties and a uniform said aggressively.

Seeing this scene, Yan Chuang's expression changed: "Yan Li, what are you doing? He is your grandfather and our Yan family's lifesaver."

"What?" Yan Li was also dumbfounded when he saw the grandfather who had woken up in the hospital bed.

Yan Ling hurriedly came to Ye Chen: "Mr. Ye, my daughter is ignorant, and Mr. Ye is frightened."

Ye Chen looked at the girl standing in front of him.

In his early twenties, wearing a uniform, heroic.

Especially the punch just now went straight to Ye Chen's key point. If Ye Chen didn't have the skills, he would have to lie down in the hospital for half a month if he didn't have the skills.

What surprised Ye Chen even more was that it was a beautiful 96-point beauty who had just done something to him.

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