Published at 27th of April 2021 12:51:24 PM

Chapter 18: 18

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Magic City Commercial Street is the most prosperous section of Magic City.

Adjacent to the Bund of Magic City, there is a flood of tourists, and all the shops are very popular.

Ye Chen and Lin Shanshan came to the Magic City Shopping Mall.

In the past, Ye Chen would only shop in ordinary fashion brand stores, but now he is worth tens of billions, so he naturally wants to shop in luxury stores.

Ye Chen and Lin Shanshan came to the Versace flagship store.

The waiter at the door saw Lin Shanshan just about to provide service, but the store manager Li Meng stopped her.

"Let me go, I know this girl."

Li Meng walked over with a mocking smile on his face.

"Lin Shanshan, long time no see."

Lin Shanshan's face changed slightly when she saw the person who came.

"Li Meng, why are you?"

Lin Shanshan and Li Meng were former colleagues in a company.

Because of Lin Shanshan's good performance, Li Meng was jealous and spread the rumors that Lin Shanshan had an affair with the general manager. As a result, Lin Shanshan had to resign and leave.

Unexpectedly, I would see Li Meng here a year later.

Li Meng sneered: "I am now the manager of Versace, this is your boyfriend, Shanshan, you are really hungry, and you even hook up with Didi."

"What are you talking about?" Lin Shanshan was angry when seeing Li Meng's remarks.

Li Meng sneered and said: "You know that our Versace clothes can be tens of thousands of pieces if you just pick up one, do you buy them so poorly?"

Ye Chen narrowed his eyes. From the conversation between the two, Ye Chen could see that the two had a story.

"Are Versace employees so unqualified? Haven't you heard that customers are God?" Ye Chen suddenly said.

"God?" Li Meng laughed suddenly after hearing Ye Chen's words.

"The God we serve is here for consumption, not a big **** who is addicted to the eyes here." Li Meng looked at Ye Chen with disdain.

It's just a didi brother, pretending to be compelling.

"What are you talking about?" Lin Shanshan was about to argue but was stopped by Ye Chen.

"How do you know that I am a dick?" Ye Chen joked.

Li Meng snorted coldly: "You are wearing the uniform of the little brother Didi. You can see that you are running Didi. Next time you bring your girlfriend out, remember to wear a decent dress, and please go out immediately. ."

Ye Chen smiled suddenly, he ignored Li Meng and went straight to the hanger, picking up one casually.

"You, what are you doing? Don't dirty your clothes, can you afford it?" Li Meng angrily asked.

Ye Chen ignored it and glanced at the price of 80,000 yuan.

"So cheap?" Ye Chen frowned.

"Cheap?" Li Meng and the other shop assistants were stunned.

A suit of 80,000 yuan is already considered a sky-high price for ordinary people, but this guy said it was cheap?

Ye Chen said to the salesperson: "Here are more than 100,000 clothes, according to my size, give me one, and call your manager."

In an instant, there was a dead silence in the store!

The salespersons and customers in the shop were quelled.

It’s too lavish to come with one piece of clothes for more than 100,000 yuan.

Li Meng was also stunned.

But she quickly showed a sneer: "You're a Didi, you have so much money to buy clothes. What a lie? See our manager? Are you worthy?"

Ye Chen took out a bank card and handed it to a waiter.

"You can swipe your card first to see if the balance is enough."

Li Meng also came to the teller machine curiously, turned on the system, and was instantly dumbfounded when he saw the series of numbers inside.

Oh my god, it's more than 10 billion!

Li Meng was completely stunned.

The waiters on the side looked silly.

With more than 10 billion in deposits, this young man turned out to be a tens of billions of big brothers.

Ye Chen said lightly: "Now I am qualified to see your manager."

Li Meng's face was pale, and he walked to Ye Chen awkwardly and bowed to salute: "This gentleman, I didn't know you were so rich just now, please forgive me."

Ye Chen said lightly: "It's not my problem to forgive or not forgive. It depends on my friend forgive or not forgive you."

Lin Shanshan?

It was even harder for Li Meng to look at Lin Shanshan.

It was because of herself that Lin Shanshan was forced to leave the company. Just now, she humiliated Lin Shanshan again. How could she forgive herself.

"Huh, the manager of the mall is my cousin, I want to see what you can do to me!"

At this time, a forty-year-old woman ran in in a panic.

Seeing Ye Chen, the woman's face suddenly changed.

They just finished the board of directors, and the new boss in Commercial Street. The property manager Zhang Shan just showed the boss's photo to all the managers, but he didn't expect the boss to come to his store so soon.

Sun Rongrong smiled all over her face: "Boss Ye, why don't you give a notice in advance when you come to the guide, so I can meet him personally."

Ye Chen sneered: "I can't afford it, but your store manager says I am not qualified to see you."

Sun Rongrong's face changed and she looked at Li Meng.

Li Meng's intestines are almost regretful. Just saw Lin Shanshan. He wanted to take the opportunity to humiliate the other party, but he didn't expect that the other party turned out to be the boss's girlfriend.

Lotus Sun walked up to Li Meng and raised her hand.


Li Meng held his face in a daze.

Sun Rongrong is her cousin, and she usually loves her very much. After becoming the manager, she was directly transferred here to be the store manager. Because she offended this young man, the cousin slapped her.

"Li Meng, do you know who he is? He is the boss of Magic City Commercial Street. I told you a long time ago that you should treat customers with courtesy no matter who you are. Do you put my words on your ears?"

"Auntie Cousin me?"

"Don't call my cousin, you will be fired from today."

"Auntie Cousin, I was wrong, I don't want to lose my job."

Versace's store manager, with a monthly salary of hundreds of thousands of commissions a year, such a good job, how could she be willing to lose it.

Li Meng looked at Lin Shanshan.

"Shanshan, please help me beg your boyfriend, forgive me, I was wrong!"

Lin Shanshan glanced at Li Meng contemptuously: "When I was forced to leave the company, do you know what my mood was? You really should experience this feeling."

Sun Rongrong respectfully said: "Mr. Ye, you are the boss of Modu Commercial Street. We will give away all the clothes for free. Please leave an address and I will send someone to you directly."

Ye Chen nodded: "Thanks."

In the shocked eyes of everyone, Ye Chen left Versace with Lin Shanshan.

The waiter and Lotus Lotus stood in a row and respectfully sent the two out of the store.

Lin Shanshan blushed and said, "Ye Chen, thank you."

"Thank me, just talk about it?" Ye Chen teased.


Lin Shanshan actually kissed Ye Chen gently on the face.

Feeling the dampness on his face, Ye Chen smiled faintly: "As a reward, I will take you to a good shopping today."

Ye Chen went shopping with Lin Shanshan for an afternoon. The mobile phone was replaced with the latest fruit 11pro, and he bought a limited edition Patek Philippe watch of more than 10 million yuan. Ye Chen looked completely new all over his body.

After taking a photo in the mirror, he felt like a local tyrant.

Lin Shanshan is also a famous brand

Gucci bags, Chanel dresses...

"Ye Chen, how embarrassed you are to spend so much money on me?"

"Haha, it doesn't matter, this is your reward for shopping with me." Ye Chen smiled.

Lin Shanshan blushed, and she was very happy.

Ye Chen bought her so many things, did he default to being his girlfriend?

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