Published at 27th of April 2021 12:44:55 PM

Chapter 181: 181

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Ye Chen walked towards Kong Fan with a smile, but there was a cold killing intent in his eyes.

Kong Fan was also panicked at this time. In fact, he couldn't fight at all. He used to be the bodyguard under his hands.

Now the bodyguards were waiting for Ye Chen at the door, how did he think that Ye Chen would come back.

Kong Fan gritted his teeth and said coldly: "Ye Chen, if you dare to move, I have to think about the consequences, our Kong family..."

He hasn't finished speaking yet.


A loud slap was already on his face.

Where did Kong Fan suffer this, Ye Chen took a slap and turned around and fell to the ground.

Ye Chen went up and kicked again: "Nima, a thing that relies on his father to pretend, and wants to trouble Lao Tzu, don't you want to move me? Lao Tzu is here for you to move."

Yan Li was worried that Ye Chen didn't take it lightly or not, and said quickly: "Ye Chen, forget it, you can get out of your anger with two fights. We have a good relationship between the Yan family and the Kong family, and I can't explain it if it's disabled."

Ye Chen nodded: "Today, I think I spared you because of Miss Yan's face. By the way, aren't your bodyguards waiting for me at the door? Let them continue to wait, I'd like to see how good your bodyguards are. force."

Kong Fan's face was gloomy when he saw Ye Chen left.

I wanted to pretend to be forceful in front of Yan Li, but I didn't expect it to be ashamed.

He didn't have the face to stay here, and quickly followed Ye Chen downstairs.

At the hotel entrance, several of his bodyguards were already waiting for Ye Chen.

Yan Li frowned, he knew Kong Fan's character.

Ye Chen hit Kong Fan, this kid definitely can't let go.

After thinking about it, Yan Li called Ye Chen: "Ye Chen, be careful, Kong Fan's bodyguards are all demobilized from special forces, and their skills are not simple."

Ye Chen smiled: "Ms. Yan is caring about me?"

"Huh, I'm too lazy to talk to you, you're so good at it." Yan Li's pretty face flushed suddenly when Ye Chen teased her.

"Well, don't worry, who told him to scold me, he just owed it?"

Yan Li suddenly thought of something: "You really just because he scolded you for no other reason. Are you jealous because he pestered me?"

"Jealous, why is Ye Chen jealous."

"Do you know? My feeling is always accurate." Yan Li suddenly smiled.

"You must be wrong this time."

Hearing Ye Chen's refusal, Yan Li was even more sure about Ye Chen's thoughts.

"By the way, don't take my words as deaf ears. The old man of the Kong family has a background. The thugs in their family are all at the level of the king of soldiers. Be careful."

"Haha, I see, I'm not even afraid of killing me in blood, so I'm afraid of being a rich second generation?"

Yan Li couldn't help laughing when she hung up the phone.

For so many years, many men have pursued Yan Li, but Ye Chen gave her a different kind.

It's a heartbeat feeling.

Ye Chen swayed to the door of the Marriott Hotel.

Kong Fan trot all the way past Ye Chen.

Seeing Kong Fan's appearance, Ye Chen was amused for a while: "Young Master Kong, how are you doing exercise? It's a pity that you are weak, and exercise is useless."

Kong Fan's teeth tickled at the door.

He has never been beaten since he was a child, but he was beaten by Ye Chen today. This breath does not make him feel uncomfortable.

But Kong Fan knew that Yan Li would be angry if he made trouble in the hotel, so he waited for Ye Chen to leave the hotel, and then asked his bodyguard to do it.

Ye Chen walked side by side with Kong Fan: "Kong Shao, can you suppress the shock with a cigarette?"

Kong Fan: "..."

Now Kong Fan couldn't wait for Ye Chen to get out of the hotel, and then asked the bodyguards to beat Ye Chen fiercely.

Seeing that there was one meter away from the door, Ye Chen suddenly stopped.

"Your bodyguards seem to be very good."

Kong Fan's face finally showed a cold smile: "What? Persuaded?"

Ye Chen spit out smoke and smiled faintly: "What do you think?"

Seeing Ye Chen's indifferent expression, Kong Fan was also stunned.

Is this kid really not afraid?

But Kong Fan's face showed a touch of coldness.

Boy, even if you can fight, the bodyguards outside of me are all demobilized special forces elites. As long as you dare to go out, I want these bodyguards to fight even your mother can't recognize you.

Ye Chen suddenly seemed to think of something: "Sorry, I have to go back. It seems that there is something left in Xiaoli's office."

With that said, before Kong Fan could react, Ye Chen turned around and left.

Kong Fan was stunned.

Are you so awesome? Why did you go to the door?

But Kong Fan could only stare, and he couldn't run over to pull Ye Chen out.

Watching Ye Chen get on the elevator, Kong Fan gritted his teeth.

"Boy, I'm so tired of you today, I don't believe you won't come out."

Ye Chen returned to the office, and Yan Li was about to call her subordinates, fearing that something might happen downstairs, but Ye Chen came back as soon as she opened the door.

Looking at Ye Chen, Yan Li was also a little speechless: "You... won't be scared anymore, have you taken refuge with me?"

Ye Chen nodded: "You're really right. The few bodyguards at the door have been trained in the top five and three rough, or I will sleep in your place tonight? Your bed, I watch and sleep with two people squeezed. problem."

"Get out!" Yan Li said irritably.

Yan Li knew that Ye Chen could not be counseled. According to her understanding, this was not Ye Chen's style.

She just got news that the group of people who followed her in the alley was beaten to the ground by Ye Chen.

So Ye Chen's skill is definitely not bad.

The most important thing is that the Marriott Hotel is Ye Chen's site. The people of Long Shield and the bodyguards are dozens of people. How could Ye Chen be afraid.

"Is there anything wrong?" Yan Li's expression suddenly became a little nervous.

Ye Chen nodded and said: "The blood slaughter has already been staring here. It seems that there must be an inner ghost among us."

"What?" Yan Li's heart was also tight.

"What should I do?" Yan Li asked.

"Don't worry, they dare not move. This is located in the city center. The rooms on the 19th and 20th floors are vacated and replaced by our people. As long as Don doesn’t go out, they dare not come in. If they dare to come in, we will Come and catch turtles in an urn."

Yan Li nodded her head and looked at Ye Chen strangely.

"How did you know?"

Ye Chen smiled: "The sixth sense, my feeling has always been very accurate."

At this moment, Ye Chen looked at Kong Fan at the door.

The guy cursed and waited for himself at the door.

Yan Li frowned, "I'll call the Kong family and let Kong Fan leave, so that it won't affect our business."

Ye Chen stopped her.

"It's not very good, it's safer with a few more doors."

At this time, in a domineering car at the door of the hotel, Qin Shan looked at the door of the hotel with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

"It's a bit capable of arranging people in such a busy city."

"Head, I don't see it as we rushed in and killed this old thing."

Qin Shan shook his head: "This hotel looks very peaceful, but in fact there is a hidden murderous intent. All we have to do now is to wait for the old thing to come out."

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