Published at 27th of April 2021 12:44:41 PM

Chapter 186: 186

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Ye Chen seemed to see through Qin Lan's heart and smiled: "Why, you are not convinced with me."

Qin Lan was stunned for a moment, without speaking.

"How about playing a game?" Ye Chen said suddenly.

Qin Lan glanced at Ye Chen: "How to play?"

"You write anything on the paper, I'll guess."

Qin Lan smiled and said, "Okay."

In Qin Lan's eyes, Ye Chen's approach was too naive.

Qin Lan also grew up in a compound, and she knew too well the tricks of those dandy boys picking up girls.

No matter what she writes, the other party will use some ambiguous words to prevaricate.

What, have you been upset recently?

You recently had a robbery.


It's really accurate when you think about it.

In fact, who hasn't bothered things, as for the recent robbery, it's just a mystery.

Who can keep going smoothly?

And the most wicked thing is the most recent word.

Qin Lan seemed to have seen through Ye Chen's tricks, turned around and wrote a word on a piece of paper.

She also glanced at Ye Chen secretly.

This guy has been playing with her mobile phone and didn't even look at her side.

Qin Lan folded the paper and smiled and said, "Okay, you can guess."

Ye Chen smiled faintly and directly opened Qin Lan's resume.

A transparent screen appeared before his eyes.

The above is all information about Qin Lan.

The blood phoenix commando soldier king.

He once went undercover in an enemy acupuncture point for three years to capture an international A-level wanted criminal.


This girl is really awesome.

The most recent resume is a minute ago, I just wrote two words idiot on white paper.

This girl is very interesting.

You are also a leader anyway, you write an idiot directly, at least the respect of the subordinates to the superiors?

Ye Chen looked at Qin Lan with a faint smile and said, "It's not good to curse after playing."

Qin Lan's face suddenly changed when she heard Ye Chen's words.

She never dreamed that Ye Chen actually guessed that the note was cursing.

Ye Chen continued: "Your right shoulder should be injured. If you have an injury, you should keep it and carry on the task. In case of an emergency and the wound breaks, it does not matter if you are injured. The task has failed. This responsibility Can you afford it?"

"You..." Qin Lan was completely stunned.

The injury to her right shoulder was left over from the last mission.

Because it was an internal injury, no one knew about this matter except for himself.

This mission was an A-level mission, so although Qin Lan was injured, she concealed everyone, but Ye Chen saw through it.

Qin Lan's pupils shrank slightly and looked at Ye Chen.

"How did you know?"

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Do you believe I guessed it?"

Qin Lan stared at Ye Chen with doubts in her eyes.

Could it be that he saw the movement I just wrote?

This is too amazing.

"Did you worry about your relationship recently?"

Ye Chen chatted with Qin Lan while looking at Qin Lan's resume.

Qin Lan was stunned again, but this time she nodded.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "That man is polite on the surface, but he is actually a playboy, so be careful."

Almost at the same time, Qin Lan's cell phone rang.

"Xiaolan, I found the person you asked me to check. He had opened a room with ten different women in the last month. He looked like a scumbag. You'd better stay away from him."

Qin Lan was stunned when she hung up the phone.

Recently, a rich second generation was chasing her, a friend who grew up in the compound.

The other person's life background is good, the person is also very handsome, and it is not bad for two people to get along for a while.

Seeing the two people's feelings warming up, Qin Lan heard some rumors about the rich second generation.

So she asked a friend from the relevant department to check the information about the rich second generation.

Unexpectedly, the information found was exactly the same as Ye Chen's calculation.

This guy is really amazing.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Now you take it!"

Standing up, Ye Chen walked out with a smile.

Looking at Ye Chen's back, Qin Lan still had shock in her eyes.

The original disdain also disappeared without a trace.

No wonder he can become the helm of Dragon Shield, really amazing.

At this time, Tang Yan'er sat in front of the bay window and dialed a phone call.

"Mom, my dad is back. They sent a guard to take care of my safety."

"He's back? He's all this age, what else is he back for?"

"Mom, I heard that Dad made a great contribution to the country. He must have had some difficulties when he left us, and some people have been chasing him."

"Well, you have to be careful too, I'll be there, I don't worry about you alone."

"Mom, do you miss my dad too?"

"I miss him? I can't wait to kill him."

Tang Yan'er sneered.

At this time, she saw Ye Chen walk out of Tomson's first product.

She smiled slightly, this man is a bit interesting!

Ye Chen returned home, changed his Po Xiali, and went directly to Tang Yan'er's house.

He parked the car on the side of the road.

Tang Yan'er lives in Ye Chen's Tangchen First Grade, and now there is no one in Yan'er's family.

A Land Rover stopped downstairs at Tang Yan'er's house. Several people in black got out of the car quickly, went upstairs, and got down again soon.

The Land Rover started, and Ye Chen drove after the Land Rover.

The other party was very cunning. He circled the city a few times, and then turned into Cao's house.

Ye Chen stopped the car at the intersection, his mouth raised.

"Cao's family, very good, you are really dying."


In the evening, Yan Li came to Tomson Yipin.

"Sister Yan, you are here."

"Well, look at what's going on here?"

"Mr. Ye said that it's safe here recently and there shouldn't be a big problem."

Yan Li was stunned for a moment: "This is not your style. Haven't you been complaining to him all the time?"

Qin Lan's face blushed: "I suddenly felt that he was a little divine."

"How do you say?" Yan Li asked.

Qin Lan talked about what happened today.

Yan Li is also a little unbelievable.

"Really, did he secretly investigate you? It's impossible. You came here to perform the task but it was decided temporarily by the above."

Qin Lan said: "So I feel that Ye Chen is really extraordinary. No wonder the above has to assign such an important task to him."

"Well, but you still have to be careful, it's hard to deal with this group of blood killers."

Ye Chen drove home and just entered the elevator. Lin Wanrou stood in front of the elevator: "Welcome the son to go home."

"Well, haven't you rested so late?"

"The son didn't come back, how dare Wanrou rest!"

Lin Wanrou entered the kitchen and brought Ye Chen to learn about Shu's cold products.

"This is the fruit tea I just brewed, son, please drink it to relieve the heat."

Ye Chen smiled faintly, and took Lin Wanrou in his arms.

After a busy day, he is really tired.

Lin Wanrou smiled and said, "Mr. Ye, the crew just called, and the filming of "Ye Wen" will start next month."

"Well, I got it."

"And today, Vanke Group transferred a villa worth more than 70 million yuan to your name."

Lin Wanrou poured tea to Ye Chen while reporting on her work for the day.

Ye Chen nodded: "Wanrou really worked hard for you."

"Able to serve the son, no matter how painful and tired, Wanrou is also willing."

Ye Chen hugged Lin Wanrou in his arms: "You are so good, tonight, I will reward you well!"

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