Published at 27th of April 2021 12:51:23 PM

Chapter 19: 19

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After shopping, Ye Chen and Lin Shanshan returned to the parking lot, only to see a young man and Chen Li cleaning their car.

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment: "What are you doing?"

Seeing Ye Chen, Sun Hao quickly pulled Chen Li over.

"Mr. Ye, I'm sorry, my girlfriend has no eyes and offended you. You smashed the car well. If you are unsure, it doesn't matter if you beat this stinky bitch." Sun Hao said anxiously.

Chen Li's face was very ugly.

She just wanted to sue Sun Hao when Sun Hao came, but she didn't expect that the other party slapped her twice.

Now she understands that in the face of money and benefits, she doesn't count at all.

Ye Chen didn't bother to take care of such a small role.

Ye Chen waved his hand: "Forget it, remember not to be too arrogant in the future."

With that said, Ye Chen and Lin Shanshan got into the car, whistling away.

"Brother Hao, what should I do with my Ferrari?" Chen Li said with a sad face.

"Slap!" Sun Hao slapped Chen Li again.

"Ferrari? Go away, you bitch, I was almost killed by you."

"How about it, did you have a good time today?" Ye Chen asked with a smile.

"Well, Jiang Chen, thank you." Lin Shanshan said gratefully.

This matter has always been a thorn to Lin Shanshan, and Ye Chen helped her pull out the thorn.

After Lin Shanshan got off the car, she directly gave Ye Chen a five-star praise.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for getting five-star praise, activating the second praise star (25), rewarding piano masters]

Piano master, is another skill?

At this time, Ye Chen received another customer order, and then his cell phone rang.

"Handsome guy, miss me?" There was a joking voice on the phone.

"Yang Mimi?" Ye Chen immediately heard the other party's voice.

"Haha, I still have a conscience, I want to take your car again." Yang Mimi said.

"Sister, every celebrity has a babysitter car, okay, you won't treat my car as a babysitter car, right?"

"Yes, Pagani's nanny car, it's so much face." Yang Mimi joked.

Ye Chen parked the car to the door, and Yang Mimi got into the car.

"Madu Art Center? Do you have a show?"

"Well, there is a charity show, I am a guest performer." Yang Mimi smiled.

"Now you are very hot." Ye Chen teased.

"Thanks to you, I released a single with a singer from our company. I am now the number one on the top chart. Her song hit the street, so I am relieved."

Yang Mimi looked happy.

Li Feifei’s single should belong to her, and she was snatched away by her abruptly. The company casually threw a **** song to Yang Mimi as comfort.

Fortunately, Ye Chen helped her write a fire song, which made her fight back.

Due to the fire of this song, the company's resources have refocused on Yang Mimi.

When Yang Mimi's song rushed to the top of the chart, Li Feifei's face turned green.

Ye Chen parked the car at the Magic City Art Center.

Yang Mimi smiled and said, "Why don't you come with me? I invite you to watch the show. There are many big stars."


Ye Chen was all right when he was free, parked his car in the parking lot, and walked into the art center with Yang Mimi.

Yang Mimi and Ye Chen came to the dressing room, and a young woman saw Yang Mimi's face sinking slightly.

"Yeah, Sister Mimi, I didn't expect the company to invite you to the show."

"Yes, although I am a little older, but I have the strength, so I should be able to be popular for a few years." Yang Mimi smiled.

Li Feifei's face was a little gloomy.

"Finally stepped on Yang Mimi and grabbed her resources. I didn't expect Yang Mimi's song to become popular again."

Li Feifei suddenly noticed Ye Chen, who was wearing Didi uniforms behind Yang Mimi.

"Mimi, this man will not be your boyfriend, right? Didi driver, you have more and more taste."

"You need to take care of it!" Yang Mimi didn't bother to care about him, sitting aside doing makeup.

At this time, a handsome young man walked in.

Seeing the young man, Li Feifei immediately showed an excited smile: "Master Chen, have you come to the charity party?"

Chen Tao ignored Li Feifei and came directly to Yang Mimi: "Mimi, your "Courage" is really so good, I already use it as a mobile phone ringtone."

Seeing Chen Tao and Yang Mimi being so close, Li Feifei's eyes flashed with resentment.

"Yang Mimi, wait, I'll make you embarrassed in public in a while."

Chen Tao and Yang Mimi talked a few more words before leaving without even looking at Li Feifei from start to finish.

Many Chinese celebrities and many business people have come to this charity performance.

The theme of the performance is to donate money to Hope Primary School in the mountainous area.

The performance was broadcast live on the China Music Channel.

Before the show started, Yang Mimi had been carrying the lyrics seriously.

This song is called "The Passing of Love".

Ye Chen glanced at the lyrics, very general.

There are still more than ten minutes before Yang Mimi's performance.

At this moment, suddenly a staff member ran over.

"Miss Mimi, can you change a song."

"What? Why change the song?" Yang Mimi was taken aback.

"I'm really sorry, because of a technical failure, the soundtrack of your song was accidentally deleted."

"What?" Yang Mimi was stunned.

How can such a professional performance make such a big mistake?

"Can you re-create another audio on the Internet?" Yang Mimi said.

"This is an original song. There is only this audio. Now the author can't be contacted. There is no audio on the Internet." The staff member said.

There was a sneer at the corner of Li Feifei's mouth.

"Well, we have an alternative song called "Dedication". Sing this one."

"But how could I sing a strange song in such a short time?" Yang Mimi was angry.

The staff said embarrassingly: "If you can't, you can only let other singers play."

"You..." Yang Mimi was about to get angry.

"Mimi, don't worry, I'll find a way." Ye Chen patted Yang Mimi on the shoulder and comforted.

"Since it's your job, it's okay to delay her performance later. Why should she get acquainted with a new song first." Ye Chen said.

The staff nodded: "Well, I can give you half an hour."

Li Feifei looked smug on the side.

In fact, she did it all.

Li Feifei was jealous of Yang Mimi, so the bribe staff deleted the audio of the music in order to make Yang Mimi embarrassed.

Ye Chen took Yang Mimi to a room with no one and said, "I teach you a song, you sing with me, and I will help you accompany you during the performance."

"This is the call of the heart, this is the dedication of love, this is the spring breeze in the world, this is the source of life!"

This song has a bright rhythm, is very easy to learn, and the lyrics are also very contagious.

Yang Mimi is very smart and learned it after singing it a few times.

"Ye Chen, did you write this song? It's great."

Yang Mimi couldn't help but exclaimed.

Now, she found that she couldn't understand Ye Chen more and more.

Handsome, golden, and talented, but he just likes to run didi!

"Okay, go and prepare." Ye Chen smiled.

"Yeah." Yang Mimi took a deep breath and walked to the backstage to prepare for her debut.

Ye Chen was about to leave when suddenly a young man blocked his way.

"Wait a minute, can you talk?" the young man said coldly.

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