Published at 27th of April 2021 12:44:20 PM

Chapter 192: 192

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Qian Fei looked at Tang Lu triumphantly.

Even if I don't have your boyfriend as handsome and richer, he is not my opponent.

Tang Lu smiled contemptuously after hearing this: "I like his people. As for how much money he has, it doesn't matter, as long as he loves me and treats me well."

After hearing Tang Lu's words, the nurse on the side was stunned.

"This is true love, Lulu, we support you."

"That's right, such a handsome boyfriend is worth even if he has no money."

"Do you still have a boyfriend of the same style? Lulu introduce me one."

Listening to the comments of the surrounding nurses, Qian Feiqi's face was pale.

In the past, as long as he took out his assassin, those girls would have fallen into his arms long ago.

But this Tang Lu in front of her ignored her.

This caused Qian Fei to suffer a blow.

Nima, what on earth does this little brother have? He can tease his younger sister without money, so he must know how to do it in the future.

Qian Fei took a deep breath and asked, "What does your boyfriend do?"

Tang Lu said proudly: "It's a dick."

"Damn, **** dick?"

Qian Fei almost didn't jump up.

I originally thought that it must be some company boss or rich second generation who was crushing me, but in the end, it turned out to be a little brother Didi.

"It's a courier who dares to chase a goddess like you. It's a toad who wants to eat swan meat. Does he deserve it?"

Tang Lu frowned: "Mr. Qian, please pay attention to your words. What's wrong with Kaididi? You should be respected regardless of your profession to make money by your own labor."

Knowing Ye Chen's identity, Qian Fei has completely recovered his arrogant appearance at this moment.

He smiled faintly: "Open didi is the job of the inferior people. Do you know what I do? I have mines at home, so I don’t need to do anything. My pocket money is 100,000 yuan a month. Property..."

Qian Fei spoke smugly for a long time, but found that the surroundings were quiet.

It turned out that Tang Lu had already left.


Fuck, this goddess, I must catch up.

No one can run out of my palm of the woman Qian Fei is fond of.

Ye Chen had just finished setting up the security work on the third floor at this time, and Tang Lu called.

"Brother Ye Chen, it's so annoying, we have a patient here who has been pestering me."

"Really? I happen to be at Ren'ai Hospital, don't worry, I will go over to help you swat the flies."

"Well, I just got off work, let's go home together."

Ye Chen nodded: "Okay, I will go downstairs now."

Tang Lu changed into casual clothes.

The light blue dress, slender thighs, and crystal high heels suddenly became a sight in the hospital.

"Look, that beauty is so pretty."

"I don't know, this is the goddess nurse of Ren'ai Hospital."

"Hey, if only I had such a beautiful girlfriend."

"Save it, I don't know how many rich and handsome people want to chase her, but she refuses them all."

Tang Lu walked to the entrance of the hospital and frowned suddenly.

Because she saw Qian Fei wearing an Emani suit, waiting for her at the door.

"Hi, beauty, it's off work, you see it's so late, I'll take you home."

With that said, Qian Fei deliberately showed off the car keys of his Land Rover.

He pointed to the Land Rover next to him and said, "I like Land Rover's domineering best. How does this car take you home?"

At this time, Qian Fei had already imagined that Tang Lu would get in a Land Rover car with a happy expression on his face.

Well, drive the car, go directly to your villa, and then...

In his eyes, there is no suspense at all for a little brother Didi competing with himself for a woman.

He wants to let this woman know what the life of a rich man is, and he wants this woman to fall in love with the life of a rich man.

As for that little brother Didi.

Ha ha!

Stay cool and go.

Do not look at what identity you are, chase the goddess!

Tang Lu said indifferently to the Land Rover that didn't even look at him: "No, my boyfriend will pick me up in a while."

Qian Fei couldn't help but said, "What car does your boyfriend drive? Xiali, Volkswagen, or Jetta, beauty, is my Land Rover not fragrant?"

Tang Lu didn't make any sense at all.

Qian Fei took a deep breath, he was very patient with chasing women.

After a while, her didi boyfriend came. I humiliated him and let him know that our gap was voluntarily given up, and the goddess would still be moved by my pride. "

In Qian Fei's eyes, money is omnipotent and can solve all difficulties.

Seeing Tang Lu standing at the door, several nurses after get off work asked: "Tang Lu, your boyfriend hasn't come yet, or else take my car first."

"No, my boyfriend will be here soon."

"Lulu!" At this time, a handsome boy came over.

Ye Chen adjusted the charm value to 80 this time.

A straight personal tailored suit, with a handsome appearance, instantly attracted the attention of many girls.

At the entrance of the hospital, a group of fans were waiting for a little fresh meat with a broken finger to be discharged, and they were shocked when they saw Ye Chen.

"This little brother is so handsome."

"It seems to be more handsome than my deer."

"Loved, this is the real man."

"More handsome than my idol, forget it, this handsome guy is my true love."

"What little meat, is there this handsome guy fresh?"

At this time, at the exit of the hospital, a bunch of security guards escorted a young man out of the hospital.

Originally, he was still thinking about how to deal with the fans at the door, but when he came out, he was confused.

The door was empty and there was no one.

Not far away, a bunch of girls are surrounding a handsome guy.

Xiao Xianrou looked embarrassed, aren't those all my fans? How come you became a passerby so quickly.

Not only those fans, but even those colleagues of Tang Lu were stunned.

Oh my god, so handsome, even more handsome than in the photo.

"Handsome guy, can you give me a WeChat."

"Handsome man, can I have a meal with you?"

"I have already booked a room at the hotel, do you guys make an appointment?"

Tang Lu also brightened when he saw Ye Chen.

Recently, because Ye Chen is relatively busy, the two have not seen each other for a long time. When they met this time, Tang Lu was pleasantly surprised to find that Ye Chen was handsome again.

Tang Lu walked in front of everyone, her pretty face blushed and shouted: "Please let me all, this is my boyfriend."

"Huh? Already have a girlfriend?"

"Ouuuu, I fell in love as soon as I fell in love."

Several other nurses also shook their heads secretly.

It's no wonder that those rich second generations pursued Tang Lu, she didn't even bother.

Such a handsome little brother, who doesn't love him.

"Ye Chen."

Everyone gave way, Tang Lu rushed to Ye Chen in the envy of everyone's eyes, and hugged him directly.

Ye Chen smiled: "Lulu hasn't seen me for so long?"

Tang Lu nodded: "Well, I want to kill you."

Everyone ate a bunch of dog food.

I rub, it really is someone else's boyfriend.

so sad!

At this moment, Qian Fei, who was standing aside ready to pretend to be forced, had a pale face.

Someone who is ticking, daring to pretend to be forceful in front of Lao Tzu, I want you to know who is the real king of force.

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