Published at 27th of April 2021 12:44:19 PM

Chapter 193: 193

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Qian Fei was almost mad when he saw that Tang Lu pounced into Ye Chen's arms intimately.

Shouldn't this male lead be him? Turned out to be a didi brother.

Unbearable, absolutely unbearable.

This little brother is indeed handsomer than him, but so what.

Today's society doesn't look at faces, but who has more money.

Qian Fei walked up to Tang Lu with a smirk on his face: "Xiao Lu, this is your boyfriend who is didi."

He deliberately bit the words Kaididi very hard.

However, she did not expect Tang Lu to look proud: "Yes, compared to my boyfriend, are you scumbag?"


"Well, this society is not a society that depends on faces, but on who is richer, kid, did you raise this beautiful woman?"

Being crushed by Ye Chen's face value, Qian Fei was not convinced and still clamored.

Ye Chen looked at Qian Fei jokingly: "Oh, you don't think I deserve to be worthy of you. By the way, what is the name? Toad wants to eat swan meat, it's you."

"It's what I do."

After speaking, Qian Fei realized that he was being routine, and said angrily: "Are you a toad?"

Qian Fei said coldly: "Boy, this society is not a face. You are handsome and useless. You have to be rich, don't you understand?"

When he walked to his domineering Land Rover, Qian Fei arrogantly said: "Have you seen my Land Rover? The landing price is 1.5 million. Only such a luxury car is worthy of a beauty like Miss Tang Lu."

Ye Chen nodded: "You are right, but you look at my girlfriend too cheap."

"What do you mean?" Qian Fei was taken aback for a moment.

"A car worth 1.5 million yuan, just want to be Lulu's boyfriend, you are too thick-skinned."

After hearing Ye Chen's words, Qian Fei couldn't help but sneer.

You are a driver of Didi, so you have the right to laugh at me. At the very least, I drive a Land Rover. Where's your car?

Qian Fei looked at Ye Chen jokingly.

He had already seen a broken Jetta parked on the side of the road. If he guessed correctly, it was Ye Chen's car.

Sure enough, Ye Chen walked towards the Jetta in no hurry.

Seeing this scene, Qian Fei showed a smug look on his face.

"Poor, even a broken Jetta wants to have such a beautiful girlfriend, you simply can't help it."

However, Ye Chen only stopped in front of the Jetta, and continued to move forward, and finally stopped in front of the Cullinan.


Everyone took a breath of air-conditioning.

Everyone knows that Cullinan is the nobleman in the SUV.

How could it be possible that a little brother Didi actually drove Cullinan?

You know, the price of Cullinan's landing is tens of millions.

Several nurses were also stunned.

"No, didn't Lulu say that Ye Chen is just a little brother Kaidi?"

"Oh my God, is there any mistake in driving Cullinan?"

"Should not be possible."

Everyone looked at this scene with dull eyes.

Qian Fei was also stunned.

But soon he shook his head.

"Impossible, this kid is just a poor man, how could he be able to drive Cullinan?"

Yes, yes, this car must not be his, he just stood in front of the car and forced it.

Thinking of this, Qian Fei showed a playful smile on his face.

"Boy, you won't tell me this is your car, do you? You continue to install it. If you have the ability, you can take out your car key and act like Laozi. You are too tender."

Qian Fei pointed at Ye Chen and said to Tang Lu: "Miss Tang, have you seen it? This kid is a liar at all. He can't afford this kind of luxury car at all. You were cheated by him."

Ye Chen smiled indifferently: "You are right, I really can't get the key.

Qian Fei was even more proud when he heard Ye Chen's words.

"Let me just say, how can you afford Cullinan in such a poor way? It's so funny."

Qian Fei said to Tang Lu, "Lulu, this kind of man is a liar, what are you doing with him?"

Tang Lu laughed but said nothing.

She had sat in this Cullinan, she just watched quietly to see how Ye Chen pretended to be forced.

But Tang Lu's other colleagues didn't know.

Everyone thought that Ye Chen was forced to be exposed by Qian Fei.

"Hey, Tang Lu's boyfriend is so true. If you open the Jetta, you must pretend to be forced."

"That's right, it's shameful this time."

"He looks very handsome, and his vanity is too strong."

Several colleagues' favorability towards Ye Chen dropped a lot in an instant.

Ye Chen just smiled faintly: "I really don't have a car key, because this car is fingerprinted."

He patted Qian Fei on the shoulder.

"You only need a key for a car with a turtle like yours, brother, let's have a snack."

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he opened the door of the car and sat in the driving position.

The cool headlights lit up, dazzling.

Everyone was shocked to see this scene.

"Oh my God, this little brother Didi is really driving Cullinan."

"It turns out that this little brother is not only handsome, but also a lot of money, and he is in love with love."

"Oh my God, running Didi with Cullinan is so handsome, I love this handsome guy."


Qian Fei, who was triumphant just now, was suddenly stupid.

how can that be.

This kid turned out to be Cullinan.

This is unscientific.

Ye Chen smiled and said: "You're so poor that you drive a Land Rover and come out to tease your girl. Don't be ashamed. Next time you drive a higher-end one."

At this time, the fans who were watching had already screamed frantically.

"Wow, so handsome."

"Loved, loved."

Luxury car, handsome guy, which woman can resist this temptation.

Ye Chen didn't even look at Qian Fei and smiled at Tang Lu: "Dear, get in the car."

Tang Lu and her colleague waved their hands: "My dears, I'm leaving, and I will contact you back."

"No, I'm sour."

"Woo, I also want to find a handsome guy who drives Cullinan."

Qian Fei watched Cullinan's domineering rear lights mess in the wind.

This face is slapped.

It turns out that he is not only handsome, but also richer than himself.

At this time, Qian Fei's cell phone rang.

It was Hu Bo who was not calling.

Qian Fei and Hu Bo both played in the same circle, and they often exchanged their tips on making girls.

The phone connected: "Old Qian, did you say that the beautiful nurse caught up?"

"Chasing a fart, I was slapped in the face today, and I met a rich second-generation super rich."

"What's the matter? Dare to rob my brother's woman to die. What's that kid's name? I'll teach him a good meal for you."

"That kid's name is Ye Chen, so he's a dick."

"Ye... Ye Chen!"

Huber, who had just been extremely loyal, was shocked.

His face is still swollen.

Qian Fei said indignantly: "No, I have to find that kid to settle this account, or else how am I going to be in this circle, Brother Hu, you must help me."

"Well, Brother Qian, forget it, listen to your brother's advice, you'd better not provoke Ye Chen, that's someone you can't afford to provoke."

"Also, if you really provoke Ye Chen, don't contact me, my face hurts."

Qian Fei: "..."

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