Published at 27th of April 2021 12:44:11 PM

Chapter 195: 195

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Almost at the same time, the alarm bell rang.

Qin Shan ran away, intending to escape from a safe passage.

At this moment, suddenly a bright light flashed.

Although it was only a flash, Qin Shan's expression changed abruptly.

There was a person standing opposite him, holding a lighter in his hand, and looking at Qin Shan with a smile.

"who are you?"

"The one who arrested you, you are the king of Qin Guang Qin Shan, what are you hurrying for now? Don't you have a cup of tea and chat?"

After the words fell, Qin Shan already felt an icy breath from the opponent's body.

"Master." Qin Shan's expression was slightly startled.

At this time, there were rapid footsteps behind him, and it was clear that the soldiers had arrived.

Before he could think about it, Qin Shan rushed towards Ye Chen.

Qin Shan moved extremely fast, and the dagger in his hand had already pierced Ye Chen in the blink of an eye.

Ye Chen's eyes condensed, and the cigarette **** in his hand flicked directly.

In an instant, a flame cut through the darkness and rushed to Qin Shan's front door.

Qin Shan avoided the cigarette **** on one side of his body, flipped his wrist, and swept the dagger towards Ye Chen's throat.

Ye Chen's complexion also condensed, this Qin Shan's strength is really strong, fortunately he has a god-level fighting, otherwise it may really not be this guy's opponent.

He leaned back and then kicked it out.

Qin Shan turned around and withdrew a step to escape Ye Chen's attack.

Originally, Qin Shan thought that a sprint could kill Ye Chen and directly rushed out, but he did not expect that Ye Chen would be forced to come back.

The footsteps behind him were approaching, and Qin Shan's expression became difficult to look.

He didn't expect Ye Chen to be so shrewd. If he didn't rush over, he would probably be here.

Qin Shan was also a little surprised at Ye Chen's strength.

He didn't expect to meet such a master here.

Qin Shan brandished his dagger and rushed towards Ye Chen again.

The corner of Ye Chen's mouth raised: "You can't go, stay."

However, this time the dagger in Qin Shan's hand was not stabbed but thrown directly.


The dagger pierced Ye Chen like lightning.

On the side of Ye Chen's body, the dagger was directly embedded in the wall behind him.

Qin Shan took this opportunity to rush out.

"It's not that easy to want to go."

Ye Chen grabbed Qin Shan's shoulder.

Qin Shan threw a fist backhand.


When the fists met, Qin Shan felt a surge of strength.

Ye Chen and Qin Shan withdrew three steps each.

Qin Shan turned to run, Ye Chen slapped him on the back with a palm.

What surprised Ye Chen this time was that Qin Shan didn't hide, but was directly knocked into the air by Ye Chen.

After landing, Qin Shan rushed forward with a swish under his foot.

I rub!

Ye Chen was shocked, this kid was too cunning.

At this time, Yan Li also killed her with someone.

Quickly encircled Qin Shan in the corridor on the second floor.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

Chen Chao killed it.

"Asshole, you turned out to be a killer. Leave me here."

This guy suddenly came out, instantly disrupting Yan Li and the others.

Qin Shan rushed to meet Chen Chao, and he was about to collide with each other. His body suddenly jumped up, stepping on Chen Chao's shoulder and rushing to the high wall, and rushed out directly through the window.


Ye Chen was going crazy.

This Chen Chao is really less than success and more than failure.


Chen Chao originally wanted to make atonement for his crimes, but he didn't expect to let Qin Shan go.

"Come here, handcuff Chen Chao and chase me." Ye Chen ordered.

The two special forces directly held Chen Chao.

Chen Chao still refuses: "Why are you arresting me?"

Ye Chen said coldly: "It's enough that you take the killer to assassinate Mr. Tang and help the killer escape."

The first is that Chen Chao is irrefutable, and the second is that he is really wronged.

Originally wanted to do meritorious service to redeem sins, but I did.

At this moment, Ye Chen had already rushed outside with someone.

But I only saw the rear lights of one car.

Ye Chen said coldly: "He can't run, some people stay behind, and the others follow me to arrest people."

Not only that, Ye Chen also called Zhou Susu.

The police, together with the people from the special forces, surrounded Cao's house.

The door of Cao's house opened, and an old man walked out with a cane.

Seeing this posture, Cao Cheng's eyes were cold.

"What are you doing? My old bone hasn't died yet, are you going to act on our Cao family?"

Ye Chen faintly smiled: "Mr. Cao, we are not doing it against you. On the contrary, we are protecting the Cao family. A gangster entered your Cao family. We did this for the safety of the Cao family."

"Impossible, how could the gangsters come in if our Cao family has bodyguards patrolling?"

Ye Chen sneered: "It's hard to say how to get in, but the gangster is very dangerous. If you don't catch it, it will have a great impact on the Cao family and even the public security of the Demon Capital."

Cao Le also rushed out at this time: "Ye Chen, what do you mean? I know we have a festival, and you don't need to avenge your personal revenge."

"Public revenge?" Ye Chen smiled suddenly.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Mr. Cao, I am always easy-going, how can I become enemies with others? I really did this for the Cao family."

Cao Cheng snorted coldly, "What if I don't let the search?"

Ye Chen said lightly: "If Mr. Cao disagrees, then we have to be offended."

"Dare you, if you want to enter our Cao's yard today, unless you step on me."

At this moment, a red flag car stopped at the door of Cao's house.

An old man walked down.

Seeing the old man, Yan Li's expressions changed, and even Cao Cheng's body trembled slightly.

The old man walked up to Ye Chen: "Little brother, are you sure that the person is inside?"

Ye Chen nodded: "I'm sure."

He had already locked Qin Shan through the eyes of heaven just now, and he was certain that the other party was in the yard.

The old man walked in front of Cao Cheng: "Brother, this matter is very important to you, you should let it be seen, otherwise everyone will not look good."

Cao Cheng's face suddenly turned pale, but there was still a touch of coldness on his face.

"What if I can't find people?"

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "I am willing to take full responsibility if I can't find people."


Cao Cheng stepped aside and shouted to the bodyguard at the door: "Let them search."

Cao Le's expression changed: "Grandpa!"

Ye Chen led people into Cao's house.

The Cao’s family is a manor with an area of ​​over ten hectares.

It is too difficult to find someone in such a large area.

Ye Chen picked up the tip of his nose, and he smelled a scent, which was exactly the smell of his opponent when he fought against Qin Shan.

Ye Chen came to a warehouse.

Kick open the warehouse.

A musty smell came from the black hole in the warehouse.

The smell disappears here.

Ye Chen can be sure that people are inside.

Several special forces rushed in, but found nothing.

Ye Chen walked into the warehouse and his eyes fell on a metal cabinet.

Watching Ye Chen walk towards the tin cabinet, Cao Le's heart suddenly sank.

How could it be possible, how could this guy find here so quickly!

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