Published at 27th of April 2021 12:43:53 PM

Chapter 200: 200

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Ye Chen understood as soon as he heard it, it seemed that this guy had misunderstood.

But Ye Chen also saw that Xie Yingying had no feelings for this guy at all.

In this case, he should help Xie Yingying once.

"Okay, no problem." Ye Chen nodded.

After listening to Ye Chen's words, Lu Gang's eyes suddenly flashed with brilliance.

"How to fight?" Ye Chen asked.

"One-on-one, five goals count as a win."

"Good!" Ye Chen nodded.

Seeing someone challenge Lu Gang, the audience on the basketball court suddenly became excited.

Lu Gang smiled and said, "Everyone, this brother wants to challenge me. We just made a bet. If anyone loses, we will leave Yingying. Everyone will be considered as a testimony."

Xie Yingying's expression changed when she heard it.

She didn't expect Lu Gang to be so despicable, making such a bet with Ye Chen.

Xie Yingying deliberately blocked it, but it was too late.

The audience was in an uproar.

"Fuck, this kid actually challenges our basketball prince."

"Haha, doesn't he know that Lu Gang is Ruchuanfeng from our school?"

"Hey, don't ask, you will definitely lose."


Game start.

Lu Gang attacked first.

He quickly slapped the basketball in his hand, one side flickering, and easily passed Ye Chen.

He dribbled the ball into the basket and jumped high.


The basketball dunked heavily into the net.


"As expected of the prince of basketball."

"Lu Gang is great, I love you so much."

Cheers immediately rang out on the scene.

Lu Gang looked smug and made a provocative gesture at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen just did a simple defensive action.

The main reason is that he hasn't exercised for a long time, so he just warmed up.

But in Lu Gang's eyes, Ye Chen was just a rookie.

That's it!

Dare to challenge me?

This time, Ye Chen attacked.

Ye Chen took the ball and patted it twice.

Lu Gang found the opportunity to grab the ball suddenly.

It has to be said that Lu Gang's football skills are also top-notch in amateurs.

Ye Chen didn't pay attention and was really taken away by Lu Gang.

After Lu Gang got the ball, he made a long jump shot and the ball hit the net.


Ye Chen gave a wry smile, hey, his body really degraded after not exercising for such a long time.

This time Lu Gang attacked, leaning against Ye Chen again and layup easily.


Ye Chen attacked. As a result, although he broke through this time, he was blocked by Lu Gang during the layup.


"This is too weak."

"This kind of strength dares to challenge our basketball prince."

"Haha, it's so funny, I thought it was the king, but it turned out to be bronze."

Lu Gang got four points in a row with a sullen face.

"Boy, if you lose, stay away from Yingying obediently, otherwise I will see you and beat you once."

Ye Chen didn't activate the basketball master at the beginning, he just wanted to play and see his true strength.

Unexpectedly, this guy won a few goals and became arrogant.

Give you a face, right?

Xie Yingying's face was also a bit ugly, she secretly blamed Ye Chen for betting with Lu Gang without discussing it with her.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Okay, the warm-up is over, this time you be careful."

Lu Gang sneered when he heard Ye Chen's words.

He had already seen Ye Chen's strength, it was too ordinary, and such strength did not threaten him at all.

This time, Ye Chen attacked.

[Ding, activate the basketball master. 】

As the basketball master's skills were activated, Ye Chen's eyes changed immediately.

Countless basketball skills are integrated into my mind.

He felt that the ball in his hand had become one with himself.

Lu Gang also felt the change in Ye Chen, and was shocked.

Ye Chen had a beautiful crossover. Before Lu Gang could react, Ye Chen had already easily broken through.

Three-step layup directly scores.

Lu Gang was still standing in a daze at this time.

This action, isn't James' magical skill special?

He also tried to practice, but this cross slide is too difficult, he just mastered the fur.

No, I must have been dazzled just now.

The audience was also completely stunned.

What's the situation?

Ye Chen, who was just as weak as a rookie, suddenly became like a person.

Especially the action just now is too awesome!

Ye Chen took the basketball and also raised a **** to Lu Gang.

Lu Gang gritted his teeth and took the basketball thrown by Ye Chen.

"carry on!"

Lu Gang had already decided that he must score the ball this time and not give Ye Chen any chance.

On the basketball court, no one has ever provoked himself so much, and Lu Gang is also angry.

He dribbled the ball directly towards Ye Chen.

This time, he will use the most gorgeous moves to end the game.

He wants to prove to Xie Yingying that he is the best boy.

Lu Gang dribbled the ball quickly to near the three-point line.

He wants to score goals in front of Ye Chen to let Ye Chen know that he is the overlord of this basketball court.

Lu Gang jumped up a jumper.

At this time Ye Chen also jumped up.

There was a sneer in Lu Gang's eyes, his height was 1.92 meters, and Ye Chen was only 1.82 meters.

It's like a death to bounce compared to yourself.

However, Lu Gang suddenly felt a figure suddenly surpassed him, holding down the basketball he was about to throw.

Lu Gang's face suddenly changed.

how can that be!

In the air, the two were at a standstill.

Lu Gang gritted his teeth and tried his best to throw the ball in to end the fight.

But what makes him unbelievable is that he has used the strength of feeding, but the basketball is still unable to move in the air.

Ye Chen was like a big, unmoving mountain, unable to shake.

"Come down to me."

The corner of Ye Chen's mouth lifted up, with a fierce force.


Lu Ganglian dribbled the ball by Ye Chen directly from the air.

His body staggered and he nearly fell down after taking two steps back.

Ye Chen had already got the ball and made a jump shot easily, and the ball went into the net.


There was a dead silence at the scene.

If Ye Chen was a fluke just now, this time it was by strength.

Moreover, Ye Chen's jump was too high.

At Mordu Polytechnic, Lu Gang is the aerial overlord on the basketball court and has never suffered.

"Little brother is so handsome."


"so amazing!"

"Little brother, I love you."

Ye Chen's face was already handsome, and her performance just now was so brilliant, the girl who was still cheering for Lu Gang immediately turned her fans and cheered Ye Chen.

Lu Gang's face was pale.

Ye Chen attacked. This time, a fake action of Ye Chen swayed Lu Gang again and dunked easily.


Lu Gang attacked, but his dribble was easily cut off by Ye Chen, a standard Jordan backward jumper.


The score was tied in the blink of an eye, with the last goal left.

This ball is Ye Chen's attack.

However, Ye Chen threw the ball directly to Lu Gang, while he stood under the basket.

Lu Gang's eyes burst with cold light, like an enraged lion.

"Give the ball directly to me, this is obviously underestimating me."

Lu Gang gritted his teeth, rushed to the block with the ball, and jumped high.

He wants to end the game with the coolest dunk.

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