Published at 27th of April 2021 12:43:40 PM

Chapter 206: 206

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A 16-year-old high school student, would Euler guess?

how can that be?

Euler’s conjecture is known as one of the three major problems in the world.

Even those mathematicians and PhDs are helpless.

This 16-year-old high school student actually figured it out?

It must be impossible.

Ye Chen took the USB flash drive, took it out and smiled: "Thank you beautiful lady."

"No thanks!" Zhang Ziqi looked at Ye Chen and Chen Xiaobei with shock.

A handsome stone-shattering, a super genius.

Could it be that my peach blossoms are overwhelming, and I met two top men in one face.

"Have you thought about where to post this paper?"

Chen Xiaobei shook his head: "I don't know, I just want to post it so that others can prove my reasoning is correct."

Ye Chen thought for a while and contacted Li Yan directly.

"Li Yan, do you know well-known paper websites in mathematics?"

"Why, President Ye is going to publish a paper or have any major discoveries?"

Ye Chen smiled: "I helped Chen Xiaobei publish a paper."

"Chen Xiaobei issued a paper?" Li Yan was taken aback.

"Ye Chen, stop joking with me, okay? Chen Xiaobei? Can you write a professional paper on mathematics?"

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Why not? I said he is a genius."

Li Yan said: "You can send it to the world of mathematics. This is the most authoritative paper in the field of mathematics, and it is also the holy place of mathematics with the highest degree of freedom. As long as your paper is valuable, it will definitely shine."

Ye Chen nodded, opened the website, and helped Chen Xiaobei post the paper.

Li Yan was immediately silly when she saw Ye Chen's paper.

Even she felt that this paper could only understand one-tenth.

Regardless of whether this inference is correct or not, one thing is certain. The author of this paper must be an expert in mathematics with very high accomplishments in mathematics.

Chen Xiaobei?

She really couldn't think of a scumbag who could write such an awesome thesis.

At this time, in M, Danny, a mathematics professor in Mari, was reading this forum.

At this time, he saw a forum just posted from China.

I glanced at the title and suddenly smiled.

Euler's conjecture?

What a joke.

Euler’s conjecture is the world’s number one mathematical mystery.

Just use a few sets of computers to solve this unsolved mystery with only a Chinese person?

However, when he saw the content, the perseverance on his face disappeared.

Although he can see that the opponent's foundation is not very good, so the calculation steps are very confusing.

However, he can feel the feasibility of this algorithm.

The more he watched, the more shocked Danny became.

This is simply incredible.

Even his hands were already shaking a little.

Miracles are really mathematical miracles.

Danny immediately felt that the paper was unusual.

He thought for a while, and dialed the phone of a Chinese mathematician.

"Li Ke, is there a mathematician named Chen Xiaobei in China?"

"No? What's the matter?"

"I just saw a paper from your China IP."

"What's so strange that China can publish hundreds of academic papers every day?"

Now, in the academic world, the reputation of Huaguo's papers is very bad.

Although the amount is large, it is full of plagiarism and reference.

So many scholars shook their heads as soon as they heard Hua Guo's papers.

"Li Ke, you really have to read this paper, it is very different, and I looked at the author's introduction, it turned out to be only sixteen years old."

"Sixteen-year-old academic paper?" Hearing Danny's words, he immediately shook his head.

"Forget it, I don't even know if I don't read it. Maybe it's the child of the math professor. This paper is probably written by his parents."

"Li Ke, I really urge you to read this paper carefully, otherwise you will regret it."

"Okay, okay, I'll take a look at the papers that surprised my Danny so much."

Li Ke reluctantly turned on the computer to open the forum.

When he saw the paper at the first glance, he was attracted by the content.

Danny waited for more than an hour, but didn't get a reply from the other party.

When he got through Li Ke's phone, he heard the news that Li Ke was on his way to the magic capital of China.

"Danny, this paper is simply a miracle in our mathematics world. I am on my way to the magic city. I must find this person. He is a mathematics genius, and may even be an epoch-making figure in our mathematics world."

At this time, this paper has attracted the attention of many experts.

"Oh my God, I just followed the steps to calculate it, and it turned out to be true."

"It's amazing. I read the information and the other party seems to be only sixteen years old."


At this time, Li Ke had already returned to the magic capital.

Not only Li Ke, professors of mathematics at Peking University, Nanjing University, Harbin Institute of Technology, and Fudan University were all stunned by this paper.

This is definitely a step that a mathematical genius can solve.

And this is a sixteen-year-old high school student, which is incredible.

The heads of admissions offices in various schools rushed towards the Enchanted Capital Library.

Li Ke was the first to arrive at the library. Li Ke searched and found that this paper was sent from this library.

"Little sister, have you seen anyone posting papers on your computer these days?"

"I see, it's a sixteen-year-old little brother and a handsome guy in his twenties."

"Oh, do you have his contact information?"

Zhang Ziqi nodded: "That handsome brother did leave a call when he left."

Li Ke excitedly took the phone.

The phone was connected, and a nice voice came from inside.

"Hello, did you publish that paper?"

Ye Chen smiled and said, "It was published by my brother Li Ke.

"That sixteen-year-old boy? Where is he, can I see him?" Li Ke said excitedly.

In this way, a friend from Peking University and I came to Magic City for this child. Which school does this high school student go to?

The corner of Ye Chen's mouth raised: "He is in the 48th Middle School of the Magic City."

"Okay, okay, let's go over immediately. This young man is the hope of Huaguo Mathematics in the future. We must recruit him to Peking University.

At this time, a middle-aged man came over.

The middle-aged man is named Chen Yang, director of the admissions office of Peking University.

"Mr. Li Ke, let's go quickly. If this young man is really as good as you said, then maybe the science and engineering universities all over the world can't be crazy?"

Li Ke said: "The most important thing now is to see this young man and don't let others take it away.

The two drove straight to the Demon to the 48th Middle School.

After identifying his identity, the principal Pang Ming hurriedly led out to greet him.

He is not an ordinary person, he is the director of the admissions office of Peking University.

When such a big man comes to the school, which principal dare to neglect.

Chen Yang said coldly: "Principal Pang, I'm here to enroll students this time."

Hearing Chen Yang said it was enrolling students, Principal Pang's face was full of joy.

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