Published at 27th of April 2021 12:42:59 PM

Chapter 220: 220

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As the number one master of painting in China, Qiubai's painting attainments have also encountered bottlenecks.

But what makes him a headache is that his painting skills have reached the peak, so he can only rely on himself to break the bottleneck.

Now that he saw a person who was more accomplished than himself, how could he not be excited.

Perhaps, if the opponent just gives pointers, it will allow him to break through the bottleneck, and it is even possible to reach the semi-sage of painting.

"Mr. Ma, you must contact this author, maybe his advice can make me go further."

Hearing Qiu Bai's words, everyone at the scene was stunned again.

Who is Qiubai? However, the number one master of Huaguo's painting industry, the people who can teach him how terrifying the painting skills are.

Brother Teng said quickly: "Master Qiubai, don't worry, I will call the other party immediately."

Qiu Bai clasped his fists: "Then thank you Brother Teng, by the way, if you get in touch, I will go to visit the master in person."

Brother Teng nodded and dialed Ye Chen's phone.

Ye Chen was hanging out with Wanrou, but heard the phone rang.

"Mr. Ye, this is Ateng, are you coming to the calligraphy and painting conference?"

"I'm here, are you spinning down?"

"Oh, where are you, we will pass now."

Ye Chen looked at it and said, "I'm in area B."

"Okay, Mr. Ye, don't move, we will pass now."

Hanging up, Qiu Bai hurriedly asked, "Is Mr. Ye here now?"

Brother Teng nodded: "He is in area B now."

"Okay, let's pass now."

Seeing Qiubai and a few big names in the painting industry, everyone was stunned.

"President Qiu, can you give me some pointers and see if there are any flaws in my painting."

As the number one painter in China, Qiubai is likely to go to the next level if he points to one or two painting levels.

Seeing Qiu Bai hurriedly walking towards Area B, everyone was very curious.

"What are so many big guys from the Artists Association doing?"

"I don't know. Could it be that there are any big people in Area B?"


Everyone talked a lot.

They were all very curious about what kind of boss it was that a big figure like Qiu Bai could greet him personally.

At this time, Lei Bin took a few security guards to find Ye Chen and Lin Wanrou.

Lei Bin pointed to Ye Chen and said, "It's him, it must be the fake invitation letter stolen from others that got into the calligraphy and painting conference."

Ye Chen frowned upon hearing this: "What do you mean."

Lei Bin sneered: "What do you mean, I have checked it just now, you are not a member of the Magic Capital Artists Association at all. We all invite insiders to participate in this calligraphy and painting conference, and the invitation letter you brought is clearly fake. ."

Chen Xuan also said with a look of arrogance: "Boy, you are so bold that you even used a fake invitation letter to enter the Artists Association."

Ye Chen sneered: "This invitation letter was given to me by Mr. Ma."

Chen Xuan suddenly laughed: "Who is Mr. Ma? A business tycoon, how could he send you an invitation letter? You have to make up a more reasonable line of nonsense."

Lei Bin said coldly: "Security, don't blast him out yet."

"I see who dares." With an angry shout, Brother Teng hurried over with Qiubai and other big men from the Artists Association.

Chen Xuan hurriedly said: "Mr. Ma, you don't know that this guy actually cheated on your name. I found out that I was about to ask the security guard to arrest them."

Brother Teng said coldly: "I invited Mr. Ye, who would dare to move him?"


Hearing Chen Xuan's words, Brother Teng's expression suddenly changed.

At this time Qiubai also came over and took Ye Chen's hand: "Mr. Ye, I saw your painting. It is a magical brush. I am willing to bow down to Qiubai. I wonder if I can point me to one or two?"

Hearing Qiu Bai's words, the scene was deadly silent.

Who is Qiubai, the president of the Chinese Artists Association, he wants a young man in his early twenties to give pointers?

Everyone was stunned.

Ye Chen said coldly: "Chairman Qiu, your people don't seem to welcome me, and you have to ask the security to drive me out. I might as well get acquainted and leave."

Qiu Bai's expression sank when he heard it, and then gave Chen Xuan a fierce look.

He said to Ye Chen: "Mr. Ye, you must calm down. I will give you a satisfactory account of this matter."

Chen Xuan and Lei Bin were dumbfounded when they saw that Qiu Bai was so respectful to Ye Chen.

What happened to Master Qiu today?

How could he be so respectful to Ye Chen?

Chen Xuan said with some trepidation: "Chairman Qiu, he is..."

Qiubai said coldly: "Chen Xuan, you are so rude to Mr. Ye, how bold are you?"

Hearing Qiubai's anger, Chen Xuan was shocked.

The painter pays attention to self-cultivation and seldom gets angry.

Chen Xuan was also shocked because Ye Chen actually made such a big fire at him.

Qiubai said coldly: "Chen Xuan, you and the kid next to you have been expelled from the Artists Association from today. From now on, our Artists Association will blacklist you two and will never recruit them."

Chen Xuan and Lei Bin were all shocked when they heard Qiu Bai's words.

What the two of them ate was the bowl of rice painting. If they were expelled from the Artists Association, then their entire lives would be over.

In particular, Chen Xuan, who is considered to be somewhat famous in the art world, is now expelled from the association, which is equivalent to all previous achievements in vain.

Brother Teng had a good relationship with Chen Xuan, but he understood that Chen Xuan had offended Ye Chen, so he was his enemy.

Moreover, Ye Chen's painting skills did not know how many blocks Chen Xuan had left. Chen Xuan's paintings were simply a pile of **** in front of Ye Chen.

Brother Teng said coldly: "Chen Xuan, you know who Ye Chen is, even Master Qiubai sighs, you actually want to blast such a person out of the venue, do you still take President Qiubai seriously? Do you think the Art Association was opened by your family?"

Chen Xuan's face was pale.

He only knew now that the celestial work he had just watched was actually made by Ye Chen.

This is too shocking.

Lei Bin exclaimed from the side: "Impossible, impossible. Painting requires years of accumulation. How could he have such a mastery in painting at such a young age."

Brother Teng's expression sank: "I personally looked at the painting that Master Ye painted for me, you mean I was lying."

"I didn't..." Lei Bin knew the identity of Brother Teng, how could he afford it.

Chen Xuan stared at the young man in front of him dumbfounded. He never dreamed that Ye Chen could draw this kind of charm.

His intestines are all regretful.

If he hadn't been bewitched by his apprentice Lei Bin and could befriend Ye Chen, perhaps he could still be more diligent in painting.

right now!

He was expelled from the Fine Arts Association, and he will be unable to move on this road in the future.


Chen Xuan slapped Lei Bin hard.

"You bastard, I was hurt by you."

Two security guards rushed over and framed the two men out.

When the two of them were driven out, Qiu Bai came to Ye Chen respectfully and said: "Mr. Ye, I'm so sorry, our Art Association has been out of this kind of scum. I have cleared them out. I hope Master Ye can forgive me. "

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