Published at 27th of April 2021 12:42:52 PM

Chapter 222: 222

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Seeing that Qiu Bai actually bowed down and bowed to Ye Chenxing.

Su Zheng was stunned.

Lin Wan and Su Wanyi were dumbfounded.

Brother Teng's eyes shrank sharply.

No one speaks at this moment!

At this moment, time seems to have stopped!

No one thought that Qiu Bai would actually give Ye Chen a great apprenticeship.

Qiubai said sincerely: "Master Ye's kindness today is something that the students will never forget. Please be respected by the students."

Master Ye! student!

Hearing that Qiu Bai claimed to be a student, the scene was in an uproar.

Qiubai is the president of today's Fine Arts Association, and even the first person in the painting industry in China. It is unimaginable that Qiu Bai has worshipped Ye Chen as his teacher.

From this everyone also understood how terrifying Ye Chen's painting was.

Being able to conquer Qiubai and benefit Qiubai deeply, it can be seen that Ye Chen is really much taller than Qiubai.

Otherwise, how could Qiubai give such a big gift after enlightenment.

Ye Chen quickly walked over and helped Qiubai up: "Old Qiu, I can't stand your gift. According to your age, you are my elder, how can you give this gift."

Qiubai got up and smiled faintly: "Ye Shi, we are experts in the painting industry as a teacher. I have learned a lot in your paintings, and even broke through the bottleneck for many years. It is not an exaggeration to call you a teacher."

Immediately, Ye Chen smiled and said: "This painting is magnificent. It just so happens that the calligraphy master Wang Lao is also better than letting him write the poem."

Elder Wang nodded and said, "Well, then I will show my ugliness."

Speaking of the king, he prepared an inscription.

But Ye Chen said: "This painting reminds me of a poem, so I can write it myself."

As soon as Ye Chen said what he said, the audience was in an uproar again.

This kid is too overwhelmed, but Wang Xian's characters are sold on a flat ruler.

After Wang Lao's inscription, Ye Chen's painting can sell for at least tens of millions at auction.

Ye Chen actually refused.

Mr. Wang was also a little uncomfortable and smiled lightly: "Okay, I didn't expect Mr. Ye to be proficient in calligraphy. I just happened to have a taste of what Mr. Ye's calligraphy skills are."

Ye Chen picked up the brush and thought for a moment, then wrote a poem with a swish.

In the picturesque river city, the mountains look at the clear sky at night. Two waters clamp Mingjing, Shuangqiao Luo Caiyun.


This poem describes the scene in the painting vividly and vividly.

Seeing this picture of Ye Chen.

Wang Xian was stunned.

This character is written majestic and magnificent, not only has the charm of ancient calligraphers, but also has an original style in it.

Wang Xian never dreamed that Ye Chen could write such words at such a young age.

Over the years, Wang Xian's calligraphy has also encountered bottlenecks.

But after reading Ye Chen's calligraphy, there was a feeling of initiation.


Wang Xian actually knelt on the ground like Qiu Bai, and bowed down and bowed in the same way.

The scene was shocked again.

Just now the president of the Fine Arts Association bowed down to Ye Chen as his teacher, and now the president of the Calligraphy Association also knelt down.

Master Ye!

Hearing this name, everyone in the audience no longer knew what to say.

Wang Xian, the first person in contemporary calligraphy, also gave Ye Chen a great gift to his master and apprentice.

Painting and calligraphy are not divided into families, and no one thought that Ye Chen, who was young, would let the two great masters in the painting and calligraphy circles call him a teacher.

"Elder Wang, what are you doing? This doesn't hurt me either."

Qiubai was about seventy years old, but the prince was nearly ninety years old.

This old man kneeled to himself, how could Ye Chen suffer.

Ye Chen quickly helped Wang Xian: "Old Wang, I should call you grandfather by age, how can I accept your gift?"

"Qiubai just said that the master is a teacher. From your words, I realized the highest realm of calligraphy. This is what I have been pursuing. This is enough for me to call you a teacher."

Ye Chen smiled: "In fact, calligraphy and painting are just my personal hobbies. These are all good things left to us by our ancestors. Nowadays, young people use computers for typing, and they have digital cameras when traveling, but these traditions are reversed. Culture is gradually declining, and I also hope that everyone can carry forward the things inherited from these ancestors, and let the world know the foundation of our five thousand years of civilization in China."

There was thunderous applause.

Qiubai walked to the microphone and said, "I'm really happy that Ye Chen can have a master-level painting master among the younger generation. I decided to hand over the chairman of the Fine Arts Association to Ye Chen, and I retire as the vice chairman."

Wang Xian also said, "I am also willing to cede the position of chairman of the Calligraphy Association, and Ye Chen's talent is what everyone expects."

The scene was in an uproar again.

One person becomes the president of the Fine Arts Association and the president of the Calligraphy Association. This is something that has never happened before.

Everyone's eyes were full of envy.

Becoming the president of the two associations means that Ye Chen's worth has greatly increased, and even doubled compared to before.

Just when everyone thought Ye Chen would accept it, he shook his head.

"Two old gentlemen, I appreciate your kindness, but I really can’t accept it. I still have to open didi. I really don’t have the time and experience to serve as the president of the Calligraphy Association and the Art Association. The name of the vice-chairman, if necessary, I will do my best to contribute money and effort."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, everyone looked dumbfounded.

What the hell, are you going to be dick?

How much money can Kaididi make in one year? Become the president of two associations, draw pictures and write a few words to determine whether Kaididi's lifetime income is good or not.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Are talented people so personal?

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Qiu Bai and Wang Xian looked at each other, and then they worked around.

Finally, Ye Chen became the honorary president of the Calligraphy Association and the Art Association.

There was thunderous applause at the scene, this honor was well received by Ye Chen.

Ye Chen also took a sigh of relief.

If you become the president of two associations, it is estimated that those chores meetings will be able to tie Ye Chen down.

Ye Chen now just wants to be a Didi driver quietly, he doesn't want to be so tired for the sake of fame.

In the subsequent exchange meeting, Qiubai drew a picture and Wang Xian wrote an inscription.

From the paintings and characters of the two people, everyone can see that the strength of the two people has improved a lot.

It even broke through the bottleneck between the two of them over the years.

Everyone finally knew why the two people called Ye Chen their teacher.

This kind of dialing is simply too important for a person who is stuck in a bottleneck.

Coming down from the stage, Ye Chen saw a seat next to Su Zheng, so he sat next to his future father-in-law.

"Uncle, I have been busy just now and haven't had time to say hello."

Su Zheng waved his hand: "Ye Chen, I can't see through you more and more now. You always give me too many surprises. Shouldn't it be time to confess to me now?"

Ye Chen smiled awkwardly: "Actually, I didn't want to conceal it deliberately. Mainly, I said my identity before, and you probably won't believe it either."

Su Zheng smiled bitterly: "Let's talk, I can stand it."

Ye Chen did not reserve this time, and told Su Zheng of all his identities.

Su Zheng was dumbfounded, completely stupid!

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