Published at 27th of April 2021 12:42:49 PM

Chapter 224: 224

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At this time, in the corridor of the Peking University teaching building.

Li Ke, is calling a friend from MIT.

"Goldbach's conjecture has troubled us in the field of mathematics for hundreds of years. It is naive for you to rely on a pupil to calculate it."

"No, Xiaobei is different. He is a genius. After spending a few days with him, I believe he must have this ability."

"Hmph, I'm really overwhelmed, I really don't understand why you are wasting your time on a child."

Li Ke took a deep breath: "Because he is the future of our Chinese mathematics."

When Li Ke left the motherland, he was able to learn advanced knowledge to serve the country.

Therefore, when he learned about Chen Xiaobei, he flew back to China as soon as possible.

Li Ke knew that he was different from Chen Xiaobei. He relied on hard work, and Chen Xiaobei was the real genius.

At this time, Ye Chen came over.

"Professor Li, why are you frowning?"

Li Ke sighed: "The project that Xiaobei and I are researching has encountered a bottleneck."

Ye Chen smiled: "I'll go and see."

"You..." Li Ke smiled bitterly.

Mathematics is different from other subjects.

He is the most rigorous, maybe other subjects will have luck, but mathematics relies on step-by-step calculations.

However, Li Ke did not directly attack Ye Chen, but followed Ye Chen into Chen Xiaobei's studio.

In the studio, Chen Xiaobei frowned, writing something on the paper with a sloppy pen.

Just as Li Ke was about to call Chen Xiaobei, Ye Chen shook his head.

Ye Chen stood behind Chen Xiaobei.

In the past, Ye Chen saw that these formulas and numbers were almost the same as those in the heavenly book.

But now, Ye Chen took a look at it and he was able to understand it.

Chen Xiaobei's calculation direction is not wrong, but he has overlooked one point.

Ye Chen soon saw the problem.

Seeing Ye Chen watching Chen Xiaobei's calculations attentively, Li Ke shook his head.

This kind of calculation in the field of advanced mathematics is simply incomprehensible to ordinary people.

In his eyes, Ye Chen was just pretending.

Ye Chen spoke suddenly.

"Any even number that is large enough can be expressed as the sum of two numbers, and one of the two numbers is an odd prime number, and the other is the product of two odd prime numbers. You can calculate it from this perspective. "

Chen Xiaobei, who was thinking hard, heard Ye Chen's words and seemed to have gained some enlightenment, and grabbed the pen and began to calculate.

Then, formulas and numbers appeared on the paper.

Ye Chen nodded in satisfaction. He was indeed a genius in mathematics. A hint of his own made Chen Xiaobei find the key to success.

Aside, Li Ke was stunned.

Isn't Ye Chen a didi driver?

The passage just now is clearly something that can only be said by a mathematician.

Reiki resurrected?

Are mathematics geniuses all over the street?

Chen Xiaobei's pen stopped, his eyes gleaming.

I figured it out.

Li Ke picked up Chen Xiaobei's calculation paper in shock, and was completely shocked when he saw the content on it.

For a long time, Li Ke and Chen Xiaobei always seemed to have walked into a maze, and they couldn't get out of them.

Ye Chen's words were like a beacon in the dark night.

"Mr. Ye, do you really make a beep?" Li Ke said in disbelief.

"Yes, I am a Didi driver, officially certified."

"But... But, how do you know math?"

"In fact, when I started Didi, I also involved some other fields, such as calligraphy, painting, and mathematics."

If you know a little bit, you are too capable of pretending, do you know a little bit?

Ye Chen continued to smile and said, "Xiao Bei, what you just calculated is the 1+2 Bach conjecture. Let's calculate 1+1."

"What? Estimated 1+1?"

In Goldbach’s conjecture, many mathematicians believe that in order to prove “1+1”, new mathematical methods must be created. The past roads are likely to be unworkable.

Many people even think that it takes decades or even hundreds of years to calculate Goldbach's 1+1 conjecture.

Chen Xiaobei nodded, but he asked with questions: "I have counted before, but it doesn't make sense after using many methods."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "You can try my method."

With that said, Ye Chen sat at the desk and wrote a string of characters on a piece of white paper.

Looking at the formula written by Ye Chen, Li Ke and Chen Xiaobei were shocked.

Ye Chen seemed to show them a different kind of mathematics.

This is a method and formula they have never thought of.

Ye Chen wrote a full page and said to Chen Xiaobei: "The latter, you should know how to do it."

Chen Xiaobei nodded vigorously, and continued to calculate according to Ye Chen's thinking.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

Three hours later, Chen Xiaobei suddenly cried out excitedly: "I figured it out, I finally figured it out."

Ye Chen nodded in satisfaction; "Xiao Bei, that's good."

Li Ke picked up the calculation paper, feeling like he was dreaming.

He looked at Ye Chen with shock in his eyes.

At first he thought that Ye Chen discovered Chen Xiaobei by accident, but now he understands that Ye Chen is the most powerful mathematical genius.

You know, Goldbach's guess is the dream of countless mathematicians.

Many people have been researching for decades but can't find the eyebrow.

However, this difficult problem that has been difficult for mathematicians in the world for hundreds of years has allowed Ye Chen to solve it so easily.

This is simply shocking.

If Chen Xiaobei is a mathematics genius, Ye Chen is the **** of mathematics.

Li Ke excitedly shook Ye Chen's hand: "Mr. Ye, thank you, you have solved the problem of our mathematics for hundreds of years."

"You have studied such a simple question for hundreds of years?" Ye Chen said with an incredible expression.

Li Ke:"……"

Ye Chen shook his head: "By the way, don't sign my name when you publish this paper, just write Xiaobei directly."

"But..." Li Ke wanted to say something.

Ye Chen said: "If you have any questions in the future, you can ask me at any time, provided that you must serve China, and now you must do what I say."

Li Ke nodded.

Soon, a piece of news spread throughout China.

The Chinese genius Chen Xiaobei overcame the two major world problems of Goldbach's conjecture overnight.

The whole world of mathematics was a sensation.

In a barbecue restaurant, Ye Chen, Li Yan and Chen Xiaobei had a barbecue together.

"Brother Ye Chen, why didn't you sign your name? You clearly calculated this guess."

Ye Chen shook his head: "I'm just trying to make a fortune, and it is you who inferred in the end."

Li Yan asked suspiciously: "Ye Chen, since you are so good at mathematics, how good is it to come directly to Peking University as a professor, and why do you start?"

Ye Chen smiled and said, "It's great to drive didi didi, no brains, just drive, mathematics is just my hobby."

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