Published at 27th of April 2021 12:42:41 PM

Chapter 225: 225

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Several people were eating, and a Mercedes Benz stopped by the shop.

From the car, a foreigner and a Chinese came out.

The two sat opposite Chen Xiaobei.

The Chinese looked at Chen Xiaobei and said, "Mr. Chen, my name is Jason, and this is Mr. Tom. We are here to invite you to Yale University in our country M."

Ye Chen raised his brows, and he was poaching people so soon.

Chen Xiaobei was eating with a waist in his hand. He looked at Jason and said, "I'm pretty good at Peking University."

Jason sneered: "Peking University is considered a good university in China, but nothing in the world. Yale University can provide you with better resources, giving you 10 million scholarships every year, where you want We can give it to you, and even you can join our nationality and become a scientist in Country M. You will have a stage to display your talents."

After speaking, both Jason and Tom stared at the changes on Chen Xiaobei's face.

According to their expectations, Chen Xiaobei should be very grateful for the surprise, and then negotiate the price with them.

"Brother Ye, give me another goat whip." Chen Xiaobei didn't even bother with them.

Jason: "..."

Didn’t I make it clear just now?

Ten million M gold, and the best resources, this boy was not even tempted.

Over the years, Jason did not know how many Chinese geniuses he had dug.

Hearing the price he offered, everyone had a happy and excited expression on their faces.

Tom looked at Chen Xiaobei: "Mr. Chen, are you dissatisfied with the price we offered? I can continue to increase it by 20 million a year."

Chen Xiaobei: "I listen to my brother."

Speaking of Chen Xiaobei, he pointed to Ye Chen.

Jason and Tom froze for a moment, and looked at Ye Chen.

"Sir, please make a good choice for Mr. Chen. If you let Mr. Chen come to our Yale University, I can give you two million as a reward." Tom said.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Two million, I can't make a beep for a lifetime."

Jason laughed after hearing it: "Yes, and I believe this is a win-win result for both of us."

Ye Chen took a bite of the lamb skewers and nodded: "Xiaobei, you have studied in textbooks before, and you are studying for the rise of China."

Xiaobei nodded: "I see, I want to study for the rise of China."

"Mr. Chen, you have to think carefully, your salary in China may be only a few thousand yuan."

"I want to study for the rise of China."

"Mr. Chen, you are going to our school, we will give you the best learning resources."

"I want to study for the rise of China."

Jason almost broke his tongue. Chen Xiaobei had only one sentence: I want to study for the rise of China.

Ye Chen faintly smiled and said: "Please go, two of us. Of course, our Chinese talents must serve the motherland. Some people can be bought by money, but I am different from Xiaobei."

"You guys..." Jason's face was blue and angrily rushed away.

After taking Chen Xiaobei and Li Yan to dinner, Ye Chen sent them back to the dormitory of Peking University.

Ye Chen drove the car to the palace.

At this time, a red Lamborghini and Ye Chen's car passed by.

In Kyoto, there are too many luxury cars of this kind, and Ye Chen just glanced at the beauties in the car.

It looks familiar.

Ye Chen didn't care either.

At this moment, Lamborghini suddenly turned sharply and chased Ye Chen's car.

"Sister Ying, why did you suddenly turn, this is a photo taken with a pressure line, and the three points are gone."

Zhao Ying stared at the rear lights of the Bentley in front, and I saw that guy. "

"Sister, it's true. We've been looking for a few hours. We are not that guy. Will it be this time?" said a beautiful woman next to her.

"My intuition, that car is the one we met on the highway. Although I didn't see the license plate clearly, I will not forget the man's driving skills."

The girl next to her smiled and said, "Sister Ying, are you interested in that guy's car skills, or are you that guy's person?"

"Smelly girl, you are laughing at me again. Of course I have taken a fancy to his car skills. Your sister and I have always had only a man worshipped under my pomegranate skirt. How can there be a man that can make your sister my heart."

Zhao Ying suddenly stepped on the accelerator, and Lamborghini quickly accelerated.

There were not many cars on the road, and Zhao Ying quickly surpassed a few cars, and there was only one parking space from Ye Chen's car.

"Wow, Sister Ying, your driving skills are really getting better and better, you are about to catch up, and dare to exceed the car that Sister Ying drives. I want to see who this guy is."

The girl next to her was excited at the fast speed.

Zhao Ying saw a gap in front of him, a beautiful interspersed, directly over a taxi.

The distance between the two cars is only a few centimeters, and they almost rear-end.

The Volkswagen driver was almost out of fright.

What a special Lamborghini, if I really ran into it, I would have run away in vain after a year of taxi.

Zhao Ying's car finally caught up with Ye Chen's car.

The two cars drove side by side.

"Wow, Sister Ying, this man driving is a super handsome guy."

Zhao Ying looked sideways and saw that the man driving a Bentley was a very handsome man.

"Sister, this man doesn't seem to be someone in the racing circle, do you know him?"

Zhao Ying shook her head: "I don't know him, but he must be the one on the highway."

While talking, Ye Chen had already got off the expressway.

Zhao Ying, a car that speeded up to catch up with Ye Chen, lowered the window and shouted at Ye Chen: "Boy, dare you to race with me?"

Ye Chen had long discovered that the Lamborghini behind him was following him.

Glancing at the opponent's car, she turned out to be a 98-point beauty.

Hey, is it because I look too handsome?

There are beautiful women in pursuit everywhere.

Ye Chen also recognized that this beauty was the Lamborghini he passed on the highway yesterday.

Unexpectedly, the two met again so soon.

Is this fate in the legend?

"Sister Ying, this man dares to ignore us, do you want to get him?" the girl in the passenger seat said.

Zhao Ying accelerated again and shouted at Ye Chen; "You were lucky at high speed yesterday, I lost to you, dare you to compete with me again today."

Ye Chen also lowered the window.

"Beauty, I know I'm handsome, you like me, but let's forget about drag racing. I just bought this car and it will crash. It will hurt to death." Ye Chen responded.

"Your car is expensive, and my lady's car is not cheap. If there is a car accident, how about I pay you the repair fee? Do you have the courage to compare it?" Zhao Ying continued.

Ye Chen shook his head: "I'm sorry, I'm going to run dick, never drive fast, drive irregularly, and your loved ones have two lines of tears. Beautiful women, you have to drive in a standard way."

Zhao Ying and the little beauty next to them were speechless.

Special, yesterday your car was almost 200 miles away, so I am ashamed to tell us that we never drive fast.

Zhao Ying made up her mind to play with this guy again anyway.

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