Published at 27th of April 2021 12:42:37 PM

Chapter 228: 228

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Seeing that his car had been falling behind, Qin Rui felt very uncomfortable.

He is a professional driver, and he is always behind an amateur driver.

This is an insult to him.

I must not lose.

Qin Rui's eyes became sharp.

The front is the most dangerous curve, and he wants to surpass Ye Chen in the front curve.

The two cars shuttled on the mountain road like two bolts of lightning.

Behind them are more than a dozen sports cars following them.

However, as the difficulty of the corner increases, the distance between the car and the car gradually increases.

Except for Ye Chen's Lamborghini and Qin Rui's supercars, the other drivers were far behind.

The victory in this race must have occurred between Ye Chen and Qin Rui's cars.

At this moment, beside Ye Chen, Zhao Ying was also very nervous.

She didn't expect Ye Chen's driving skills to be so awesome.

It was ridiculous to think that he still wanted to compete with Ye Chen.

People's driving skills, even professional drivers have been pulled far away, let alone his three-legged cat driving skills.

It's not a level at all.

In the next few corners, Ye Chen turned very wonderfully.

Basically it was just right, every time she drifted, every time she flicked, Zhao Ying felt that her heart was about to jump out and her blood boiled.

Now she understands what a real master is.

Ye Chen's car finally came to the last corner.

In front is Ye Chen's Lamborghini, followed by Qin Rui's supercar.

The distance between the two cars is less than ten meters.

After all, the performance of Qin Rui's modified car far exceeds that of Lamborghini, so the distance between the two cars is constantly getting closer.

Zhao Ying looked at the rearview mirror nervously and said: "The car behind has caught up, and it is less than five meters away."

Ye Chen said calmly: "I saw it, grab the handrail and sit firmly."

The last corner is the key to victory.

Ye Chen's car performance is not good, so he must use the fastest speed to cross the curve and pull the distance again.

Otherwise, if the distance between the two cars is too close, Qin Rui's car is likely to overtake in the final straight.

Everyone stared at the big screen with bated breath.

The host said with excitement: "Everyone, today's car race is so exciting. Everyone sees that the car of the car **** Qin Rui is still half a position behind. On the last corner, can he achieve the ultimate counterattack? What?"

Ye Chen's eyes were firm, and when he came to the last corner, he suddenly slammed on the accelerator and slammed the steering wheel.

"Huh, want to distance yourself here?"

Qin Rui's eyes condensed, and he directly pressed the nitrogen accelerator.

For racers, the nitrogen accelerator is an external plug-in, which can instantly increase the speed to the extreme.


In an instant, Qin Rui's car was like a rocket, speeding up and chasing it.

Ye Chen's car had already started drifting around the corner.

Qin Rui's car followed closely, with the addition of the nitrogen accelerator, drifting in regular corners.

The speed of Qin Rui's car was much faster than Ye Chen's car due to the opening of the hook.

It's over, it's going to be overtaken.

Everyone sighed.

Ye Chen did not lose in strength but in car performance.

Just when everyone thought Ye Chen was determined to lose, Ye Chen's car suddenly flicked, blocking the way of Qin Rui's car.


Qin Rui's accelerated super sports car hit Ye Chen's rear with a heavy head.

Ye Chen's car entered the straight, and this impact seemed to give Lamborghini a boost.

But Qin Rui's car was unlucky.

At this time, his car was drifting. After the collision, the whole car slammed into the side guardrail.

Fortunately, Qin Rui's car skills are good, so he didn't let the car fall off the cliff.

Looking at the Lamborghini crossing the line, Qin Rui's face was sour that he couldn't help but explode: "Asshole."

"Ye Chen, you are amazing."

Zhao Ying couldn't help but give Ye Chen a fragrant kiss.

Just sitting in the car, she realized how terrifying Ye Chen's driving skills were.

Facing professional drivers, and the performance of the opponent's car was a few better than his own, Ye Chen still beat the opponent for a lifetime.

It's amazing.

In particular, Ye Chen's focused expression just now was so cool that it completely conquered Zhao Ying.

This is her Prince Charming, this is the man Zhao Ying wants.

Zhao Ying smiled and said, "Well, you have won and passed my test, and you can officially become my boyfriend."

Ye Chen smiled: "The only regret is that the tail of your car was hit."

"It's okay, it's all trivial. As long as we win, we can collect the money together. If we are right, it depends on the couple of dogs and men kneeling on the ground for us.

Zhao Ying excitedly turned on the phone and prepared to broadcast live.

Qin Rui's car had also reached the end at this time, and Tian Biao's face was extremely gloomy.

He didn't expect that this time he let professional drivers help, and he lost.

The most important thing is to kneel down and kowtow and pay Ye Chen 10 million.

It's a good idea to lose money, but it was his pocket money for months, but he knelt on his knees, and then how could he have the face to mix in the circle of the rich second generation.

If he really knelt on his knees, he could think that some people in the family would definitely make a fuss about it.

Now the younger generations of their Tian family are fighting for the inheritance rights of the future Patriarch, so this head can't be knocked anyway.

"Trash, you are so embarrassed to say that you are a professional driver."

There was nowhere to vent his anger, so Tian Biao had to vent with Qin Rui.

Bai Ying's face flushed with anger, too: "Tian Biao, this is the **** driver you are looking for. Even an amateur driver can't win."

"Pop!" Tian Biao was also anxious, and slapped Bai Ying's face with a slap.

It's not because of you that I would bet with them. I was fooled by you.

At this time, Ye Chen had already taken the stage to accept the award.

The host announced: "Everyone, it is Mr. Ye Chenye who won the S-class racing competition this time. He exceeded Qin Rui's original record by 20 seconds in 4 minutes and 31 seconds and became the new record holder."

"Ye Chen?" Qin Rui's expression changed when he heard this name.

Could it be said that he is the man Shu Che Shen said.

Shu Shen once said that in this world, his driving skills are only second, and the first is a Chinese named Ye Chen.

Qin Rui smiled bitterly, feeling a lot more comfortable.

No wonder he would lose, even Shu Shen was not an opponent, how could he win Ye Chen as a reserve driver.

Qin Rui walked to Ye Chen: "Mr. Ye, you have raced with Shu Shen before."

Ye Chen froze for a moment: "Yes, we did race once before."

"Yeshen, I didn't expect me to be able to race with Yeshen. I feel that my driving skills have improved a lot today. Thank you."

At this time, Tian Biao's expression on the side sank: "Boy, you know, no wonder we will lose, it turns out you let the water go."

"Release the water?" Qin Rui sneered.

"Does Shu Shen, the first person in the car know? He is not Ye Chen's opponent. How could I, as a reserve driver, have won Ye Dashen."

"What?" After hearing Qin Rui's words, the scene was deadly silent.

Shu Shen, the Ferrari F1 car god, turned out that he even lost to Ye Chen.

"I've also heard that Shu Shen said that he had lost to a young man surnamed Ye before. It turned out to be him."

"Awesome, this is the first car **** in our Chinese legend."

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