Published at 27th of April 2021 12:51:15 PM

Chapter 23: 23

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"Oh my god, he is the **** Ye Chen who donated one billion yuan."

"Too handsome."

"Now he is the national husband in the hearts of girls."


The beauties who had surrounded Chen Tao just now all came to Ye Chen's side.

Tong Xiaoya, the national goddess, is a popular movie star in China.

Ye Chen also liked her very much.

If it was before, Ye Chen would definitely be very excited, after all, he saw an idol.

but now?

Ye Chen is no longer the old **** boy.

"Goddess Tong, you are more beautiful than on TV!" Ye Chen teased.

Tong Xiaoya smiled and said, "I didn't expect Mr. Ye to be so talented and also good at coaxing girls."

"Haha, I just didn't expect Miss Tong to know me."

"I like the songs you wrote very much, especially "Courage" and "You are the one who loves" are played on a loop."

"Really? That's my pleasure!"

Chen Tao's face was pale, and Ye Chen seemed to have his own halo when he appeared, attracting all the girls around him away.

Li Feifei suddenly exclaimed, "Wow, that private plane is so beautiful. It belongs to Mr. Chen."

Chen Tao glanced at his face and reddened slightly: "Mine is not that one. My one is smaller than this one. This is the Gulfstream G550. It is one of the world's top long-range business jets. It has a range of 11,686 kilometers. With a cruising altitude of 15545 meters, it can carry 18 passengers. It is the longest domestic voyage, the best performance, the most spacious cabin, and the most comfortable luxury business jet. For example, the planes of the richest man in China, Mr. Ma and Mr. Wang, are all this aircraft. Type of aircraft."

"Hey, this kind of airplane, if only I could sit in this life." Li Feifei sighed.

Chen Tao sighed, this plane is too expensive, except for those big brothers and ordinary people who simply can't afford it.

Ye Chen said with a smile on his face: "I didn't expect Mr. Chen to be so knowledgeable and know so much?"

Chen Tao glanced at Ye Chen. At the auction last time, Ye Chen made him embarrassed, so he showed great hostility towards Ye Chen.

Now that this person is boasting himself, he always feels that something is wrong.

Li Feifei said: "Mr. Chen is very knowledgeable about luxury cars and airplanes. I think Mr. Chen's airplanes must also be very good."

Chen Tao sighed: "My plane is far worse than this G550, it's not of the same level."

Tong Xiaoya glanced at the flight number YC1818.

Ye Chen wants to post, wants to post!

It can't be such a coincidence!

Tong Xiaoya suddenly looked at Ye Chen and seemed to understand something.

Could it be said that this plane belongs to Ye Chen?

Chen Tao is still sighing: "I don't know who will be traveling today. My dream is to be able to get on a plane like this one day."

Li Feifei licked the dog and said, "Mr. Chen has a private jet at such a young age. It is already very remarkable, but your plane is not that high."

Chen Tao nodded and said, "But I believe I will own a G550 within ten years."

Li Feifei seconded: "I believe that I must be invited to sit down at that time!"

Ten minutes before boarding time, Chen Tao suddenly remembered something: "Oh, Mr. Ye, I suddenly remembered. I'm afraid you can't take my plane. I still have a seat for my dog. Really Sorry, I forgot."

It seemed that Chen Tao suddenly remembered it, but in fact it had been planned for a long time, he just wanted to embarrass Ye Chen.

"Chen Tao, how can you do this? If you can't sit down, why didn't you say it earlier." Yang Mimi said dissatisfied.

"I'm sorry, I forgot. Why should I buy a ticket for you?"

Seeing Chen Tao pretending to be forced, Tong Xiaoya looked at Chen Tao with some pity.

She had a feeling that the G550 belonged to Ye Chen, and Chen Tao just blew the plane into the sky, and it was still a dream ten years later.

What kind of mood would he feel if he knew Ye Chen had this plane now.

At this time, an air hostess came over.

Chen Tao said with a smug look: "Ye Chen is embarrassed, we are a step ahead, you will find a way."

The stewardess did not even look at Chen Tao but said to Ye Chen: "Mr. Ye, your G550 flight is about to take off, please board the plane."

"What? That G550 belongs to Ye Chen."

The girl who was chatting just now was silent for a moment.

Chen Tao's face instantly collapsed upon hearing the news.

He just wanted to slap Ye Chen in the face and talked about the awesome attributes of G550 for a long time in order to show off.

It turns out that this airplane's feelings belonged to Ye Chen.

Chen Tao suddenly felt like a fool.

Now he finally understood why Ye Chen would praise him just now.

What do you know, Ye Chen obviously satirized him, that is, playing tricks, and couldn't afford it at all.

Chen Tao stared at Ye Chen bitterly and clenched his fists fiercely.

However, he took a look at the Gulfstream G550 and sighed and let go of his fists.

After all, Ye Chen can donate one billion in one go, and he also owns a G550. He must have an unusual background.

Even he had a feeling that Ye Chen and him were not on the same level at all.

Li Feifei covered her mouth and said in shock: "Ye Chen, it turns out that the G550 aircraft belongs to you."

"By the way, look at the flight YC1818, isn't it that Ye Chen is going to send it? I didn't expect you to be the legendary boss."

Li Feifei's words fell, and the girls all looked at Ye Chen with scorching eyes.

Yang Mimi was also stunned. She didn't expect that Ye Chen really had such an awesome private jet.

The eyes of all the girls looking at Ye Chen were different.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "My plane is about to take off. If you want to go with me, you can take my private plane."

"I'll take your plane!" Tong Xiaoya said.

Yang Mimi also said, "I'll take your plane, too."

Several other girls also decided to take Ye Chen's plane.

In the end, only Li Feifei was left. She glanced at Chen Tao and then at G550, and said, "Then I will take the Ye Chen plane, too."

Chen Tao originally wanted to use his private jet to pretend to be coercive in front of these little stars, but suddenly became lonely.

No one is sitting, what's the point of flying alone.

Chen Tao just wanted to speak, but Ye Chen said, "I'm sorry, you should take your private plane with your dog. I don't like dogs."

"You..." Chen Tao opened his mouth and watched Ye Chen gritted his teeth with the beauties on the plane.

He said angrily to the flight attendant: "When will my plane take off?"

The flight attendant said with a smile on her face: "Mr. Chen, your plane may not take off for two hours due to traffic restrictions."

"Why? I was clearly in front of Ye Chen's plane." Chen Tao said angrily.

"Mr. Chen, Ye Chen is a black gold user of our airline and has priority permissions."


Watching Ye Chen's plane take off, Chen Tao sat down on the chair behind him.

For the first time, he realized what it means to be rich is awesome!

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