Published at 27th of April 2021 12:42:31 PM

Chapter 230: 230

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"Beauty, your home is in Wanyuan Manor." Ye Chen glanced at the beauty's destination.

"Oh, yes."

"The beauty is not only beautiful, but the family is also rich. Wanyuan Manor is the most high-end villa area in the magic city in the past few years."

Wanyuan Manor is one of the manors preferred by many social elites, celebrities and celebrities.

At the beginning, it was also one of the very hot real estate speculations in Magic Capital.

"Fortunately, Wanyuan Manor is surrounded by mountains and the air is good, but the location is a bit off and the transportation is not convenient."

"Now that it is so convenient to go out, you can take a ride, and the traffic is not a big problem."

"Well, that's what I said." The beauty smiled.

Although the beauty is beautiful, she is very easy-going, and she loves to laugh. It is very enjoyable to chat with Ye Chen along the way.


At this time, a song was put on the radio.

Is a popular little fresh meat sang.

The beauty frowned upon hearing this song.

"Do you think this song is not good?"

"Well, maybe I am a music player, so I have higher requirements for music."

"Then let you listen to my music."

With that, Ye Chen tuned to the local broadcast.

A beautiful voice sounded.

Lin Shiyin was stunned when he listened to the piano music played on the player.

The voice is simply too good to hear.

Lin Shiyin is very picky about music.

But the music played by Ye Chen made Lin Shiyin feel like her ears were being massaged.

Although Lin Shiyin plays the Guzheng, she also listens to some piano music for inspiration.

But she had never listened to this song.

"Is this piano piece his original?"

The style of this song is very quiet, making people feel as if they are in a big forest, surrounded by birds and flowers.

Soon, Lin Shiyin fell silent in the music.

"How about it, are you satisfied with this song?" Ye Chen said with a smile.

"This piece is so nice, it wouldn't have been created by you."

"Well, I created it in my spare time."

Lin Shiyin was shocked when he got Ye Chen's affirmative answer.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Are you playing Guzheng?"

Lin Shiyin nodded after hearing it, "Well, how did you tell?"

"Because your fingers are long and slender, and the position of your belly clearly shows that you often pluck the strings."

"And if I guessed correctly, you just came back from a performance abroad and you won the grand prize."

Hearing Ye Chen's analysis, Lin Shiyin was stunned.

"Oh my God, you got it all right."

If a man is handsome, talented, and full of wisdom, such a man is the most attractive to women.

Lin Shiyin had an inexplicable affection for this man.

At this time, Ye Chen's car stopped at the door of Wanyuan Manor.

Lin Shiyin smiled and said, "Beauty leave a WeChat message, and we will contact you often in the future."


The two exchanged WeChat messages, Lin Shiyin gave Ye Chen a five-star praise and got off the car.

[Ding, the didi selection system is activated, and every week you randomly encounter a passenger with a special attribute, complete the selection task, you will receive the ultimate reward, and the auxiliary host will become a global leader! 】

[Passenger occupation: Guzheng beauty! 】

[Option 1: After a minute, Guzheng beauty will encounter a robbery to help the beauty catch the robbers, and obtain one of China's most advanced Zhi-20 helicopters and a 052D destroyer. 】

[Option 2: Call the police immediately to comfort the Guzheng beauties, and obtain the skill of Porcelain Master 】

[Option 3: Leave directly regardless of the nostalgia, get the love of a hundred male passengers, and the male favorability degree +10. 】

Looking at the three options, Ye Chen was a little embarrassed.

The first one has the most generous reward, but it is difficult.

A few days ago, a buddy caught a gangster who was harassing women and kicked the other party's leg. As a result, he was detained, and he was almost corrupted by 200,000.

Fortunately, the power of the Internet rehabilitated that buddy.

To catch the robbers, there must be no physical contact, and the robbers must be obediently arrested. This is indeed a bit difficult.

The second option, Master Porcelain, this kind of wicked skills, Ye Chen didn't even need to think about it.

As for the last one, it's just a pit.

Why isn't a hundred female passengers falling in love with a female favorability score of +10? This obviously forces him to choose one.

Ye Chen rolled his eyes and got an idea.

At this moment, a motorcycle quickly passed by Ye Chen's car.

Ye Chen knew that the robber suggested by the system had appeared.

"Be careful."

Ye Chen hadn't waited for the prompt, the thief had already grabbed Lin Shiyin's schoolbag.

Lin Shiyin was taken aback, but fortunately, Ye Chen reacted promptly and rushed over to hold Lin Shiyin in his arms.

The security guard at the gate saw someone robbing at the gate of the community, and immediately rushed over to block the motorcycle.

But the other party was obviously a habitual offender. The motorcycle was very slippery, and when he accelerated, he threw away the group of security guards.

"My bag." Lin Shiyin exclaimed anxiously, looking at the motorcycle going away.

The sudden accident made Lin Shiyin tremble with fright.

If it wasn't for Ye Chen just now, she might have been taken down and injured.

Nevertheless, Lin Shiyin still shivered from the fright.

"It's okay, there's me." Ye Chen comforted from the side.

"My bag contains the contact information of some international music masters, what can I do if I don't have a backup." Lin Shiyin was crying anxiously.

The Qian Lin Shiyin inside doesn't care, it's mainly the phone address book stored in it, which is the contacts she has accumulated over the past few years.

Ye Chen directly chose option one.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for winning one of China’s most advanced Zhi-20 helicopters and a 052D destroyer. 】

"It's okay, I'll help you get it back, you wait."

Speaking, Ye Chen got into the car.

Lin Shiyin also got into the car: "I'm with you."


"Don't worry, I have practiced anti-wolf skills, and the two of them also have a care."


Ye Chen nodded and quickly started the car.

The security captain shook his head: "That guy is a habitual offender at first sight. He has run so far and has no chance to catch up."

Ye Chen showed off his superb skills, stepped on the accelerator, and soon saw the rear lights of the motorcycle.

Lin Shiyin was also very excited: "Ye Chen, come on, will catch up soon."

Soon, Ye Chen's car was only a few meters away from the motorcycle.

If it were before, Ye Chen would definitely bump into it, but now he has a look.

If you hit the culprit while driving, people will definitely say that you can catch the culprit, and you are too defensive if you drove and hit someone.

I really want to be defensive, but the gangsters are not wood waiting for me to catch them.

Nima, it's so hard to catch a bad guy these days.

Ye Chen was not in a hurry, and went down the window and shouted to the culprits: "Dude, are you riding a motorcycle or a donkey? It's too slow, let's hurry up."

The gangster is going crazy.

It's so amazing that you're a supercar compared to my motorcycle, and you think I'm slow.

The culprit gritted his teeth and increased the accelerator to the bottom.

Ye Chen didn't worry, and followed closely behind the motorcycle.

While chasing, Ye Chen teased the culprit.

"My buddy, my car has a top speed of 443 kilometers per hour. You have to keep on refueling.

"It's too slow, why didn't you increase the throttle to the end?"

"Can you play happily, buddy, are you a tortoise?"


The robber was about to vomit blood out of anger.

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