Published at 27th of April 2021 12:42:11 PM

Chapter 240: 240

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Ye Chen said, handing the rough stone to Master Knowing Stone and said, "Cut it down according to my line, and be careful."

Seeing Ye Chen's cautious appearance, everyone felt amused.

This stone, in this condition, is only more than 3,000 pieces, which is simply a piece of waste.

Looking at Ye Chen's appearance, it was like holding a piece of jade worth tens of millions.

The ignorant is fearless, and I don't know where this guy's self-confidence comes from.

"Be careful, this is just a piece of waste rock."

"What an idiot, this kind of stone still wants to dream of emerald!"

On the side, Chen Yu looked mocking.

He just wanted to see Ye Chen make a fool of himself in front of everyone.

Chen Yu had even thought about it. After a while, Ye Chen's stone collapsed, and he wanted Ye Chen to go out without a face.

At this time, Li Rongrong was also very worried.

After all, everyone persuaded Ye Chen to give up. If there is no gain from this knife, then Chen Yu's character will definitely be ridiculed.

Why is Ye Chen so stubborn?

Zi Zi Zi!

With the sound of the machine cutting, the rough cutting is completed.

Lu Wei sighed and said, "Brother Ye, even if you don't cut it out, don't be too depressed. Newcomers must always have a learning process."

Before looking at the rough stone, Lu Wei was already comforting Ye Chen.

In his eyes, how could this stone be a piece of waste?

On the side, Chen Yu sneered: "Some people just like to pretend to be forced. This time, pretending to be forced is impossible..."

Before his voice fell, Lu Wei, who had just taken out the rough stone, suddenly screamed.

"Oh my god, it's green!"

"What?" Everyone was stunned.

A rough stone with such a bad condition will turn green? how can that be!

Everyone leaned in, and the incision was really green.

Chen Yu's face was pale suddenly, and the second half of the sentence was swallowed.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "I said it can produce green."

At this time, the owner of a jade shop quickly said: "Dude, I want this jade, one and a half million."

"I want it, two million." Another jade boss said.

Ye Chen shook his head, and drew a line on the jade: "This knife cuts here."

"What? Need to cut it?" Everyone was stunned.

It is a miracle that this kind of stone can cut out green.

Cut it with the third knife, it is likely to collapse.

Chen Yu sneered at the side: "Boy, if you don't understand it, just accept it. If you continue to cut this rotten stone, it is likely to collapse. Don't cry when you continue to cut it."

Ye Chen smiled: "Even if my stone is broken, it will only be 3,000 yuan, but if some people's 12 million stones are really broken, then they really want to cry."

"Huh, boy, some people choose stones based on luck, but we professional stone gambling masters rely on insight, and the stone I chose by Chen Yu will not collapse." Chen Yu vowed.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Really? Okay, I'm looking forward to it, you look like you cut out the scraps and slapped your face."

At this time, the third knife was also cut down.

Lu Wei took out the rough stone from the calcite machine and showed an expression of ecstasy on his face.

"It has risen, Ye Chen, you are too powerful, you just picked a stone that is full of ice and jade."

"How is this possible?" Chen Yu was completely stupid.

He looked at Ye Chen with an incredible expression in his eyes.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Mr. Chen, I don't quite understand, how much do you think the ice seed is worth?"

Chen Yu's face was gloomy.

He never dreamed that Ye Chen was so lucky, it was obviously a piece of waste, that Ye Chen cut out a piece of ice planted full of jade.

Ye Chen encountered this miracle that had never happened in a century.

At this time, a boss said excitedly: "Little brother, I want you 10 million pieces of emerald."

"Old Liu, who are you fooling around? They are all experts here. This piece of ice is an ice seed, so it costs 20 million."

"I gave out 22 million."

Several manufacturers of jadeite raw materials even directly increased their prices.

Ye Chen shook his head, "Everyone, I'm sorry, I said this jade was for my girlfriend."

Saying that Ye Chen took the piece of green jade: "Rongrong, this jade is for you, please turn around and make a better pendant."

Li Rongrong was stunned.

You know, this is a piece of emerald worth 20 million, Ye Chen actually gave it to him directly.

"Ye Chen, no, this is too expensive."

"It's only 20 million, not much money." Ye Chen didn't care.

Hearing Ye Chen's words, everyone gasped.

Everyone thought Ye Chen was a dick, but now they understand that Ye Chen is the real boss.

Two thousand yuan of emeralds were given away as soon as they changed hands.

Chen Yu snorted coldly: "It's just a step on shit. Today, let you see my jadeite."

Ye Chen looked at Chen Yu jokingly: "Okay, I want to see what kind of awesome jade the rough stone chosen by the master stone gambler can produce."

Master Jie Shi took the jade.

Zi Zi Zi!

Soon the first cut was finished, and it was really green.

"This is the first cut to produce jade. This is likely to be a super large ice seed full of jade."

"Mr. Chen, I want this piece of jade for thirty million yuan."

"I give out 32 million."

Several jade merchants competed.

Zhao Yu looked smug, and fiddled with Lanhua's finger: "Boy, now you know that the gap between us is gone. Twenty million will make you happy. Lao Tzu can now pay 30 million for this piece."

Ye Chen nodded: "Mr. Chen, you're lucky. You made 20 million when you changed hands. Sell it now."

Chen Yu looked smug: "Hmph, it's sold, you think I am you. If you are a little bit petty, you will be satisfied, and continue to cut."

The second cut was still green.

"Oh my God, this is really a huge ice seed, Mr. Chen, I will pay 50 million."

"Mr. Chen, I want 60 million."

Several dealers looked at the rough stone with excitement.

If the third cut is still green, this oversized ice seed is likely to cost hundreds of millions of dollars.

Ye Chen looked envied and said: "Mr. Chen, your luck is too good. You have already earned six times. If I would definitely sell it right away."

"As expected to be a little Zhuge in the stone gambling world, this vision is different."

"A piece of jade has been turned six times directly, Chen Yu is awesome."

"I heard that Chen Yu was very good at betting on stones, but today I saw him well."

Chen Yu listened to everyone's flattery, felt the envy of everyone's gaze, and his expression of complacency.

He said to Li Rongrong: "Rongrong, now you know who is the most beautiful boy in this jade field. Today I will give you a piece of jade that is over 100 million yuan."

Ye Chen heard a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

Insatiable, he deserves to be slapped in the face.

It was cut with the third knife. When the rough stone was taken out, Chen Yu's face changed completely.

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