Published at 27th of April 2021 12:41:45 PM

Chapter 248: 248

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Ye Chen received an order as soon as he drove out.

The destination happened to be Huamei Group.

Just on the way, Ye Chen drove the car and came to the gate of the community.

A girl in an OL uniform looked anxiously at her watch.

"Beauty, welcome to take a Didi taxi."

Seeing Ye Chen's Cullinan, the beauty was stunned.

But she didn't have time to think: "Sir, can you please hurry up, I'm late for work."


Ye Chen increased the speed of the car.

At this time, the girl's phone rang.

"Jia Qingqing, how come you haven't arrived at the unit yet, what time is it? Do you want to do it? Don't think about the bonus this month. If you can't get to the unit within half an hour, half of your salary will be deducted."

"Mr. Chen, I worked overtime until four o'clock in the morning last night, and I didn't hear the scheduled alarm."

"I didn't hear it, that's your business, Qingqing, I still said that. You promised my terms that I can say anything as a woman, otherwise I will torture you to death under my hands."

"Chen Yu, you are too much. The big deal is that I will quit. Don't even think about letting me be your woman."

Chen Yu?

The name Ye Chen seems very familiar.

By the way, it was the guy who was betting on the stone gambling ground with himself, but he did not expect that he was also in the Huamei Group.

"Okay, if you cancel the contract now, not only will you not get a penny of salary, you will also be blacklisted, and it will be difficult for you to find a job in the future."

"You mean."

When the phone hung up, Jia Qingqing couldn't help crying.

"Sister, what's the matter?" Ye Chen asked.

Jia Qingqing told Ye Chen what happened.

It turned out that Jia Qingqing had just graduated from university and finally found a job with the professional counterpart of Huamei Jade Group. She was also dedicated to her work, but unexpectedly, she met a **** leader.

Chen Yu is the vice president of the company, and Jia Qingqing happens to be his subordinate.

On the first day at work, Chen Yu fell in love with Jia Qingqing.

Chen Yu hinted several times that as long as Jia Qingqing was his woman, she would be promoted to the head of the company department.

Jia Qingqing is a pure girl, how could she agree to such a dirty request.

Since that day, Chen Yu has been targeting Jia Qingqing.

All the work is done by her alone.

Not only that, but also often deducted her salary for various reasons.

In the unit, Jia Qingqing is the most diligent, often working overtime until the wee hours.

But after a month, the bonus was almost deducted.

Feeling wronged and helpless, Jia Qingqing couldn't help crying.

Ye Chen frowned upon hearing Jia Qingqing's words.

In the past, Ye Chen and Chen Yu were private feuds, even though he became a major shareholder of the company, he would not target each other because of private grievances.

But this Chen Yu actually used power for personal gain in the company to do this kind of thing, Ye Chen had to take care of it.

Ye Chen said indifferently: "Sister, you go to your work unit. I know the senior management of Huamei Group. If I am here, you will not be fired, and I promise to send you a lot of salary and bonus."

After hearing what Ye Chen said, Jia Qingqing was stunned for a moment: "What are you saying is true?"

Ye Chen smiled slightly: "Of course it is true, I am an omnipotent little brother Didi."

In less than twenty minutes, Ye Chen drove the car to the downstairs of Huamei Group.

"Thank you." Jia Qingqing said.

"Well, you go first, I'll contact you later."

Jia Qingqing gave a wry smile.

She didn't believe what Ye Chen said.

Everyone knows that Chen Ming, the general manager of the company, is Chen Yu's uncle.

Apart from the chairman of the company, who can cure such a relationship.

Ye Chen is just a didi little brother, how could he be able to help him.

After Jia Qingqing went upstairs, Ye Chen parked the car in the parking lot and went upstairs.

When he came to the office, Chen Yu was already staring at her with a gloomy expression.

"Jia Qingqing, what time is it? It's ten o'clock, what else are you doing?"

"Although I'm late, I worked overtime until four o'clock last night, and it's just the first time I'm late today."

"Huh, overtime is your responsibility, and being late means you violated company regulations."

Jia Qingqing snorted coldly: "Forget it, Mr. Chen, I know your nasty thoughts, I just want to resign this time."

"Resign, okay, you can think about it. There is no salary for this month. Get out of here."

At this moment, a cold voice sounded: "Why don't you pay other girls? Chen Yu didn't expect you to be so shameless and bully a girl."

Chen Yu's expression sank after hearing this and looked at the door.

"Ye Chen?"

Seeing Ye Chen, Chen Yuhat's teeth tickled.

Last time, Ye Chen asked him to accompany him for more than 30 million, and he was panicked in his heart these days.

He was thinking about how to find Ye Chen for revenge, but he didn't expect this guy to come by himself.

"Ye Chen, do our company's affairs have anything to do with you? Do you have something special, run here as a flower protector?" Chen Yu said with a cold expression.

"No matter what company you should be reasonable, what reason do you have for deducting people's wages?"

Chen Yu sneered: "The reason, Lao Tzu is the reason."

Jia Qingqing saw that Ye Chen and Chen Yu had a dispute, afraid that Ye Chen would suffer a loss and quickly said: "Big brother, thank you for your kindness, I have decided to resign."

Ye Chen saw Jia Qingqing looking at herself with worry.

There is concern and anxiety in the beautiful eyes.

Jia Qingqing's face is above 95 points, her figure is a little weak, her pretty face is exquisite, and she feels silly and sweet.

It makes people feel protective at first glance.

Seeing Jia Qingqing guarding Ye Chen, Chen Yu's expression became even more gloomy.

"Ye Chen, you get out of the company immediately, otherwise I will call a security guard."

"Chen Yu, no matter whose company it is, you should say a word of truth in how you say it." Ye Chen said lightly.

"Li? Tell you, Lao Tzu is the heaven in this company. No one speaks well. Even if the boss comes, he still has to listen to me."

"Huami Group does not rely on Manager Chen to have today."

"That is, the boss also has to listen to Mr. Chen?"

A group of licking dogs started a crazy licking mode.


At this moment, a bald man walked in with a gloomy expression.

Damn it!

The boss who hadn't been to the company for more than half a year actually came.

Seeing the middle-aged people walking in, all the faces of those licking dogs suddenly changed.

Chen Yu's expression also changed slightly when he saw the incoming person.

Chen Ming looked at Chen Yu with a gloomy expression.

Chen Yu just wanted to pretend to be forceful, but he didn't expect that the boss actually came.

"Boss... Just now, I just made a joke with everyone."

Chen Yu smiled awkwardly, and soon he pleased: "Uncle, don't be angry, how can I not listen to you, don't take what I said just now."

Chen Ming snorted, after all, Chen Yu is his nephew.

Although what I just said was too much, the company does now rely on Chen Yu to take care of it, and he still has use value.

Seeing Chen Ming's performance, people in the company began to whisper.

It turned out that it was rumored that Mr. Chen and his boss were in the same family, but it was true.

It seems that Jia Qingqing is really over. The boss is a relative of Mr. Chen, where is he going to make sense?

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