Published at 27th of April 2021 12:41:30 PM

Chapter 256: 256

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The car parked in the parking space, and Zhao Ying directly gave Ye Chen a five-star praise.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the five-star praise, and activating the fourth praise star (45) to reward an Augusta motorcycle. 】

Augusta is known as the Ferrari of motorcycles. Many of his parts are made by hand. Ye Chen's model is also a limited edition. There are only ten cars in the world, valued at 25 million.

Ye Chen and Zhao Ying walked into the cinema.

The name of this movie is "Goodbye Ex".

The plot is more sadistic.

There is no feeling for Ye Chen, but Zhao Ying is crying as he sees that because of repeated misunderstandings, the male lead and female lead go further and further.

When the movie ended, many girls cried.

Zhao Ying cried in a mess, and even cried Ye Chen's arm wet.

Walking out of the movie theater, Zhao Yingcai eased from her sad mood.

Zhao Ying said seriously: "If I love someone, I will not regret it, and I must let him know that I love him."

Ye Chen nodded; "Yes, love should be brave."

"By the way, you're so beautiful, really haven't had a boyfriend before?" Ye Chen asked suspiciously.

Zhao Ying sighed, "I met Zhang Ke before, do you think I would like it? But recently I met a boy who likes me very much. I just don't know if he likes me or not."

Talking about Zhao Ying's beautiful eyes, she looked at Ye Chen.

In fact, the meaning she implied was already obvious.

Of course Ye Chen heard what Zhao Ying meant, and even more saw the Qiubo sent by Zhao Ying's beautiful eyes.

If Zhao Ying is a very casual woman, Ye Chen has nothing to do with it.

After all, Zhao Ying is too innocent, and even Ye Chen was the first boy she held hands.

But what about Ye Chen?

There are a lot of women around.

He really didn't want to hurt Zhao Ying.

After all, not all girls will accept that their man is shared by a bunch of women.

Although Ye Chen likes Zhao Ying, he can only hide this feeling in his heart.

Ye Chen smiled awkwardly: "Since you meet a girl you like, don't let it go, you must try to chase after it, come on, I believe you will be fine."

Zhao Ying was going crazy when she heard Ye Chen's answer.

This papaya, didn’t you hear that the boy I was talking about was you?

Originally, Zhao Ying wanted to take this opportunity to confess, but now she hesitated.

After all, Zhao Ying has never confessed to a boy.

It would be shameful to be rejected for the first time confessing to a boy.

Zhao Ying laughed and said that time is almost up. Let's go to the track together. The motorcycle race is about to begin.

Ye Chen nodded, and the two came to the underground garage.

"Wow, this motorcycle is so beautiful, this is my favorite Dao motorcycle!"

Looking at the Augusta motorcycle in the parking lot, Zhao Ying cried out excitedly.

"How about it, it's pretty."

"Well, I don't know who owns this motorcycle."

At this moment, Ye Chen shook the key in his hand.

Zhao Ying was stunned.

"This motorcycle is yours?"

"Of course, go, brother will take you for a drive."

Ye Chen and Zhao Ying put on helmets.


Zhao Ying hugged Ye Chen's waist tightly, and the motorcycle rushed out howling.

Ye Chen is also riding a motorcycle for the first time.

It is impossible for ordinary people to ride this motorcycle right away.

To control this motorcycle, you must go to the company for training for two months.

Ye Chen is different, he has the skills of a superb motorcycle.

So he immediately became one with the motorcycle on the motorcycle.

At this time, it is the peak period.

The road was a mess.

But a black motorcycle passed through the traffic like lightning.

On the big screen of the traffic control bureau.

A policeman looked at the road surveillance.

Suddenly a motorcycle attracted his attention.

Because all the cars are moving slowly, but this motorcycle is going through as fast as a fish.

"Check if this car is speeding." The police frowned.

He hates these speed parties the most.

In the dead of night, the speeding party of these motorcycles often went out and bombed the streets.

They do not know how many special events have been organized for this reason and there is no way to solve the problem.

"Is this car speeding Li Ju?"

"What? How is it possible?"

After all, a motorcycle is not a car. How could this guy keep his speed at forty miles?

But after testing, everyone was stunned.

The speed of this guy is actually controlled at a constant speed of forty miles.

This guy's driving skills are amazing.


Ye Chen passed through the urban area and came directly to the suburbs.

This mountain road used to be an abandoned mountain, but was later contracted to transform it into a racing track.

This also alleviates the problems of those speeding party racing.

There are already many motorcycles and sports cars on the roadside.


A black motorcycle swiftly passed by these people, at a speed like a gallop.

"I rub, this motorcycle is so cool."

"I read it right, it turned out to be the legendary Augusta!"

"Awesome, I heard that there are only ten cars in the world."

"This car seems to be going up the mountain, how can you follow it?"


The cars that had been parked under the mountain suddenly started buzzing, and followed Ye Chen's motorcycle up the mountain.

Ye Chen's motorcycle was at the front, followed by dozens of motorcycles and racing cars.

Even many cars deliberately accelerate, wanting to overtake Ye Chen's motorcycle.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Hold me tightly, I'm going to speed up."

Zhao Ying hugged Ye Chen tightly.

Ye Chen, come on.

Boom boom boom!

The motorcycle roared towards the top of the mountain.

The reason why this motorcycle is awesome is its starting speed.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Chen's motorcycle pulled the car and motorcycle behind him a certain distance.

After all, the speed of a motorcycle is not like a car.

Therefore, although the vegetarian diet of motorcycles is mentioned to the extreme, it is still gradually caught up by the cars behind.

A rider jokingly said: "Cut, a motorcycle also wants to be compared with my car.

There is a curve ahead.

The racer quickly slowed down.

But what shocked him was that the speed of the motorcycle in front did not decrease at all.

"Fuck, this kid is looking for death."

Such a curve, if you don't slow down, it will definitely be a car crash.

However, at this moment, Ye Chen suddenly tilted the motorcycle, and with the help of this inertia, the car rushed through the curve.

The driver following Ye Chen was frightened.

This is so awesome.

You should know that no one would dare to play such a steep curve, let alone a motorcycle or a car.

Zhao Ying, who was sitting behind, was also shocked.

At that moment, she even thought she would fly out.

When she opened her eyes, she found that she was still holding Ye Chen on the motorcycle.

Sitting in the car, Zhao Ying's feeling is something that no one else can realize.

At that moment, Zhao Ying felt like she was riding a roller coaster.

It's so exciting.

After a few corners of the racing car and motorcycle that wanted to chase Ye Chen, Ye Chen was far behind him.

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