Published at 27th of April 2021 12:41:28 PM

Chapter 257: 257

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Ye Chen drove his motorcycle to the racing track.

This is the largest private racing track in the city.

Of course, the threshold for racing here is very high.

As soon as he approached the racing track, Ye Chen heard the roar of racing cars on the mountain road.

Just being in this environment can give people a feeling of enthusiasm.

At this time, many people are discussing.

Today's racing is so exciting. It is said that the two most powerful motorcycle gods in China have come.

"Awesome, tickets can be fired up to 100,000."

"One hundred thousand tickets!"

After paying the money, Ye Chen and Zhao Ying drove their motorcycles into the racing track.

Turning his head, Ye Chen realized that Zhao Ying's small chest was still shaking.

The experience of drifting on a motorcycle just now is obviously very exciting for Zhao Ying.

Zhao Ying's pretty face flushed, and the feeling just now was almost like a dream.

Although a little scared, but very excited.

This girl is really completely different from other girls I know.

Zhao Ying said with a look of excitement: "Ye Chen, your driving skills are too good, I really convinced you, just passed the curve, how did you get through, I thought I would rush down the mountain."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "That's a drifting skill for motorcycles, and only professional riders can use it."


"Are you a professional motorcycle rider?"

Ye Chen shook his head: "Although I am not a professional player, the professional player should not be my opponent either."

Many people were surprised when they saw Ye Chen's motorcycle.

Oh my God, this motorcycle is Augusta.

Yes, yes, I have seen this motorcycle on the Internet, it seems more than 25 million, the Ferrari in the motorcycle.

Many people now set their sights on the cool Augusta.

"It is said that this motorcycle is very difficult to overtake. If you want to ride this motorcycle, you have to train for two months."

"Awesome, it must be a great **** who can ride this kind of motorcycle."

"I wipe, the beauty on the back seat is so beautiful."


Everyone was talking about Ye Chen, Zhao Ying and that cool motorcycle.

Ye Chen looked around, the entire racing track was crowded with luxury cars.

BMW and Mercedes-Benz are all considered low-end here.

Maserati, Lamborghini, Ferrari are everywhere.

There are tens of millions of motorcycles.

Zhao Ying said excitedly: "Today there is a classic race. It is the decisive battle between China's top two motorcyclists Zhang Peng and Sun Hao."

"Are these two people amazing?" Ye Chen asked curiously.

"Recently, Congcong and Ding Bo in the second-generation Modufu circle broke out in an attempt to fight for an Internet celebrity. This is not to be dissatisfied. They invited the top motorcyclists in China to come here. Fight between male and female."

"Oh, that's the case." Ye Chen nodded.

The top domestic motorcyclists must spend a lot of money, this kind of thing is only used by those rich second generations who are idle and painful.

The two were leaning on the motorcycle and chatting. At this moment, a **** and charming beauty with a devil figure came over.

"Xiaoying, did you bring your little boyfriend to the car today?"

"Sister Hua, no!"

"Haha, my face is blushing, and Sister Hua is still shy."

Zhao Ying quickly introduced: "Ye Chen, this is Sister Hua, the manager of this racing track."

Ye Chen smiled and stretched out his hand: "Hello, sister Hua."

Sister Hua held Ye Chen's hand and looked at Ye Chen with her beautiful eyes.

"Xiaoying, you have a good vision, you found such a handsome boy."

"Sister Hua, don't say it." Zhao Ying's pretty face became redder and red after being teased by Sister Hua.

"By the way, there is a motorcycle race today. Do you want to participate?" Sister Hua asked.

Zhao Ying looked at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen nodded: "Sister Hua, sign up for me, I'll apply for S-level."

"S-level?" Sister Hua was taken aback for a moment.

The S grade is the highest grade in a motorcycle race.

"You are sure that the S-level players are all professional or semi-professional players." Sister Hua smiled.

Ye Chen nodded: "Well, since you are playing, you should play with the master, otherwise it would be boring to win."

Sister Hua smiled when she heard Ye Chen's arrogant words.

Many young people always think that their car skills are good, and they report to the S-class, but when compared, they are stupid.

Professional and semi-professional players are not at the same level as ordinary players.

Sister Hua nodded: "Well, since you want to report, I will report it to you. The registration fee is 200,000."

Ye Chen couldn't help but sigh, this private racing circuit is really grabbing money, the tickets are 100,000, the registration fee is 200,000, and the 300,000 has gone out without doing anything.

But this kind of private racing is originally a game for the rich, so two or three hundred thousand is nothing in the eyes of these rich second generations.

Ye Chen directly took out the card and swiped the money, and 300,000 yuan was nothing but drizzle to Ye Chen.

Thinking of having a headache for thousands of rents in the past, Ye Chen couldn't help but sigh, it's nice to have money.

Sister Hua asked: "What model is your motorcycle?"

Ye Chen pointed to the motorcycle on one side.


The smoke in Sister Hua's mouth fell to the ground.

She ran to the motorcycle excitedly, as if stroking her beloved toy.

"Oh my God, this is Augusta, the Ferrari of motorcycles. I used to see the profile on the Internet and thought it was great. I didn't expect to encounter a real car today."

Sister Hua touched the motorcycle with envy on her face.

"Ye Chen, can I ride a lap?"

Ye Chen nodded: "But this motorcycle is a bit difficult to control, so I will teach you first."


Sister Hua was sitting on the motorcycle, and Ye Chen taught her how to control the motorcycle behind her.

As a motorcycle master, Sister Hua is also very savvy, and she quickly understood.

But Ye Chen is still not at ease, after all, this is the most difficult motorcycle to control.

"In this way, I will sit behind you, and if there is a problem, I can help you."


Sister Hua and Ye Chen put on their helmets and started their motorcycles.

"I wipe, who is the man sitting behind Sister Hua."

"Awesome, I can get in sister Hua's car."

"I have been in the racetrack for several years, and for the first time I saw a man sitting behind Sister Hua's motorcycle."


Listening to the discussions of the people around, Zhao Ying didn't know why she felt sour.

Could it be that you really love this man so much?


Sister Hua rode Augusta towards the mountain road.

Seeing this scene, Ding Bo frowned and asked, "Who is the kid sitting behind Sister Hua?"

"I don't know, it's the first time I came here. It doesn't seem to be in our circle. I came with Zhao Ying."

"Xiaoying?" Ding Bo's face sank after hearing this.

After running around, Sister Hua looked excited.

As expected of Augusta, it's really cool.

Looking at Ye Chen, Ding Bo's eyes flashed with coldness.

But at this time, Wang Congcong came over.

Everyone's eyes were once again attracted to Wang Congcong and Ding Bo.

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