Published at 27th of April 2021 12:41:20 PM

Chapter 260: 260

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Upon hearing Ye Chen's words, Ding Bo and the driver Sun Hao, who was standing next to him, changed their expressions.

Some time ago Ding Bo arranged for Sun Hao to train here for a few days.

But it was all in the early hours of the morning when there was no one.

But how did Ye Chen know.

A few drivers who often come to racing suddenly said: "I remember, I saw this motorcycle and this driver often come here for training a few days ago."

When Wang Congcong heard this, he immediately yelled in anger: "Ding Bo, you **** actually yin at me. After all, it's the first time for the drivers to run this track. You actually let your drivers sneak in for training."

Ding Bo naturally couldn't admit it: "Fart, my driver ran this track for the first time. Do you have any evidence that my driver has practiced."

"Is anyone who saw you but didn't admit it?"

"I see, is there any video evidence? My driver came to the magic city only today, so please don't play if you can't lose."

Ye Chen stopped Wang Congcong who was about to go crazy and said: "It's okay, Congcong, your driver strength should be higher than that of the opponent. The opponent has only lost a few centimeters when he is familiar with the track."

Ding Bo snorted coldly: "Boy, what do you pretend to be, as if you have a good car, if you are good, you will race with my driver?"

Ye Chen smiled and said: "It's better, but you have to raise."

"What bet?" Ding Bo asked.

"If I lose, I'll give you this motorcycle, and I'll call you another 20 million. As for calling you Dad, I'm not interested in your unfilial son, so call it Uncle."

Everyone was shocked by Ye Chen's bet.

This kid is so confident.

Ding Bo looked cold: "Okay, boy, don't you want to compare with me? I will make you perfect, but I will add another 10 million on this basis. Do you dare to give me 30 million."

Ye Chen shook his head: "Your bet is not enough. My motorcycle is 25 million, plus 20 million is 45 million. Do you think your money is enough to bet with me?"

Ding Bo gritted his teeth: "Okay, then I will add another 20 million."

There was an uproar at the scene, and the 50 million bet was the first time since the establishment of the circuit.

Ye Chen nodded and said, "No problem!"

Ding Bo raised 50 million, and Ye Chen raised 5 million.

At this time, Ding Bo felt a little nervous.

Fifty million, but all his belongings.

Although the family has money, but the pocket money that Dad gave him is enough to save up.

If he loses, he is ruined.

The driver Sun Hao next to him said; "Mr. Ding, don't worry, I know all the great drivers of Hua Guo. This kid is a new face and should be a rookie. I won't have a big problem with him."

Ding Bo took a deep breath: "If you win, your reward will double."

After all, those who watched the game around were the rich second generation in the magic capital circle.

Ding Bo has a very good face.

Naturally, you can't persuade you on such occasions.

Those rich second-generation onlookers who heard about the game also took a breath of air-conditioning.

One person is 50 million, and two people are hundreds of millions.

These two people are crazy, really bet.

"Today this ticket is worth buying, but I saw such a gamble."

Sister Hua also froze for a moment.

Ding Bo was very arrogant in her expectation, but Ye Chen was also so arrogant, which was beyond her surprise.

She basically knows the rich second generation in the circle, but she has never heard of one named Ye Chen.

In fact, Sister Hua would not have thought that Ye Chen was not the rich second generation at all, but the rich generation.

With a bet of 50 million, Sister Hua can draw a profit of 5 million alone, so she can earn 10 million.

This is her annual operating income.

Sister Hua took a bonus and said: "Since the two are going to compete, then I will arrange, you guys will prepare, and the match will start in half an hour."

On the other side, Ding Bo's driver Sun Hao looked nervous as he adjusted the car.

Ye Chen was leaning on the railing and talking and laughing with Zhao Ying, not nervous at all.

Wang Congcong came over: "Brother Ye, this kid's driver is very good, you don't make preparations."

Ye Chen smiled and said: "There is nothing to prepare, that driver is not my opponent."

After hearing what Ye Chen said, Wang Congcong was taken aback.

This kid is so confident.

But after all, he was just a spectator and he was too embarrassed to say anything.

Zhao Ying whispered: "Ye Chen, can you really compete with that driver?"

After all, fifty million is not a small number. Ye Chen was the one who brought the game. If she really lost, then Zhao Ying would blame herself.

Ye Chen said, "Don't worry, are you interested in taking my car for a while?"

"Ah, can you?"

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Of course it can, but my car is very fast, do you dare to ride?"

Zhao Ying took a deep breath: "Okay, I'll sit down."

Soon half an hour passed, Ye Chen rode a motorcycle to the starting line.

After seeing Ye Chen's car with Zhao Ying, Sister Hua reminded: "Ye Chen, driving people in a motorcycle race will affect the speed and performance of the car."

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Don't worry, it's easy to lead someone to win against each other."

After listening to Ye Chen's words, Sun Hao on the side was furious.

To play against him, to lead people, this is obviously to look down on him.

Sun Hao gritted his teeth, this game must be won anyway.

If you really lose to this rookie, don't get involved in the racing world in the future.

Sister Hua stood between the two cars.

She raised her hands in the air and counted down.




The handkerchief was dropped.

Two motorcycles roared out.

Zhao Ying hugged Ye Chen tightly, feeling the cold wind whizzing on both sides.

Even Zhao Ying felt like she was flying.

After all, Ye Chen's motorcycle affected the speed of people, so as soon as he set off, Ye Chen fell behind by half a parking space.

"Idiot, he has to take someone, doesn't he know that a few seconds of a motorcycle race will affect the outcome?"

Ding Bo had a playful smile on his face, and he was set to win the game.

The audience also stared at the big screen closely.

This is a huge bet of 100 million, which is so exciting.

Ye Chen has not run this track, but he just watched it again, and the situation on the track is well known.

Ye Chen activates and upgrades his motorcycle skills, and this motorcycle is like a body with him.

Soon, the two people came to the first corner.

Everyone is staring at the big screen closely. Such corners are often the key to winning.

Seeing the corner, because the first one was an obtuse corner, neither of them slowed down, but rushed over.

Boom boom boom!

The two motorcycles turned sideways almost at the same time.


The sound of motorcycle tires irritating the ground makes people feel nervous.

After the first curve passed, Sun Hao was already one parking spot ahead of Ye Chen.

Seeing this scene, Ding Bo showed a playful smile on his face.

With a gap of parking space, facing top drivers like Sun Hao, it is too difficult to catch up.

At this time, in front of the big screen, the drivers who supported Sun Hao shouted excitedly.

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