Published at 27th of April 2021 12:41:19 PM

Chapter 261: 261

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Seeing Ye Chen falling behind, Sun Hao's fans clamored with excitement.

"Sun Hao is awesome."

"Haha, daring to challenge our mountain bike king is just looking for death."

"Congratulations Shao Ding, you are going to make a fortune today."

"Hey, I thought it was a gold player, but it turned out to be a bronze. Isn't this a gift for people? Stupid."

Wang Congcong frowned when he looked at the screen, after all, Ye Chen was for him.

"What the **** do you call it, you don't want to watch the game roll, whoever asks Laozi to throw him down the mountain."

When Wang Congcong shouted, the scene suddenly became much quieter.

Wang Congcong stared at the screen, secretly anxious.

Ye Chen, why did he bring someone to play cool.

In fact, if he didn't bring people, Ye Chen might really win the game.

"Do you think Ye Chen has any hope of winning?" Wang Congcong asked the driver beside him.

The driver shook his head: "It's too difficult to win. Sun Hao is the kind of late-stage driver who puts him in the lead. It's too difficult to overtake.

Wang Congcong sighed: "It seems that we can only hope for a miracle."

After the first corner, Ye Chen was not in a hurry, but followed Sun Hao's motorcycle closely.

The distance between the two people has been about half a meter.

There are four detours in this mountain road, one more steep than the other.

Two cars galloped fast around the mountain road. Sun Hao was very smart and always occupied the inner road.

If Ye Chen wants to overtake him, he can only overtake outside the car. In that case, the gap between the two sides will definitely be wider.

Everyone shook their heads, in their hearts the victory or defeat was already divided, and Ye Chen was determined to lose.

There is a 90-degree curve ahead.

Such a curve must be slowed down.

Sure enough, Sun Hao slowed down.

But Ye Chen behind did not slow down but accelerated instead.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

Does this guy want to die?

Such a corner, if you accelerate to corner, it is almost no different from death.

Before the screen, everyone's hearts were raised.

Even some timid girls couldn't bear to see the tragic scene of the motorcycle hitting the guardrail and closed their eyes.

Zhao Ying hugged Ye Chen tightly, her heart also raised her throat.

There is still five meters away from the curve.

Ye Chen has surpassed Sun Hao.

But such a short distance, if you make a bend?

Everyone stared at the screen closely.

Wang Congcong's palms were tightly clenched.

Must pass, must pass.

Ding Bo sneered bitterly.

"Boy, you are looking for death. It seems that I have to find someone to do it. It's just a pity that Zhao Ying is a girl."

In the eyes of everyone's astonishment, Ye Chen finally began to turn.

I saw Ye Chen's body leaning to the right, almost touching the ground, and suddenly pressed the brake.

The motorcycle was thrown sideways under the influence of inertia.

The moment the body was about to hit the rail, Ye Chen kicked his foot on the rail, and the motorcycle whizzed out of the curve.

The entire racing track was silent.

Everyone was stunned by Ye Chen's driving skills.

This is awesome.

Sun Hao followed Ye Chen, seeing Ye Chen's way of cornering, he was completely dazed.

This is so dare to play.

He has only seen such a technique once without slowing down and cornering by inertia. It was in a mountain race, the world motorcycle king Wood once used it once.

However, Ye Chen seemed more difficult than the other party.

You know, there is a person behind Ye Chen.

Sun Hao slowed down and turned, Ye Chen turned at full speed.

In this corner, Ye Chen not only took the lead, but also widened the gap between the two.

At the scene, exclaimed from the side.

"I'm rubbing it, it's awesome, it's the first time I've seen such a corner."

"This car is so awesome, I thought I had hit it."

"This driver is too courageous. At such a fast speed, even a one-second deviation will cause car crashes."

"This kid is lucky, I think he was nervous and forgot to slow down."


Everyone talked a lot, and Wang Congcong let out a sigh of relief.

"What do you think of Ye Chen's car skills?"

Wang Congcong asked Zhang Peng beside him.

Zhang Peng still didn't get over from Ye Chen's operation just now.

He took a deep breath and said, "My son, Ye Chen's driving skills are far above me. There is only one person who can compare with him, the world's motorcycle **** Wood."

"What?" After listening to Zhang Peng's evaluation, Wang Congcong was also taken aback.

In the next game, Ye Chen always took the lead.

Although Sun Hao has always wanted to overtake, Ye Chen has been occupying the inner lane, not giving the opponent a chance.

Everyone stared at the screen intently.

Sun Hao was almost mad.

Ye Chen's motorcycle turned from left to right, completely blocking him behind him, and it couldn't exceed it.

"With this technique, you dare to call yourself a master?"

Ye Chen laughed and rushed directly to the last corner.

This time, Ye Chen still did not slow down.

You know, this is the most dangerous bend in the entire mountain road.

Ye Chen still drifted at full speed.

A sneer flashed in Sun Hao's eyes.

This kind of corner, even if the car **** Wood comes, you have to slow down.

Turning at full speed is almost death.


Ye Chen leaned on his side and tried the same trick again, using centrifugal force to throw the car out.

Sun Hao's shocked whole person was stupid.

Is this really a human operation?

After the corner, Ye Chen accelerated with all his strength.

The two motorcycles are already ten meters apart on the last corner.

There is a straight ahead, Sun Hao wants to overtake Ye Chen and has no chance at all.

Everyone knew that Sun Hao was defeated.


Accompanied by the harsh sound of the motorcycle, Ye Chen rushed over immediately.

Although Sun Hao pursued with all his strength behind, but at such a long distance, he was already unable to return to the sky.


Ye Chen's motorcycle crossed the finish line.

A few seconds later, Sun Hao's motorcycle crossed the line.

The outcome has been divided.

There was cheers on the scene.

"Ye Cha Shen, Ye Cha Shen."

Ye Chen's driving skills conquered everyone on the scene.

The motorcycle stopped, Ye Chen glanced at Zhao Ying behind him.

"Xiaoying, are you okay."

Zhao Ying waved her hand: "I'm fine, I'll be slow."

Zhao Ying just took a step, and Zhao Ying felt her legs feel weak.

Riding on Ye Chen's motorcycle felt more exciting than a roller coaster.

Especially the feeling of being about to die but regaining a new life is both exciting and amazing.

Seeing that Zhao Ying was about to fall, Ye Chen supported her: "I'll take you to the lounge and take a rest."

Zhao Ying nodded shyly.

Ye Chen hugged Zhao Ying and walked towards the lounge.

In full view, Ye Chen hugged Zhao Ying, and whistles and shouts sounded at the scene.

Ye Chen said to Sister Hua: "Sister Hua, let me use your lounge."

Sister Hua nodded and took Ye Chen to the lounge.

Ye Chen put Zhao Ying on the sofa and smiled: "You take a rest, I'll go out first."

"Yeah." Zhao Ying nodded obediently.

Ye Chen and Sister Hua came to the racing track again, and Ding Bo, who had just been extremely arrogant just now, had a pale face.

Today he was completely planted.

Seeing Ye Chen approaching, Ding Bo's eyes narrowed slightly.

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