Published at 27th of April 2021 12:41:03 PM

Chapter 266: 266

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Chen Fei was totally attracted by this music.

For the rest of your life

The wind and snow are you

Plain is you

You are the poor


What a great lyrics, what a great tune.

Chen Fei felt that such beautiful music would definitely be popular.

But it seems that she has never heard this song.

Zhao Ying smiled and said: "Of course you haven't heard it before. This song was written by the son for me. It was specially made for my mobile phone ringtone. It has never been posted on the Internet."

Chen Fei was a little shocked.

Really a master in the folk, to write such a good song, is definitely a genius of lyrics and music.

Chen Fei asked: "Can the copyright of this song be sold to me?"

For this song, Chen Fei likes it so much.

"No." Ye Chen said coldly.

"Why? I can sing this song on fire." Chen Fei said unwillingly.

Ye Chen shook his head: "I gave this song to Wanrou, I don't want to publish it."

Chen Fei ate dog food.

This guy, usually when a man sees himself, he looks like a goddess.

But Ye Chen didn't seem to have a cold towards her from beginning to end.

First he refused to get in the car, and now he doesn't sell her the copyright.

Chen Fei thought for a while: "How about you write a song for me?"

"No, I'm going to be busy driving didi, no time." Ye Chen refused again.

"Use Cullinan to make a dick? How funny?"

Lin Wanrou said to the side: "Ye Chen, I really like Sister Fei's song, or you can write a song for her."

After hearing Lin Wanrou's words, Ye Chen nodded: "Okay, but one song is 600,000 yuan, and I want one-third of the copyright income."

Chen Fei hesitated when hearing the price offered by Ye Chen.

Ye Chen's price was too high, even reaching the price of a first-line songwriter.

Chen Fei is about to release a music album, but the title song has not found satisfaction.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Fei said; "Well, as long as you can write a song that I am satisfied with, I can promise you."

Ye Chen believes in himself: "Of course it will satisfy you. The songs I write are all classics."

Listening to Ye Chen's confident words, Chen Fei was taken aback.

You know, even the top singers are not so confident.

Ye Chen Bar Chen Fei delivered to the hotel, and then drove home with Lin Wanrou.

"Wan Rou, I have worked hard these days."

Lin Wanrou smiled faintly: "Serving the son is not hard at all."

Ye Chen smirked: "Today I reward you well."

Lin Wanrou blushed pretty face when she heard Ye Chen's words: "How are you going to reward me?"

Ye Chen picked Lin Wanrou up and threw it on the bed.

"Now you know how I reward you!"


Early the next morning, Ye Chen finished Lin Wanrou's breakfast and continued to run didi.

However, Ye Chen still drives his Xiali car today.

The man is wearing a Hermès suit, gold glasses, and a Patek Philippe watch on his wrist.

The girl complained as soon as she got in the car.

Why did he carry a Xiali didi?

The man smiled: "My dear, just feel wronged. If it weren't for my Cayenne being hit by a takeaway guy and going to repair it, how would we use this kind of broken car?"

"You know the courier brother knows that he hit my Cayenne, how sad he is crying."

"You won't let the courier brother like those fools on the Internet, right?" asked his girlfriend.

"How could it be possible that I let him pay me 100,000 yuan. Little brother Didi was crying. It is said that the 100,000 yuan was the money he spent two years working on and was going to return to the village to marry a wife, haha."

Listening to the man's arrogant laughter, Ye Chen felt very ear-piercing.

One hundred thousand may be just a meal for this man, or even a trip abroad, but for Didi, it may be his future.

Ye Chen felt too sick to ruin his future and treat it as a very happy thing.

The man sat in front and continued to pretend to be forceful with his girlfriend.

The girlfriend asked: "My dear, what are you doing so proud?"

The man looked smug: "I'm in the purchasing department of the Marriott Hotel. I'm responsible for purchasing ingredients for the hotel."

The woman was immediately disappointed.

"Ah, it was purchased!"

Ye Chen was taken aback for a moment.

Unexpectedly, this guy turned out to be from the Marriott Hotel.

As the major shareholder of Marriott Hotel, Ye Chen is almost a hand-off shopkeeper.

Ye Chen didn't even know the management staff of the hotel.

The man continued to pretend: "Don't look down on my profession. Tell you that although my profession does not sound very tall, it is a fat man. Those white-collar workers seem to be professional, but they are scumbags in front of me."

"Cut, don't you just buy groceries for the hotel? Is it so powerful?"

The man sneered: "Buy the food? Do you know who my brother-in-law is? The vice president of Marriott Hotel, why let me be the head of the purchasing department, because this is a fat man who is responsible for the purchase of the entire hotel. Guess me How much can you earn in a month?"

Although there was a little brother Didi driving in front of him, the man did not shy away from it.

In his eyes, Little Brother Didi was a small person at the bottom of society, and this kind of thing let him know that Ye didn't care.

The man never dreamed that it was the majority shareholder of their Marriott Hotel who drove.

The woman looked at the man's protruding finger and said with disdain: "Ten thousand?"

The man shook his head.

"One hundred thousand?" The woman continued to guess.

The man continued to shake his head.

The woman was a little excited.

"It won't be a million."

A triumphant smile appeared on the man's face: "You are right, it is one million."

"Oh my God, a million? Honey, you are awesome."

When the woman heard one million, the whole person had plunged into the man's arms.

Seeing the woman's performance, the man looked smug.

The man felt that this forced pretense was a perfect score.

The woman knows that this man is not just a woman of her own.

So she wants to know more about men.

In this way, it is possible to threaten men in the future and obtain the greatest benefit.

The woman said: "You won't lie to me, how can you make a million by purchasing ingredients?"

The man was smug: "You don't understand this. When I purchase, I purchase the goods at the highest price. For example, if the premium abalone is 1,000 yuan, I actually buy 100 yuan. This way, I can Fishing for nine hundred, our Marriott Hotel needs to purchase a lot of ingredients. How much can you make in a month?

The girlfriend looked excited: "My dear, you are so amazing, this is simply picking up money."

The man was proud: "This is just my sales. In fact, I still have a lot of money-gathering methods. The merchants rebate me a few million a year. They don't give me gifts. They want me to buy things from their homes. nothing."

With that, the man glanced at Ye Chen.

When getting in the car, the man found that his girlfriend had been aiming at Ye Chen, which made him very upset.

The man snorted coldly: "Now society sees faces. Is it useful to be handsome?"

He narrowed his eyes and decided to humiliate Ye Chen in front of his girlfriend.

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