Published at 27th of April 2021 12:40:59 PM

Chapter 267: 267

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The woman next to the man looked at Ye Chen, the more familiar.

She finally couldn't help asking: "Brother Didi, are you called Ye Chen?"

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment and looked at the woman behind him.

Sure enough, the woman behind was very familiar.

"you are?"

"Oh, I am your junior high school classmate Fan Xiaodi."

"Fan Xiaodi?"

Ye Chen finally remembered the other person.

The two are junior high school classmates, and Fan Xiaodi chased him back then.

It's a pity that Ye Chen at the time focused on studying and ignored the other party.

Fan Xiaodi looked very excited when he saw his crush on the male god.

This is my first love.

However, Ye Chen was very arrogant at the time, he didn't pay attention to himself at all, and focused on studying.

Fan Xiaodi originally thought Ye Chen would be so good.

After doing it for a long time, the former Xueba is now ticking.

This is too funny.

A mocking smile appeared on Fan Xiaodi's face unconsciously.

When the man heard that his girlfriend and Ye Chen were classmates, a smile appeared on his face.

This is a great opportunity to pretend.

"Xiao Di, this is your classmate, and he's ticking."

"Yeah, Ye Chen, you studied well when you were in school, why did you make a beep?" Fan Xiaodi was also curious.

Listening to the sarcasm of the two people, Ye Chen smiled faintly: "What's wrong with Kaididi? I think Kaididi is pretty good."

"Open didi okay? Brother, how much money can you make a month after opening didi?"

Ye Chen said: "Four to five thousand."


The man smiled triumphantly.

"Four to five thousand, this is also good? How many tens of thousands of dollars I have embezzled in an hour?"

Fan Xiaodi also sneered: "Ye Chen, I didn't expect you to be so miserable. Look at how good my boyfriend is. He bought me all my famous brands."

Seeing the two people pretending to force Ye Chen in front of him, he just smiled faintly.

At this moment, Ye Chen's cell phone rang.

Ye Chen is connected to Bluetooth, so the car audio is connected.

"Hi, hello, who are you?"

"Hello, Mr. Ye, I'm Tian Fang, General Manager of Marriott Catering. We have an annual meeting for Marriott Group tonight? Does Mr. Ye have time to attend?"

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the car became embarrassing.

Fan Xiaodi looked shocked.

The man on the side was also dull-eyed.

what's going on?

Just now, the man pretended to be crazy in front of Ye Chen, showing off how he made money by embezzlement, and mocking Ye Chen for a long time.

But the general manager of Marriott actually invited Ye Chen to the annual meeting. What is the identity of this kid?

The man knows that the identity of the person who wants the general manager to personally invite is definitely not ordinary, that is to say, it is likely to be a major shareholder of the Marriott Group.

Thinking of what he had just said, the man's face became a little hard to look.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Mr. Tian, ​​let me see, if I have time in the evening, I will go there."

"Okay, you must come!"

The phone was hung up and there was a dead silence in the car.

Ye Chen seemed to feel the embarrassing atmosphere in the car and smiled: "Don't be nervous, my friend made a phone call, just kidding, I'm a didi brother, why would the Marriott Hotel invite me to the annual meeting."

"How can you make such a joke and scare me to death."

The man also let out a sigh: "It must have been our words that stimulated him just now, pretending to be compelling, you classmate, you are not capable but you like to pretend to be compelling, it is ridiculous."

Fan Xiaodi also sighed, "Ye Chen, you disappointed me too much."

Ye Chen smiled faintly, but did not respond.

Junior high school classmates have already become the past tense, feelings?

You are awesome, and you are both classmates, so close to you, you are the only one who is trampled on.


In the afternoon, Ye Chen ran a few more beeps.

At this time, Tian Fang called again.

"Mr. Ye, our chairman Fang said, you must come."

Originally, Ye Chen didn't want to go, but when he saw that the other party kept inviting him, he nodded and said, "Well, I'll be over."

Ye Chen went home and changed the Lycan.

After all, it is always not good for Kay Xiali to participate in such occasions.

Ye Chen just stopped, and at this moment, a Bentley parked next to him.

A middle-aged man got off the car and saw Ye Chen's expression of enthusiasm.

"Mr. Ye, admiring the name for a long time, I finally saw you today."

Ye Chen was a little confused when he saw the other party.

He can't remember how many properties he has under his hands, so he doesn't know the person in front of him very much.

"you are……"

"This is Tian Fang. I called you today to invite you to attend the annual meeting."

"Oh, Mr. Tian, ​​hello."

The two shook hands.

Tian Fang and Ye Chen walked into the Marriott Hotel together.

Not long after the two entered, a Cayenne car parked in the parking lot.

A man wearing a branded suit got out of the car with Fan Xiaodi in his arms.

The man said with a smug look: "Xiaodi, all the elite leaders of the magic city are here to participate in our annual meeting. This time, I will also bring you to gain insights."

The dinner takes the form of self-help.

"You are here too." At this moment, a middle-aged man in his fifties with a big belly walked behind him.

"Uncle, you are here, I feel your complexion is very good."

"Haha, okay, who is this?"

"She is my girlfriend, Fan Xiaodi."

"Oh, the beauty is good." The middle-aged man held Fan Xiaodi's hand without letting go, and looked at Fan Xiaodi with a squint.

On the side, Lu Dong was not only not angry, but in his heart he wondered, should he give up this woman to his uncle?

After entering the hotel, the three of them found a place to sit down.

Lu Dong smiled and said: "Uncle, today we met Fan Xiaodi’s classmate, a dick, guess what, her classmate actually pretended to be our manager Tian and called him to invite him out in order to pretend to be in front of Xiaodi. Annual meeting."

After listening to Lu Dong's words, the others around couldn't help laughing.

Lu Ming laughed loudly when he heard it: "Nowadays, there are some people who are obviously poor, but they prefer to pretend to be forced."

Lu Dongzheng smiled triumphantly, his face suddenly changed.

Because he saw Ye Chen chatting with Tian Fang, the general manager of the hotel, talking and laughing.

how can that be!

Suddenly, Lu Dong's cold sweat shed.

Nima, can't it be true?

Thinking of what he said in the taxi, Lu Dong was all ill.

Lu Ming saw the strange look of Lu Dong, and asked suspiciously: "Lu Dong, what's the matter with you?"

Lu Dong said with an ugly expression: "Uncle Ming, I will tell you something."

"What's the matter?" Lu Ming said comfortably while drinking red wine.

"I just saw Ye Chen. He is chatting with Mr. Tian."

"What?" Lu Ming's face became slightly stiff.

He suddenly remembered something and said to Lu Dong: "You didn't tell him anything that shouldn't be said."

Lu Dong almost cried: "Say a little bit?"

"What?" Lu Ming's face suddenly sank.

"What did you say?" Lu Ming said with a sullen face.

"I really didn't know that he was the director of our company, so I just talked about my corruption and deductions."

"You are so special, you are looking for death, can you talk about this kind of thing outside?"

"I thought he was just a little brother Didi, and he didn't have much to say." Lu Dong said aggrievedly.

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