Published at 27th of April 2021 12:40:38 PM

Chapter 275: 275

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The man pretended to be forced for a long time, but he didn't expect to meet his opponent.

And the ability to pretend to be stronger seems to be stronger than him.

The most coerced man means eating with Ye Chen.

This guy is even more awesome, and he directly said that he was Ye Chen.

He was able to blow better at first, but he met someone who was better than himself.

The most important thing is that he blows it himself, this buddy actually makes people call to act for him.

This level of pretense is a realm higher.

This trick is written down and can be used when pretending to be forceful in the future.

The man didn't believe it at all, this little brother Didi would be Ye Chen.

Just kidding, the boss of the Financial Building ran here to make a beep, how could it be possible.

At this time, Ye Chen's car stopped in front of the Financial Building.

"Buddy is on the ground."

The man nodded: "Man, you just took a detour. I usually take a ride from home to here at 20. You are already 22."

Ye Chen: "..."

Do you have a billion-dollar investment in Dad Ma, do you care about these two?

Ye Chen felt that the man's compulsion disappeared in an instant.

"Okay, okay, I'll count it as twenty for you." Ye Chen waved his hand.

The man got out of the car, looked up at the Financial Building with a longing look, and then walked in.

Ye Chen parked his car in the parking space and walked into the Financial Building.

It's been a long time since I saw Lin Youyou, this girl has called several times.

Since it's already here this time, naturally I have to look at this girl.

Sitting in the elevator dedicated to the chairman, Ye Chen came to Lin Youyou's office.

Lin Youyou was reading the information, and didn't even look up and said lightly, "Bring me a cup of coffee."

Ye Chen froze for a moment, then smiled, even a little distressed.

He has too many properties, Ye Chen is busy with didi every day, and he gives Lin Youyou and Lin Wanrou all these properties.

It can be said that two people are their own right-hand men.

Lin Wanrou accompanies her every day, but Lin Youyou, he has indeed left her in the cold recently.

Ye Chen poured a cup of coffee and placed it next to Lin Youyou.

Lin Youyou was taken aback when he saw the men's leather shoes.

He raised his head to see Ye Chen stunned.

"Why are you here?" Lin Youyou asked blankly.

"Why not welcome?" Ye Chen smiled.

Lin Youyou gave Ye Chen a white look: "Of course not welcome, you busy man, you still remember my little maid."

The tone was full of resentment.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Okay, I can compensate you well today."

At this time, the secretary walked in: "Mr. Lin, this is the introduction plan for our Pudong project."

The secretary saw Ye Chen also stunned for a moment and said respectfully: "Ye Dong."

Ye Chen waved his hand and said, "Okay, you can go. Lin always and I have something to study. No one is allowed to come in without my order."

"Yes." The secretary left quickly.

Lin Youyou looked at Ye Chen: "What are you going to do?"

Ye Chen smirked: "Of course I want to study things with you."


After half an hour, Ye Chen came out of Lin Youyou's lounge.

Dressed up and said: "Yoyou, I bought a villa in Rose Manor, I also have a house there, you can live in too."

Lin You You snorted coldly, "You still have a conscience."

Ye Chen and Lin Youyou lingered for a while before leaving.

When I just came to the lobby, I saw the man who had just hitchhiked and Li Kuan walking out of the office.

The man smiled and said, "Thank you, Mr. Li, I will definitely recommend you in front of Dong Ye when I look back."

"Well, that will trouble Mr. Sun." Li Kuan nodded with a smile.

Li Kuan looked up and saw Ye Chen at this time, his expression changed.

He said quickly: "Mr Ye is here."

Hearing Li Kuan's words, the man's face suddenly changed.

How good is his relationship with Li Kuanchuu and Ye Chen just now, if Ye Chen really came, wouldn't all of them be exposed?

But when he saw the young man walking by, he immediately felt relieved.

Nima, this Li Kuan actually joked with himself. Fortunately, my concentration is good. Isn't this kid just a little brother Didi?

I understand, this Li Kuan must be to deceive me to see if I know Ye Chen.

Fortunately, I know this little brother Didi, otherwise I would really be fooled.

Sun Hui smiled and said, "Mr. Li, you are really joking. Where is Mr. Ye? It's clearly younger brother Didi."

Li Kuan's face changed after hearing Sun Hui's words.

Li Kuan has been in the Financial Building, so Ye Chen has seen him several times.

How could it be wrong.

Now he understood, it turned out that Sun Hui had been bragging with himself.

Knowing Mr. Ye is all false.

Ye Chen jokingly smiled and said, "Did you meet again?"

Hearing that Ye Chen and Sun Hui met, Li Kuan let out a sigh of relief.

It turns out that I just misunderstood that two people really knew each other.

Sun Hui snorted and said to Li Kuan on the side: "Mr. Li, the security of your financial building can't do it. Can you come in with this kind of didi?"

Didi brother?

Li Kuan was taken aback for a moment and looked at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen shook his head at him and motioned not to expose him.

He just wanted to watch Sun Hui pretend to be bragging, it was more interesting than Teacher Guo's cross talk.

Sun Hui continued: "Mr. Ye and I are buddies. We often drink together. When I look back, I will give you a few words. You may be able to go further."

Now Li Kuan understands that this guy is just bragging.

He smiled and nodded without a smile: "Then thank you Mr. Sun!"

"Thank you? But this little brother Didi, we can't let him in in the future, which will affect the image of our financial building."

Li Kuan couldn't bear it anymore and said, "I'm afraid this won't work."

"No? Why? In a noble place like the Financial Building, if all cats and dogs can enter, how to show the compelling character of the building? I will talk to Mr. Ye about this."

Li Kuan smiled and said, "No, this is Mr. Ye, the owner of our Financial Building. If you have anything, please tell him directly."

"What?" Sun Hui was stunned.

At this time, two staff members passed by Ye Chen and said respectfully: "Ye Dong!"

Sun Hui was immediately silly.

He never dreamed that he would be so lucky that he would actually meet Ye Chen.

Li Kuan respectfully said: "Mr. Ye said he knows you and wants to rent a warehouse in our financial building as an office."

"Huh, the warehouse? Isn't it the first floor?"

This gap is a bit big.

Sun Hui looked at Ye Chen with a dull expression, his face was full of embarrassment.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "We do know him. He just took my car to the Financial Building. By the way, I asked him to make up for him two dollars."

After speaking, Ye Chen turned around and left.

Sun Hui: "..."

Looking at Ye Chen's back, Sun Hui was completely stupid.

Li Kuansecond looked at Sun Hui jokingly: "Mr. Sun, if you can't rent the warehouse, the rent will be doubled."

Sun Hui, there is no face in renting an office here.

In fact, he is a leather bag company, so he rents an office here in order to support the facade.

He couldn't afford to rent an ordinary office, so he had to rent a warehouse.

He couldn't afford twice the rent at all.

Unexpectedly, pretending to meet the master, this face was slapped.

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