Published at 27th of April 2021 12:40:37 PM

Chapter 276: 276

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Imperial Capital, in a VIP club.

This guild hall adopts an annual meeting system, and all those who can enter the guild hall are social elites or rich second-generation upper-class people.

In a private room, several young people were drinking red wine.

"Shao Ding, haven't you always wanted to be on Tong Xiaoya? How's it going?"

"Don't mention it, just think about it and get angry. We were all prescribed medicine to Tong Xiaoya, but we were broken by a little brother Didi, and we drove the car directly to the police station."

Ding Bo got more and more angry.

That night, I was handcuffed to the railing of the police station all night, and I was very uncomfortable.

He has never suffered such a crime when he grows up.

Had it not been for his father to find someone to calm things down, it is estimated that what he is drinking now is not red wine, and what he eats is not the delicacies of the mountains and the sea, but the jail meal.

Thinking of Ye Chen, Ding Bo was angry.

Bad my good deeds over and over again.

Several buddies who usually knew Ding Bo were also filled with outrage.

"Fuck, who is so awesome, dare to spoil our good deeds of Brother Ding."

"Did you find out about that kid's fate? He killed him."

"That's right, isn't it just a little brother Didi? Ding Ge tell me who he is, and I will avenge you."

Several young and old drank a lot of wine, and they all clamored for revenge on Ding Bo.

At this time, a young man walked into the box and whispered a few words in Ding Bo's ear.

A sinister smile appeared on Ding Bo's face.

He said coldly: "Everyone, I have found that little brother Didi. Just now, a brother of mine happened to take his car. Now he has reported his position to me."

"Brother Ding, let's ask someone to go, let this kid know what the end of Ding Shao dare to mess with us."

"Okay, thank you brothers in advance for killing this kid. I invite everyone to go to the nightclub for a feast."

A group of elders and youngsters each called for someone.

Soon, fifty or sixty people in more than ten cars were collected.

At this time, that little brother had already sent Ye Chen's position.

Ding Bo had a strong killing intent in his eyes.

"Boy, today I want you to kneel in front of me and let you know how good I am."

A group of younger brothers surrounded Ding Bohao and chased Ye Chen vigorously.

Ye Chen asked while driving the car; "Where are you talking about?"

"It's nearby, brother, you'll be there soon by driving forward."

Ye Chen drove to an abandoned factory.

"Is your destination here?" Ye Chen asked suspiciously.

At this moment, there was a roar of cars behind Ye Chen's car.

Dozens of luxury cars rushed over and sealed Ye Chen's retreat.

At this time, a young man got on and off the first car.

He looked at Ye Chen with a grimace: "The kid finally let me block you."

Almost at the same time, the doors of all cars opened.

A group of younger brothers chased out of the car aggressively.

The little brothers were more horizontal than the bald-tailed dogs, yelling at Ye Chen: "Boy, you must kneel down to Ding Shao and confess your mistake immediately, otherwise you will die."

"Don't kneel down, I have discounted your leg."


Ding Bo waved his hands while standing on the roof of a luxury car, and the group of boys fell silent.

He jokingly looked at Ye Chen coming out of the car: "Boy, I finally found you. You dare to drag Lao Tzu to the Public Security Bureau. You are so courageous. The woman who robbed Lao Tzu is bad for me. , Tell me, how do you want to die?"

Ye Chen saw this formation without a trace of panic on his face, but was very indifferent.

He made a call.

At this time, a cold voice came from the other side.

"Mr. Ye, we already know your location based on the location, knowing that you are in danger, and the guards will arrive within five minutes."

Dragon Shield has the most advanced security system in the world. As the boss, it is naturally under the strictest protection.

The monitoring center saw that Ye Chen was stuck in the abandoned factory by dozens of vehicles, and knew that something went wrong, so the guards had been dispatched.

Ding Bo didn't panic when he saw Ye Chen call. He said coldly, "Boy, why do you want to call someone? Tell you in the magic city, Laozi is the sky, it's useless to call anyone."

"Haha, it's a good idea to make a phone call, but I want to see who can you call?"

"At this time, I'm still pretending to be forced, it's like death."

Ding Bo sneered: "Ye Chen, do you know who you offended? Lao Tzu is the eldest son of the Skynet Group, worth tens of billions. All the sons of major families in our circle, why are you fighting against me? "

He looked at Ye Chen condescendingly, as if looking down at an ant.

"In my eyes, you are like an ant. I stepped on you to death like an ant."

"Haha, this kid really doesn't have eyesight, he even offended Ding Shao."

"Today, whoever you call will not be able to save you."

"Boy, the wise one immediately kowtowed and knelt down to beg Ding Shao for mercy."

Those young and old are proud of the crowd.

Ding Bo sneered: "As long as you kneel in front of me and call me grandfather, I can consider letting you go."

Ye Chen raised his brows: "Let me kneel?"

Ding Bo arrogantly said: "There are people from Lao Tzu all around here. Lao Tzu tells you to kneel. Do you dare to kneel?"

Ye Chen sneered and said: "Really? But there are more people, and few people can compare me."

The voice fell, and suddenly, the sound of a helicopter came from the sky.

Subsequently, armoured and armored vehicles drove from all directions.

Bang bang bang!

These armored vehicles ran into a rampage, directly smashing the luxury car into pieces, and stunned out of a road.

Ding Bo and those young and old are all stupid.

What is this special situation?

On the armed helicopter, more than a dozen people with cool special forces equipment descended from the sky and landed beside Ye Chen.

On those armored vehicles, more than 300 people rushed down.

These people, one by one, pretended to be the force of the Bit species.

Except for no guns, almost all the equipment should be there.

Ding Bo: "..."

Those young masters who were arrogant just now are all stupid.

Seeing his crushed luxury car, the hearts of these young and old are hurt to death.

There were even a few young people who were unconvinced and wanted to make gestures, but were soon overpowered by the guards.

Dozens of young and old were shocked in an instant, and they dared not move.

These special forces are so powerful that they dare not take risks at all.

Ding Bo looked at this scene blankly, completely silly.

Is this making a movie?

At this time, the door of the leading armed armored vehicle opened, and a stubborn man got out of the vehicle.

At this time, more than three hundred armed guards held truncheons in their hands and surrounded the surrounding area. The cold murderous aura radiating from these people made everyone on the scene tremble.

Ding Bo has been scared silly.

What is this special situation?

Is this a special force?

But seeing the signs of these people turned out to be security.

And their logo has a golden golden shield.

Suddenly, some young and old remembered the name represented by the logo.

Golden Shield Security Company.

Oh my God, it turned out to be that terrifying behemoth.

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