Published at 27th of April 2021 12:40:30 PM

Chapter 278: 278

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After half an hour.

The Ding family screamed again and again.

Ding Shi took a stick in his hand and took out his mobile phone.

"Excuse me, is President Ye?" A respectful voice came from the phone.

"Who are you?" Ye Chen asked.

"I'm Ding Shi, Ding Bo's father."

"Oh? Something?" Ye Chen was stunned.

Could it be that I hit my son and I asked myself to settle the account?

"Mr. Ye, I'm so sorry, it's my godson's helplessness. My son didn't know that Tian Gaodihou offended you. I've already beaten him severely."

While talking, Ding Shi's stick fell again.

"Uuuuu...Daddy don't fight, and get a kick."

Ding Bo's wailing sound came over the phone.

Ye Chen heard that Ding Shi was teaching his son: "The cause of this incident was your son's idea of ​​hitting Tong Xiaoya. He was confused by the medicine. I met Tong Xiaoya when he wanted to take her to the hotel. I took him to the hotel. Police station."

"Mr. Ye, thanks to you, if it weren't for you, my son would be dead this time."

After hearing Ye Chen's words, Ding Shi gasped.

Tong Xiaoya's background is not that simple, she is also supported by bigwigs behind her.

Once that kind of thing happened, that big man probably wouldn't let Ding Bo go.

It can be said that Ye Chen saved Ding Bo's life.

As he spoke, the sound of a stick hitting his body was heard from the other side again.

"Smelly boy, how dare you lie to me? Do you know who Tong Xiaoya is? You dare to even move her. I don't want to teach you a lesson today, why are you going crazy?"

There was another wailing on the other side.

After a few beats, Ding Shi said, "Mr. Ye, our Ding family owes you a favor. Please bear with me about my son."

Ye Chen listened and smiled: "It's okay, it's just a kid, but I don't want similar things to happen again in the future."

"Mr. Ye, don't worry, this kind of thing will never happen in the future."

Ding Shi handed the phone to Ding Bo.

"Smelly boy, personally apologize to you Uncle Ye."

Ye Chen knew from the other party's painful groan that Ding Bo was beaten up this time.

"Uncle Ye, please forgive me, my **** is about to be smashed by my father, I will never do bad things anymore, let me go."

"Well, tell your dad that I forgive you." Ye Chen said lightly.

At this time, Ding Shi answered the call.

"Mr. Ye, you are the benefactor of our Ding family. If there is any use of someone from my Ding in the future, please let me know."


When the phone was hung up, Ye Chen knew that the boy Ding Bo must have been honest after a fat beating.

Ye Chen returned to Washington.

Lin Wanrou was already asleep.

Ye Chen received a call from Xu Lang.

"Boss, the design of our game is nearing completion. We are now in internal testing. As long as there is no problem, then we can mass produce."

"Well, keep going, if you have any technical problems, you can find me at any time." Ye Chen nodded in satisfaction.

Ye Chen is still very satisfied with this speed of research and development.

Early the next morning, Lin Wanrou prepared breakfast for Ye Chen.

After breakfast, Lin Wanrou reported to Ye Chen: "My son, we have purchased more than 20 manufacturing plants across the country for the production of VR equipment."

"Well, by the way, is there our manufacturing plant near the magic city?" Ye Chen asked.

Lin Wanrou nodded: "Su's factory is in the suburbs of Magic City."

"Well, let me see how the development progress is."

Now that the game has entered the closed beta, the following is the equipment.

Equipment and games are equally important.

Ye Chen decided to take a look in person before he was relieved.

Lin Wanrou gave Ye Chen an address, and he drove straight to the factory.

When he came to the gate of the factory, the director Li Cong had already been waiting for Ye Chen at the gate.

"Hello, Mr. Ye welcomes your visit and guidance."

Ye Chen smiled; "It's not a guide, I just come over and take a look."

Li Cong took Ye Chen around the factory.

At this time, there happened to be a batch of goods coming in, and Li Cong needed to inspect the goods.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Mr. Li, you should be busy first, and I will go to the workshop by myself."

Li Cong nodded and turned to leave.

Ye Chen walked into the workshop.

Because the workshop has rules and regulations, Ye Chen wore a worker's uniform.

Walking into the workshop, the workers are making parts for VR.

Ye Chen walked around, the workers were very serious in their work attitude, and the craftsmanship was very good. On the whole, Ye Chen was very satisfied.

"Ye Chen, why did you come to our factory?"

Seeing the other party, Ye Chen was stunned for a moment.

This buddy used to be a dick, and the two of them have eaten skewers together.

"Why are you here? Don't run dick?" Ye Chen asked.

"Hey, there is no way, my car has reached its age limit, so I will try it here." Wang Long said.

"Oh I see."

Ye Chen looked at Wang Long, and suddenly Wang Long's information appeared on the talent scanning software.

"Wang Long, a gold-level designer, is good at designing process and technical drawings."

"By the way, you used to learn design?" Ye Chen asked in a daze.

Wang Long smiled bitterly after hearing it: "Yes, I did study design before, but I was later assigned to the design institute, but because I saw the leader molested a female colleague from the unit, I beat the leader and was fired."

Ye Chen was stunned when he heard Wang Long's life experience.

It turned out that Wang Long was the designer he was looking for.

The two were chatting, suddenly a cold voice came.

"What are you doing? Who will let you chat during work hours."

Hearing the voice, Wang Long's expression changed: "It's over, Zhou Papi is here, Ye Chen will go back to your post soon, let Zhou Papi catch it and it will be over."

Ye Chen said disapprovingly, "It's okay."

At this time, a middle-aged man in a work uniform came over: "Wang Long, who asked you to chat during working hours? This month's bonus is unnecessary, all have been deducted."

Wang Long looked angry.

Wang Long has always been meticulous in his work.

Wang Long's wife was sick and hospitalized, and the medical expenses were very expensive.

Therefore, Wang Long did not do anything black or white.

Now the hospital has to urge the expenses again, which was not enough, and as a result, another five hundred yuan was deducted, which is simply worse for Wang Long.

Ye Chen looked cold when he saw this scene: "You are the workshop director. Although Wang Long talked with me for a few days, he didn't delay his work, so it's too much for you to deduct other people's bonuses."

The workshop director looked at Ye Chen with a glance, and he didn't know him and sneered: "You kid just entered the field, is there any place for you to speak? Tell you, this workshop is the heaven, I want to deduct someone's salary, Deduct someone’s wages."

Ye Chen was a little speechless: "What are you awesome as a workshop director? Do you think this factory belongs to your family?"

The workshop director did not expect that a newcomer would dare to talk back to him, and his face suddenly sank: "Boy, no matter who introduced you, I will inform you now that you have been fired."

Ye Chen laughed suddenly when he heard the words of the workshop director.

"Sorry, you really don't have the right to fire me."

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