Published at 27th of April 2021 12:40:29 PM

Chapter 279: 279

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Ye Chen said, ignoring the workshop director at all, turned and left the workshop.

Ye Chen was very excited to find Wang Long.

What he needs most now is a designer like Wang Long.

Although Ye Chen could be designed, it was a waste of time. Ye Chen didn't have so much time at all.

Now with Wang Long, he only needs to tell the other party his thoughts, and he doesn't need to care about other things.

Ye Chen came to the factory director's office. Li Cong quickly soaked a pot of Longjing and poured it for Ye Chen himself.

Originally, his factory was about to close down, and Su Zheng informed him that he could continue to produce VR parts before it could continue production.

Li Cong knew that Ye Chen was the gold master, and he could not offend him at all.

Ye Chen took a sip of tea and said, "Director Li, I went to the workshop just now and found that there is a big problem in the workshop."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Li Cong's expression changed: "Mr. Ye, where is our factory unqualified, you can tell me, we will correct it immediately, our factory's number one hundred and ten people, but rely on this business to make a living. ."

Li Cong was very worried that Ye Chen would divest because of his dissatisfaction.

Once the capital is withdrawn, the factory is finished.

Ye Chen smiled and said: "In fact, there is no problem with production and process, but the workshop director has a big problem. I hope our employees can have cohesion, but our workshop director bullies employees by virtue of his own identity. This is not what I think. What I need to see is to give employees a warm working environment and let them work for us sincerely."

Li Cong nodded again and again: "Mr. Ye, I know, in fact, I also heard some ears, and I immediately rectified this matter."

Speaking, Li Cong dialed the number of the workshop director.

The workshop director is training another employee in the workshop.

Generally, as long as employees give him gifts, he will not trouble him.

But some employees, such as Wang Long who do not give gifts to themselves, will have nothing to do with the other party's faults.

This employee, like Wang Long, did not give gifts because of family difficulties, so letting him find a cause was a slur.

At this moment, he received a call from the factory manager and quickly made a flattering expression: "Director, are you looking for me?"

Li Cong said coldly: "You come to the office."

"Okay, I'll pass now."

The workshop director glared at the employee: "You have a special plan. If you want to mix in my workshop, you have to get acquainted, otherwise I will definitely make you unable to stay."

After speaking, the workshop director left triumphantly.

As soon as the workshop director left, there was a lot of scolding in the workshop.

When he came to the office, the workshop director knocked on the door.

"Come in." The voice of factory director Li Cong came from the room.

When the workshop director entered the room, he was stunned when he saw Ye Chen: "Why are you here?"

What shocked the workshop director even more was that the director was pouring Ye Chen respectfully.

what's going on?

Li Cong's expression sank when he saw the workshop director.

"Old Chen, I didn't expect you to use power for personal gain and do whatever you want in the workshop. You disappointed me too much."

The director of the workshop heard a change in his face and said aggrieved: "I don't have Director Li."

"No, do you think I am blind and deaf?

Li Cong slapped it directly.

"Which one of our factory regulations states that you can't speak during working hours, and which one requires you to deduct a month's bonus for speaking?" Li Cong asked coldly.

The head of the workshop suddenly changed his face.

It is true that there are no such rules and regulations in the factory, they are all added by him.

The workshop director glanced at Ye Chen, who was drinking tea leisurely in his position, and felt bitter.

He knew that this time, he had offended someone he shouldn't offend.

Li Cong said coldly: "Old Chen, go to the finance room to get your salary, and you have been fired."

The face of the workshop director changed abruptly.

"Director Li, you can't fire me. I have a senior and a younger, what should I do if I fire me."

Li Cong snorted coldly: "You think I don't know, you are raising a mistress outside, and if you fire you, you have no money to raise a mistress."

The workshop director's face flushed.

That's right, he has embezzled a lot of money as a workshop director over the years and used it to support his junior.

If he is expelled and the capital chain is broken, how can he support Xiaosan!

The workshop director looked at Ye Chen, thumped and knelt in front of Ye Chen.

"This gentleman, I was wrong just now. It was my dog ​​who looked down on people. Let me go. You and the factory manager beg for mercy and don't fire me."

Ye Chen snorted coldly: "You can't live by yourself, you should be aware of it, and I'm an outsider in this matter. How the factory manager handles you is his business, and it has nothing to do with me."

The workshop director's face was pale.

His intestines are all regretful, and he knew that he would not offend Ye Chen anyway.

The workshop director almost trembled and left the office.

Ye Chen said to Li Cong, "Director Li, there is a person named Wang Long in your factory. He is a very talented designer. You can use it well."

"Wang Long?" Li Cong was taken aback for a moment.

"He has worked in the design institute before and is very good at mechanical design."

"It turns out that there is such a capable person in our factory, I will let him come now."

Li Cong called the workshop again, and soon Wang Long pushed the door in.

"Hello Wang Gong." Li Cong shook Wang Long's hand very enthusiastically.

Seeing the factory director's enthusiasm, Wang Long was also stunned.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Wang Long, would you like to invite you to be the chief engineer of our manufacturing plant?"

Wang Long looked at Ye Chen stunned.

"Ye Chen, are you kidding me."

In Wang Long's eyes, Ye Chen was a little brother Didi, how could he invite himself to be the chief engineer.

Li Cong said: "Wang Long, Mr. Ye is our investor in this project."

"What?" Wang Long was stunned.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Wang Long, I provide the drawings, can you make what I need?"

Wang Long nodded: "As long as there are drawings, I can design what I need."

Ye Chen took out a USB flash drive and said, "This is a reverse design drawing of my VR technology. Take a look. I will give you a month to test it successfully and then put it into production."

Wang Long listened and nodded: "This is no problem."

Ye Chen smiled and said, "As long as you complete this single job, the salary is based on the company's high-level salary of 200,000 yuan a month, not a commission."

"What?" Wang Long was almost stupid after hearing Ye Chen's words.

The basic salary of 200,000 yuan, you must know that Wang Long is not black or white, and his monthly salary is only more than 4,000 yuan.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Come on, not only will my sister-in-law have money to treat the illness, but I promise you can live in a big house and drive a luxury car."

"Mr. Ye, thank you." Wang Long was about to cry with excitement.

Wang Long has a talent, but he can only do the work at the bottom of the society, which makes him very uncomfortable.

He thought that this would be the case for the rest of his life, but Wang Long never dreamed that he would meet the Bole Ye Chen!

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