Published at 27th of April 2021 12:40:13 PM

Chapter 283: 283

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When Ye Chen left, the security guards immediately surrounded Wang Meng.

"Team Wang is awesome, Dao Ye is so familiar with you."

"That's right, knowing Ye Daluo Wang team has a bright future."

"The king team will become soaring in the future, don't forget us brothers."

Several security guards looked envious and flattered Wang Meng.

Wang Meng waved his hand: "Okay, don't talk about it, just stand guard."

On the surface it doesn't matter, but Wang Meng is very happy in his heart.

For so many years, he had no academic qualifications, and his abilities were average, and he was often bullied.

Today he felt overturned for the first time.

It turns out that there is a backstage that is so cool.

Ye Chen's words made him become an enviable and pleasing security captain from a security guard who was bullied.

This feeling of being licked and touted by others is so good.

For the first time, Wang Meng's vanity was satisfied.

Ye Chen rode a shared bicycle and drove to the community just now.

The rush hour has not passed, and there is still a lot of traffic.

At this time, passing by a traffic light.

An old man with a cane is crossing the crosswalk.

It was a green light when I was there, but it changed when I was halfway away.

Ye Chen frowned, and quickly rode the shared bicycle onto the car lane, blocking the intersection.

Ye Chen went to help the old man cross the road.

The other drivers were very cooperative. At this time, a Mercedes-Benz driver quit and honked his horn desperately.

Ye Chen frowned and helped the old man across the road.

At this time, the Mercedes-Benz driver rushed out of the car and kicked the shared bicycle to the ground.

Seeing this scene of young people, many people frowned.

There was nothing wrong with Ye Chen blocking the car and helping the old man to cross the road, otherwise it would be too dangerous for the old man to stand in the traffic with so much traffic.

The young man kicked the car down, pointed at Ye Chen and cursed: "Fool, what are you doing with a broken shared bicycle in the middle of the road?"

Ye Chen said coldly: "You didn't see the old man crossing the road?"

"I'm paralyzed. I don't want to stay at home if I'm so old, I deserve it."

With that said, the young man kicked the shared bicycle again, and then turned to leave.

Ye Chen was angry: "Stop."

The young man stopped and looked at Ye Chen with a cold snort, "Boy, what? Not convinced?"

Ye Chen said coldly: "Help me up the car."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, the young man suddenly became happy.

"What can I do if I don't help you? What can you do to me, a poor man who has a mother and no mother?"

Originally, Ye Chen only wanted to reason with the other party.

But this kid was so ugly that he touched Ye Chen's bottom line.

Ye Chen didn't say a word, he picked up a brick from the ground and threw it at the Mercedes Benz.


The windshield was directly smashed by Ye Chen.

The people around were all stupid seeing this scene.

This young man was too courageous, and even dared to smash the Mercedes-Benz.

Doesn't he know how much this Mercedes-Benz car is?

The young man took out an iron rod directly from the trunk.

"Boy, are you looking for death?"

With that said, the young man smashed the iron rod towards Ye Chen.

Ye Chen saw the iron rod on the side of his body, and the young man's iron rod smashed into the air.

Before he could react, Ye Chen made a side kick and kicked directly on the young man's stomach.

The man was kicked and flew out and fell heavily to the ground.

The iron rod in his hand also let go, grinning in pain.

The young man struggled to get up from the ground, but saw Ye Chen picking up the iron rod and staring at him viciously.

Seeing Ye Chen's cold eyes, the young man was scared.

He pointed to Ye Chen and said, "Boy, how dare you move me? You are dead. I won't kill you today, so I will take your last name."

Ye Chen slapped the young man's face without saying a word.

The young man was pumped and fell to the ground again.

Ye Chen said coldly: "What's so special about you when you drive a Mercedes-Benz, you feel like you're awesome, don't you?"

The voice fell, and Ye Chen's iron rod slammed heavily on the Mercedes-Benz.

The young man was frightened suddenly.

This Mercedes-Benz is not his but the company's.

It is worth more than 1.7 million.

Ye Chen not only smashed the windshield, but now he smashed his car.

Bang bang bang!

Ye Chen's stick smashed the car beyond recognition.

"I rub, this guy is too irritable, how much money has to be lost if this car is smashed like this."

"How much is it, I can't buy it for less than five or six hundred thousand. This is originally an imported car, and the parts are expensive. Look at the two headlights? Only six to seven thousand."

"This kid is done, how can he afford to pay for such an expensive car?"

"That's right, the young man still can't control his temper. He mustn't have much money to see him riding a shared bicycle. If he can't afford it, he will go to jail."

The young man got up from the ground again, was kicked by Ye Chen and slapped again. He was going crazy.

"Boy, do you know whose car this is? Tell you, kid, you're dead, you're done with smashing our boss's car."

The man looked at the unrecognizable car with a sinister smile on his face.

Ye Chen was not afraid at all: "Really? Whose car, I want to see whose car it is."

The young man took out his cell phone and sneered: "Boy, you smashed our boss's car and told you that you are dead and no one can save you."

Hearing what the young man said, everyone worried about Ye Chen.

After all, people who can own more than one million Mercedes-Benz cars are certainly not ordinary people.

The young man dialed the phone and looked at Ye Chen jokingly: "Boy, tell you, our boss will be here soon, and you will die miserably."

Ye Chen took the stick and stood in place: "Okay, I want to see which boss who is not long-sighted has an unqualified employee like you."

After a while, a Bentley drove from a distance.

The license plate number is 5 8s, and at first glance, it is the car of the big boss of the magic city.

Seeing the Bentley, the young man looked smug.

The door opened and a thin middle-aged man got out of the car.

Although the other person is not tall, his eyes are shining, with extraordinary bearing.

Ye Chen was also stunned when he saw the visitor, who turned out to be an old acquaintance.

At this time, the young man ran to Ma Ge in two steps and threw himself on his knees.

The reason why Ma Ge came is because the young man is still relatives with him.

The young man was called Ma Liu, who was usually unlearned and skillless. Later, his parents entrusted him to Ma Ge, which allowed him to drive.

"Second uncle, you have to call the shots for me. This kid deliberately threw the shared bicycle in the middle of the road to block the way. I just said a few words, he punched and kicked me and smashed my car, boss, you Look at the company’s new car that was smashed like this by him."

The young man was aggrieved, snotty and tearful.

The onlookers were stunned.

This guy is too good at composing stories.

Obviously he smashed people's car first, okay, this kid is too broken to call black into white.

Brother Ma frowned and snorted coldly: "I want to see who is so arrogant."

He turned his eyes to look at Ye Chen.

"Mr. Ye?"

Seeing Ye Chen, Marco was stunned.

Ma Ge ignored the young man, and strode forward to Ye Chen: "Mr. Ye, it was you."

Seeing this scene, the young man was stunned. What's the situation?

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