Published at 27th of April 2021 12:40:02 PM

Chapter 286: 286

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Star University music boss?

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment.

This should be an upgrade to his own Star University.

Ye Chen has not been to the university donated by the system.

Tomorrow morning Ye Chen will go to see what his own university looks like.

When Lin Shiyin returned home, he immediately felt that the atmosphere at home was different.

Mother Yu Miao came out: "Shiyin, have you made a new boyfriend?"

Lin Shiyin nodded: "Well, what's the matter?"

"Shiyin, why are you so ignorant, do you know? Your father had a medical accident a few days ago, and the dean wanted to fire your father because I went to their house and agreed to introduce you as her son's boyfriend and they agreed to help. I'm trying to settle things down."

Lin Shiyin knew that his father's medical accident was actually not responsible for his father.

When the patient had a heart attack, the old lady brought the old man to the hospital.

As the attending physician in the Department of Cardiology, my father urged the other party to have an operation immediately.

However, the old man's son refused on the grounds that the hospital's medical standards were poor.

Because the patient's family members must sign for the operation, but the other party didn't sign it, and the father had no choice.

Finally, the opportunity for treatment was delayed, and the old man died.

The other's son went so far as to fight back, pushing the responsibility to the hospital.

In order to calm down the situation, Dean Li Huihui even told her father to carry a scapegoat and wanted to expel his father.

Mother went to Li Huihui on her own terms, and the other party agreed to help her father solve this matter.

Lin Shiyin listened to her mother's words and said, "Mom, this matter was originally not the father's responsibility. The inaction of their hospital's leadership made his father take the blame and threatened his father with this. It is not right in itself. I don't like Ma Tao , You can't use my life's happiness as a bet."

Lin Mu walked out of the house and said, "I agree with my daughter. I didn't agree with your mother doing this. I have been chilling with the hospital about this matter. I have been conscientious and dedicated to my work for so many years. What did I get from me? The big deal is not going to do it."

"Lao Lin, we borrowed so much to buy a villa. If you don't have a job, what shall we pay back?"

"If I don't have a job, I can find it by myself. Daughter, go and pursue your happiness. Don't worry about my father, I can take care of myself."

After hearing his father's words, Lin Shiyin's heart warmed: "Dad!"

Lin Mu stroked his daughter: "You are the most important thing for my father. Those fictitious names and work don't matter. I don't believe it. I was expelled from the hospital. I can't find a hospital that can use me with my ability."

Seeing the actions of the father and daughter, Yu Miao sighed, "Hey, you guys."


The next day, Ye Chen came to Star University.

Ye Chen was stunned when he saw the imposing Rainbow Star University.

The system is too awesome, and a university of such awesomeness has been built on a wasteland in such a short time.

The whole university is clean and tidy, and the architectural style is fashionable with a sense of technology.

In this university, it feels like being in a dream kingdom.

Ye Chen was very excited.

He was extremely excited to think that he was the president of this university.

The interior of the university is very beautiful, just like a garden.

Small bridges and flowing water, birds and flowers fragrant.

Ye Chen believes that if the most beautiful university is selected, it must be their Star University.

As soon as he walked to the gate, Ye Chen heard a mechanical voice.

[Detection of human being approaching, identity verification in progress. 】

[Ding, the identity verification is successful, welcome President Ye Chen to Star University. 】

Ye Chen walked on the long bluestone path.

Although this university has just been built, it gives people a very deep feeling.

The entire campus is not only beautiful, but also luxurious.

The design of the teaching building is even more high-end, like a castle in Harry Potter, shining silver under the sunlight.

This is a teaching building with mystery and science fiction.

In front of the building is a wide large square.

On the square, there are music fountains and sculptures.

Ye Chen walked into the teaching building and was even more shocked by the environment inside.

This teaching building has a total of eleven floors and can accommodate thousands of students at the same time.

In each classroom, there are the most advanced teaching equipment.

Standing at the top and looking around the entire campus, Ye Chen was even more amazed.

The whole campus is so beautiful.

Gardens, groves, artificial lakes, playgrounds, everything.

The facilities of Huaqing, Peking University and even Fuda University are not as good as their own schools.

It can be said that the facilities of Star University are the most advanced in the world.

Ye Chen took a deep breath, he decided to build this university to the top.

Although there are many prestigious schools in China, the education of schools in the world is still lagging behind.

Even a prestigious school like Huaqing Peking University ranks outside the top ten.

Ye Chen's goal is to build a prestigious school that can be ranked in the top ten or even number one in the world.

Of course, Ye Chen knew that this was very difficult and needed to be done step by step.

Ye Chen walked into a classroom.

In the classroom, there is a sense of science and technology.

The classrooms on each floor have different styles.

And the equipment inside is all world-class.

Ye Chen was a little bit jealous.

This teaching facility is hundreds of times stronger than when I was in college.

Being able to go to university in this environment is probably also a kind of enjoyment.

Ye Chen is very confident, with hardware conditions, Star University is definitely the best in the world.

After visiting the teaching building, Ye Chen went to see the dormitory again.

The school’s dormitory can accommodate approximately 5,000 students.

And the environment of each dormitory can be called a five-star hotel.

Opposite the dormitory is the restaurant, the environment is also shocking, and all the dishes are fully automated. The dishes of various tastes can satisfy the different tastes of students from China and even the world.

The library is a five-story building, which is already full of books.

According to the system, this is the most comprehensive library in the world, covering all academic books in the world.

The school also has an automatic sanitation cleaning robot, which is responsible for cleaning the school.

This school is simply a dream kingdom.

Compared with him, Huaqing, Peking University, and Fuda are simply weak.

With such a university, who would dare to say that China's educational resources are not good.

Now that we have hard power, what is left is soft power.

Schools need teachers.

But Ye Chen had an extra thought in his mind.

This is also the inspiration for Ramo smiled today.

Although Mo Xiaoxiao did not study well, he was a hacker genius.

That being the case, why not start a university with a difference.

No teacher is needed, the student is the teacher.

Students can choose their own courses and learn what they want to learn.

And the teachers in the school are the students.

For example, Mo Xiaoxiao can become a professional hacker teacher.

Ye Chen believes that Mo Xiaoxiao's strength is definitely better than a doctoral supervisor in any university.

When he was in school, Ye Chen hoped to have a free and open learning environment.

Now Ye Chen decides to realize this dream and build a school that completely liberates students' nature.

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