Published at 27th of April 2021 12:39:49 PM

Chapter 291: 291

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The female salesman is pretentious and introduces the performance of the car to Ye Chen.

"This car was designed by our chief designer. Look at how cool the headlights are, and the streamlined shape fits the Chinese aesthetic very well. This car exudes charming charm, just like me."

Ye Chen heard the introduction of the female salesman and was a little speechless.

That's right, this car is indeed the same as you, but it's just as ugly as you.

Is this headlight cool with my Lycan headlight?

This shape is almost impossible to see.

Ye Chen's eyes were too critical, and this car was simply ugly in Ye Chen's eyes.

"How? Are you attracted by the cool design of our car? Is it as attractive as me?"

Ye Chen smiled awkwardly: "To be honest, the design of this car is really ugly."


Sales just said that she was as beautiful as this car, and Ye Chen immediately slapped her face and said that this car was ugly.

By implication, isn't she also saying that she is ugly?

The saleswoman frowned. She felt that this man was here to find fault and didn't want to buy a car at all.

"Sir, what do you do?" the saleswoman asked.

"I am a Didi driver." Ye Chen replied with pride.

Didi driver?

The female sales face suddenly collapsed.

I just saw Ye Chen wearing a famous brand and thought Ye Chen was a rich man.

I've been a didi driver for a long time.

Wearing this famous brand is also fake!

I wasted a long time talking, but wasted on a didi driver, and the female salesperson was almost mad.

The enthusiasm in the eyes of female sales disappeared without a trace.

At this time, Ye Chen's cell phone rang.

The call was from Lin Shiyin.

It turned out that Lin Shiyin had just got off the plane and called Ye Chen when he thought of Ye Chen.

"Ye Chen, where are you?"

"Oh, should I buy a car in the Motor City?"

"The airport is not far from the Auto City, I will go over."

Ye Chen hung up the phone, and just wanted to continue to inquire about the performance of the car with the female salesperson, but the female salesperson already said with a black face: "Sir, do you think this is interesting?"

"What do you mean?" Ye Chen was a little dazed.

"Since you can't afford a car, please don't waste my time. In the heart of you dicks, you think I don't know? Come to the auto show to see beautiful women. You and I are talking to me just to get close to me and look at my body. "

Ye Chen: "..."

Nima, you are too narcissistic.

How do I look at your body?

Your seventy-point look, I don’t even bother to give it to me, okay?

The female salesperson was even more proud to see that Ye Chen didn't speak.

She stuck her waist in a smug expression: "You're just a little brother Didi, do you know how much our car costs? A car costs at least 200,000 yuan, can you afford it?"

Ye Chen almost didn't smile.

Have you seen the 120 million Lycan?

Two hundred thousand? It's just a part on the car body.

However, female sales made many onlookers feel very reasonable.

"Hey, this man is also here. He is obviously here to see beautiful women, and he is still beeping with others."

"I was slapped on my face this time, I guess my face is swollen."

"Actually, don't we all come here to see beautiful women? You must pretend to be beeping with others."

"It's so embarrassing to be slapped in the face."

Ye Chen was a little speechless listening to the discussion around him.

This Nima.

I look at your body, don't disgust me, okay.

The beauty was even more proud of hearing the discussion around her.

"Sir, I know I'm beautiful, you can look at it from a distance and I won't say anything? But you wereted my time on buying a car in order to get close to me. That's your fault."

Meow, I still strike up a conversation with you?

Obviously you took the initiative to come and talk to me, OK?

After speaking, the woman was smug.

At this moment, all the men who were watching suddenly turned to the same direction.

"Oh my god, that beauty is so beautiful."

"It's a fairy who has gone down to earth."

"This is a peerless beauty. It's impossible to see her model at this auto show."

The female salesperson originally thought that she was the focus of attention, but she did not expect her attention to be attracted by others.

She couldn't help but look at the door.

Suddenly, she was also stunned.

This woman is really beautiful.

The woman wore a light blue dress, slender thighs, an angel-like face, and an S-shaped figure. Every step she took exudes the temptation to make men crazy.

Originally, the female salesperson looked confident, but seeing this beauty is like a pheasant seeing a swan, she lowered her head.

This beauty is so beautiful.

In front of her, she was an ugly woman.

Lin Shiyin walked up to Ye Chen and naturally took Ye Chen's arm.

Suddenly, the entire sales hall was silent.

how can that be.

This beauty who looks like a goddess, with a face value of 99 points, is actually holding a little brother's arm.

"My dear, why are you interested in this low-end car?" Lin Shiyin asked curiously.

Ye Chen's strength Lin Shiyin understands that after all, the boss who owns the most luxurious Gulfstream private jet will not ride with the low-end cars here.

"I'm not running dick, I want to keep a low profile."

Seeing the beauties next to Ye Chen, everyone suddenly remembered the female sales pretense just now, and couldn't help laughing.

"Haha, just now this woman was trying to pretend to be someone else, saying that a man wants to look at her body, look at her girlfriend, how can she be attracted to her with this figure and beauty."

"That's right, after watching this beauty, it feels disgusting that the saleswoman is ugly."

"The female salesperson is too narcissistic, this face is slapped."

Listening to the comments of the people around, the female salesman is almost mad.

At this moment, a middle-aged man walked out of the office.

"what happened?"

Hearing the surrounding discussion, the man asked.

"Manager, this little brother Didi, obviously can't afford a car, and he was still making trouble at our auto show. You can see that he was here to find the fault. Just now he said that our car was garbage, and now he has found a female fairy."

Lin Shiyin is too beautiful, so she directly crushed the female sales.

Therefore, the female salesperson already hates Lin Shiyin.

The sales manager looked at Ye Chen and was stunned.

"Excuse me, you are Mr. Ye?"

Ye Chen stunned for a moment and said, "Do you know me?"

The sales manager nodded: "The headquarters of our magic capital is in the Financial Building. I was lucky enough to meet Mr. Ye."

Ye Chen just remembered that Jili Company had rented a floor in the Modu Building as the headquarters office.

Zheng Jun was really stunned.

You know, Ye Chen's identity is the boss of the Magic City Building. Such a big figure came to their auto show, which simply made their shop flourish.

Everyone around was stupid looking at Zheng Jun's attitude.

Zheng Jun's face was flattering, as if he had seen an idol, his face was admiring.

The female salesman was suddenly stupid.

Originally, he had a personal relationship with the sales manager, and originally thought that the other party would stand up for himself.

However, he did not expect that Zheng Jun would become so humbly and knee-deep in front of Ye Chen, even without spine, with a face of flattery.

Isn't this guy just a didi brother? How can the sales manager instantly become a licking dog?

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