Published at 27th of April 2021 12:39:48 PM

Chapter 292: 292

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Female sales do not know how happy Zheng Jun is now.

He understood how much good it would be to get acquainted with a big figure like Ye Chen.

Zheng Jun smiled and said, "Mr. Ye, do you have anything to do with us?"

Ye Chen nodded: "I want to buy a car."

"What? Mr. Ye, you didn't joke with me, how can you buy such a low-end car with your identity?"

The audience next to him suddenly became a little confused.

Isn't this young man the didi driver?

If you don't buy this low-end car, should you still buy a Mercedes-Benz BMW?

Ye Chen smiled: "I just want to keep a low profile."

"Oh, so that's it, Mr. Ye's car, which one you like, just drive away."

Zheng Jun is very smart. He understands that a car can only cost more than 200,000 yuan, but if you take this opportunity to grow Ye Chen, the harvest may be two or even twenty million.

But Zheng Jun's actions stunned everyone.

Is this sales manager crazy? A car worth more than 200,000 yuan is delivered directly?

The female salesperson on the side opened her mouth wide in surprise.

How could it be possible that this is a car worth more than 200,000 yuan, and the sales manager actually gave it to Ye Chen.

This kid is obviously a didi driver, what's wrong with the manager?

Ye Chen understood why Manager Zheng was pleased with him, and he nodded: "Well, I'll take down this favor."

Zheng Jun was overjoyed when he heard Ye Chen's words.

It was a bargain to exchange Ye Chen's favor with a car worth more than 200,000 yuan.

The female sales person on the side is not good.

Did the manager take the wrong medicine?

If you give someone a car, you are grateful. Why are you so grateful?

Crazy, crazy, the manager must be crazy.

The manager excitedly said to the staff: "Immediately put our top-fitting car and all the equipment to use the best, and match it to Mr. Ye."

The onlookers were stupid again.

I will not only deliver the car, but also the best equipment. This service is also great.

In the sluggish eyes of the female salesperson, Ye Chen left with Lin Shiyin.

Ye Chen drove a new Jili energy vehicle and went straight to Star University.

"Ye Chen, where are you taking me?" Lin Shiyin asked curiously.

"Take you to a place." Ye Chen said mysteriously.

Just now, Ye Chen received the system prompt that the music building given by the system had been built, so he wanted to check it out.

When he came to the campus, Ye Chen saw that a building appeared on the campus that was originally an empty space.

I wiped it, this is too awesome, it is really a system, and a music building was built overnight.

Fortunately, the school has not yet opened, and only Ye Chen knows about the music building.

Lin Shiyin was completely stunned when he saw this campus.

Oh my god, there is such a beautiful university.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "If I say, this university is mine, do you believe it?"

"Ah, yours?"

Lin Shiyin was stunned.

Two people came to the music building.

I saw the music building has three floors.

On the first floor is the concert hall, which is very large and uses the best soundproofing facilities to hold a large concert.

The second floor is the musical instrument room, which can be used by students of various musical instruments to practice musical instruments.

The third floor is the classroom.

Lin Shiyin walked in the music building, feeling like walking into the temple of music.

"Ye Chen, your music building is amazing, it feels much better than our music school."

"Really? By the way, if you like, how about you being the administrator of this music building?"

Ye Chen knows that Lin Shiyin likes music, so it's best to hand over this music building to her.

"Really? Great." Lin Shiyin was too excited.

Lin Shiyin's dream is to be a music teacher. Now that Ye Chen has helped her realize her dream, how could she be unhappy.

And this is the best music building in the world, and it is her honor to be the manager here.

The two people visited for a while, Ye Chen directly gave Lin Shiyin the management authority, and the two people left.


At this time, Ye Chen didn't know that Star University was already very popular among students.

In Tianhai City, a teenager with glasses hides in a small warehouse.

The warehouse is full of experimental equipment.

The boy's name is Liu Bo, and he is a nuclear energy enthusiast.

He fell in love with this thing the first time he came into contact with nuclear energy.

So from junior high school, he studied nuclear energy.

And now there has been some progress.

His laboratory may seem small, but it has a variety of experimental equipment.

At this time, Liu Bo frowned, his experiment encountered a bottleneck.

"Unfortunately, if the experimental equipment is better, it will be successful." Liu Bo felt a little regretful.

Liu Bo is also a recent college entrance examination graduate, but unfortunately his score on the college entrance examination is only 150 points.

This result has basically pronounced that he cannot have the opportunity to go to any university.


The door of the laboratory was pushed open.

A teenager said excitedly: "Liu Bo, you can go to university and I heard that the university specializes in nuclear energy."

"What?" Liu Bo was overjoyed at first, but there was a wry smile on his face.

"My college entrance examination score is only 150 points, how can a university admit me."

"Who said 150 points could not be admitted, I was admitted with 120 points?"

"Huh? I was admitted for 120 points, Lan Xiang Technical School?"

"No, it's Star University."

With that said, Wang Yong opened his laptop and showed Liu Bo the admissions page of Star University.

Liu Bo was immediately attracted by the experimental equipment on the website.

This is exactly what he wants.

Liu Bo was a little excited: "Can I really go to this school?"

"Of course, you can apply now."

Liu Bo rubbed his hands, entered his information, and clicked Apply.

He was very nervous, mainly because the experimental equipment on the admissions page was great.

[Ding, congratulations on being admitted to the major of nuclear energy at Star University. 】


It succeeded.

Liu Bo jumped up excitedly.

At this time, Stars University has gone from being unattended to many students now.

Ye Chen opened the interface and now more than 500 students have been enrolled, and this number is still rising.

Take a breath, and finally have a source of life.

Lin Shiyin wondered: "Ye Chen, don't you set a score line, are you afraid that all the scumbags will come to your school?"

Ye Chen shook his head: "Actually, everyone has their own talents, but many people have no chance to display these talents, so they are tested and wiped out by life. My university is for these people to display their talents. ."

Lin Shiyin heard a person suddenly appeared in his mind.

"By the way, I know a music genius, but her academic performance is very scum, and she only got more than 90 points in the college entrance examination."

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "Let her apply, Star University welcomes her."

Lin Shiyin immediately dialed the other party's phone: "Yueyue tells you a good news, you can continue to enter the university for further study."

Maybe even Ye Chen couldn't think of it. At this moment, the fate of countless people was changed by Ye Chen's Star University.

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