Published at 27th of April 2021 12:39:46 PM

Chapter 293: 293

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Ye Chen ran for a day and did not activate the new five-star praise.

I looked at the time and it was past eleven in the evening.

Ye Chen was about to go home, but took another order.

Driving the car, came to the gate of a community.

A woman wearing sunglasses and a mask got into the car.

As soon as the woman got into the car, Ye Chen smelled of alcohol.

I rub, if you can’t drink, don’t drink so much.

Ye Chen shook his head helplessly.

Driving the car, Ye Chen drove towards the destination.

As soon as Ye Chen's car drove away, a few middle-aged people ran out.

Where did she go?

"She said she went to the bathroom, but she ran away." A woman said anxiously.

"Damn it, I managed to give her medicine, and the cooked duck actually flew."


"Beauty, it's on the ground."

Then there was no response behind him.

Ye Chen: "..."

"Beauty, what floor is your house on?" Ye Chen continued to call the woman.

But the woman sleeps like a dead pig.

Nima, what can I do?

Ye Chen called for a long time, but the beauty did not respond.

No way, I can't sit in the car and wait for the girl to wake up.

Ye Chen had to drive to the Rose Manor.

Picking up the girl from the car, she walked into the villa.

Ye Chen put the **** the bed and let out a sigh of relief.

Ye Chen leaned on the bed because she was worried about the girl's condition.

After a busy day, Ye Chen was so tired that he fell asleep.


The second natural scream awakened Ye Chen.

Opening his eyes, I saw a girl looking at herself in horror.

She still had her arms around her neck.

I have to say that the girl's face is really beautiful.

Although the plain makeup is also 98 points.

The girl quickly broke free from Ye Chen and stared at Ye Chen angrily.

She remembered being drunk yesterday, and then she found that her body was not right, so she called a Didi special car.

After getting in the car, I feel unconscious.

Could this be Didi brother?

But how do we sleep together?

At first the beauty was very angry, but seeing Ye Chen's face instantly lost a lot of anger.

After all, if she was ruined by those middle-aged greasy uncles yesterday, she would have the heart to die.

No matter what Ye Chen said, it was worthwhile to have a fairy face.

"Beauty, it's not what you think, can you listen to me first?" Ye Chen said embarrassedly.

The beauty stared at Ye Chen with a cold light in her eyes: "Are you a Didi driver?"

Ye Chen nodded: "Yes, I pulled you home yesterday, but why did you make Ye wake up? There is no way, I can only pull you home. I was afraid that you were in a situation at night, but I was by your side. I'm asleep, but don't worry, I will be responsible for you."

After hearing Ye Chen's words, the beauty flashed coldly: "Responsible? Can your little brother Didi afford this responsibility?"

Ye Chen smiled awkwardly: "This shouldn't be a big problem."

The beauty was stunned, this guy's face is really big enough to afford it? Where can you afford it? Are you handsome?

When did Yang Xiaomi fall into the charge of a Didi brother?

Yang Xiaomi stood up and was taken aback when he saw the decoration in the house.

"This is where?"

"This is my villa." Ye Chen said with a dry smile.

Yang Xiaomi was taken aback: "How could it be possible that a little brother Didi would have such a big villa."

Ye Chen saw the doubt in Yang Xiaomi's heart and said: "Actually, I'm helping a friend to look after the house."

Ye Chen still didn't want to reveal his identity.

The beauty nodded, looked at Ye Chen and asked, "Don't you know me?"

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment: "Why should I know you? I attract so many customers every day, how can it be possible to know everyone?"

The beauty took a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, you don't know me."

"You didn't lie to me, you really don't know me?" Yang Xiaomi made sure again.

Ye Chen shook his head: "I don't know, who are you? Why should I know you?"

Yang Xiaomi confirmed that Ye Chen really didn't know her, and then let out a sigh of relief: "Well, remember that we didn't meet each other today. You can forget what happened yesterday."

"No, what happened is what happened, why don't you want to admit it? You want to run if you take advantage of me?"

Yang Xiaomi: "..."

I take advantage of you?

Why are you so talented?

Who am I, Yang Xiaomi? The emperor superstar, if you don't know me, I can bear it, so why do you say that I take advantage of you?

Yang Xiaomi resisted the desperate impulse of rushing forward and Ye Chen and said: "I won't let you be held accountable because your status and status can't bear the responsibility, and you can't be blamed for this incident. Maybe this is just a matter of time. Nie Yuan, forgot to treat you well to me."

After that, Yang Xiaomi was ready to leave.

Ye Chen said, "Well, do you want me to send you a didi?"

"No need!"

As a big star, living in a little brother Didi’s house, what if two people go out together in the morning and get photographed.

Now is the critical period of her career, and Yang Xiaomi doesn't want to make any mistakes.

Yang Xiaomi put on his shoes, limped and walked out.

Ye Chen followed out of the villa: "Why don't my car cost more than 200,000 yuan?"

Yang Xiaomi looked at Ye Chen's Jili and shook his head.

The cars she rides are all millions, two hundred thousand auspicious, she can't afford to lose that person.

"By the way, I saw a reporter enter the hotel where you came out last night." Ye Chen said suddenly.

After hearing Ye Chen's words, Yang Xiaomi's feet suddenly stagnated, and a cold light appeared in his eyes.

"I see, thank you."

Yang Xiaomi walked out of the villa and dialed a phone call.

Half an hour later, a Mercedes-Benz RV drove up and Yang Xiaomi got into the RV. Ye Chen was relieved when he watched the RV leave.

How could Ye Chen not know each other, the famous Chinese movie star Yang Xiaomi.

The reason why I didn't know each other was because I didn't want the other party to be too embarrassed.

Yang Xiaomi is also one of the most popular actresses in the Chinese entertainment industry with millions of fans.

If those fans knew, Yang Xiaomin would die miserably if he slept in the same bed with himself.

At this time, Yang Xiaomi has returned to the economic company.

"Xiaomi, what happened yesterday, where did you go all night when you didn't come back?" the agent asked with concern.

"Where have I been, who are the customers you introduced to me yesterday? What did they put in my wine?" Yang Mimi said with a gloomy face.

"I, I don't know." The agent panicked.

At this time, several police officers walked outside.

One of the policemen took out an arrest warrant: "Bai Tao, you have been arrested on suspicion of embezzling Mimi Entertainment's public funds."

"Xiaomi, how can you treat me like this?" Bai Tao's face suddenly changed.

Yang Xiaomi’s eyes were cold and said: "Do you think I don’t know what you do? I used to indulge you because of what you have paid for so many years, but yesterday you partnered with an outsider to cheat me. This makes me How to bear with you."

Bai Tao's face was pale, she thought she was doing it perfectly, but she didn't expect it to be discovered by Yang Xiaomi.

"Why did you do this?" Yang Xiaomi asked, staring at Bai Tao.

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